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unfair negative feedback

Well, once again EBAY does NOTHING to back up the seller! As a twenty-year seller (TOP-RATED PLUS) who has always been blessed with 100% feedback (I go the extra mile to keep it, believe me!), I received my first negative feedback today, which at my request EBAY did not remove, and here is my story...

I ship the item, a large book, on time and USPS tracking confirms that it was delivered today,  11/23 (Saturday)  at 3:42 p.m. IN THE MAILBOX.  Within an hour, with NO notification from the buyer, I see that I receive a negative feedback from said buyer stating that the 'item was stolen off  their front porch.' Not only did I get blindsided, I didn't even have time to send them a refund (which I did immediately thereafter) before they left the negative- but EBAY customer service or whatever it is (or isn't) would not remove the negative! What is EBAY coming too? How can an event beyond a seller's control be our fault? Did I steal the item 'off the front porch?' The buyer is probably lying anyway being a scammer, but that's not the point. The point is that this negative FB injustice is so infuriating, I don't know what to do. Its hard enough getting sales on this platform, I have to scratch and claw and use every artifice to make one measly sale, every little advantage helps, and I believe 100% feedback is a necessary tool for more sales. I personally feel more secure buying from a seller with top FB, so I assume that's the case with most buyers! I feel like just closing up my EBAY store and saying screw it, because obviously EBAY doesn't have your back and hasn't for MANY YEARS NOW!!!

Message 1 of 77
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Re: unfair negative feedback

Thats what I did, went through FB so we will wait and see... no holding my breath

Message 46 of 77
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Re: unfair negative feedback

I am sorry for you, and I am still sorely angry myself and feel extremely violated.  It would be like someone accusing you at your job of something you never did and upper management and HR wrote you up... the unfairness riles me but I have done all I can do- opened a case on eBay (denied!), went on Facebook, e-mailed the buyer, talked to Customer Service (they called me on my cell phone)- a nice woman with a thick accent who reviewed my case and said I did everything right, even asked if I refunded the buyer which I did and she was very pleased with that and said that it should expedite the feedback removal process... but I am not holding my breath, I seriously doubt any action will be taken. Basically I paid for a book and its shipping costs to be stolen from me AND GETTING BLAMED FOR IT!!!

Message 47 of 77
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Re: unfair negative feedback

Welcome to the Draconian world of eBay, where a buyer can sabotage your account right before the holidays. This also happened to me, and is one reason I sell on multiple platforms. I hate Ebay for allowing this to happen. There are bad sellers who continually rip people off by selling fake or misleading items who need to be removed but never are, and there are honest sellers who work very hard to gain trust, only to be punished because some hot head leaves negative feedback because they had a bad day. I recently received negative feedback because the buyer was not happy about how long it took Ebay (not me) to transfer his funds back into his account. I have zero control over Ebay accounting but I still received negative feedback, destroying holiday sales. I'm moving more and more items back over to Etsy where at least the criminal, hate-generated negative feedbacks are absorbed into the overall picture and a single negative feedback does not lower your score from 100% to 91%.

Message 48 of 77
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Re: unfair negative feedback

@bisbeeminerals wrote:

Welcome to the Draconian world of eBay, where a buyer can sabotage your account right before the holidays. This also happened to me, and is one reason I sell on multiple platforms. I hate Ebay for allowing this to happen. There are bad sellers who continually rip people off by selling fake or misleading items who need to be removed but never are, and there are honest sellers who work very hard to gain trust, only to be punished because some hot head leaves negative feedback because they had a bad day. I recently received negative feedback because the buyer was not happy about how long it took Ebay (not me) to transfer his funds back into his account. I have zero control over Ebay accounting but I still received negative feedback, destroying holiday sales. I'm moving more and more items back over to Etsy where at least the criminal, hate-generated negative feedbacks are absorbed into the overall picture and a single negative feedback does not lower your score from 100% to 91%.


That is such an HUGE overstatement about how much of an impact the negative feedback you received has on your account.  Now your response isn't likely to help matters however.  Trying to make this the problem of the buyer is NEVER a good idea.  It makes you as a seller look bad in the eyes of potential buyers that may review your feedback page.  A polite and professional response is the ONLY way sellers should respond.  It is not the place for your personal feelings.


"I recently received negative feedback because the buyer was not happy about how long it took Ebay (not me) to transfer his funds back into his account."  This is NOT the reason you got the negative.  It is what you are hanging on to as the reason but the actual reason is different and it is NOT Ebay's fault, it is yours.  You need to understand that an own it.  


This buyer is upset because you had to cancel the transaction because you could not locate the product.  Not only that it took you 3 days to do that.  You should have been able to do that on day 1 and issued an apology to the buyer as well as it was your fault you were either OOS or simply couldn't find the item.   This is hugely disappointing to a buyer.  It is a little easier on them to know about the issue right away, but you took 3 days to even notify them.  That is likely a huge reason for how the buyer responded.


When you filed your Cancellation of the transaction, did you select the correct reason, that you were out of stock?  If not what reason did you select?


What is likely lowering you in the search returns is your 6 day handling time.  For sellers with a 5+ day handling time, Ebay lowers them in the search returns, allowing sellers with shorter handling times to place higher.


mam98031  â€¢  Volunteer Community Member  â€¢  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 49 of 77
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Re: unfair negative feedback

Thanks so much Mr. know it all. If you would read the complete post, you would see that the buyer understood and accepted that the item could not be found. He allowed me extra time to look. In addition I have a 3-day handling time. Our conversations were friendly. His problem was with eBay's refund process not me.

Message 50 of 77
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Re: unfair negative feedback

@bisbeeminerals wrote:

Thanks so much Mr. know it all. If you would read the complete post, you would see that the buyer understood and accepted that the item could not be found. He allowed me extra time to look. In addition I have a 3-day handling time. Our conversations were friendly. His problem was with eBay's refund process not me.

Not a Mr. and not a "know it all".  I get it that because I didn't agree with your point of view that the reaction is to push back on what I said.  But that doesn't change anything.  I provided you with correct information.  It is up to you to use it or disregard it.


And NO I did not see that the buyer understood and was fine with the fact that you couldn't find their product.  There first statement in the feedback was saying you couldn't find it after 3 days.  I read it differently than you do.  You seem to think that means they were fine with it.  I do not.  As I stated before, 3 days is really excessive and only increases upsetting the buyer.


Yes, they were looking for their refund in their account.  You could have simply explained this to the buyer instead of blaming Ebay.  Refunds are not instant, even though some buyers think they are.  Ebay refunds back to whatever funding source the buyer used to purchase the item.  The process can take a few days.  The buyer should have received an email from Ebay notifying them that the refund was on it's way.  But instead your choice was to blame Ebay and not just tell them how it works.  All that did was make the buyer even more upset.


You didn't do yourself any favors in how you handled this transaction.


Sorry, on the listings of yours I looked at, they have 6 day handling times.  FYI your handling time does not mean if you have an inventory problem you can take that time to try and locate it.  That is not what the handling time is for.

mam98031  â€¢  Volunteer Community Member  â€¢  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 51 of 77
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Re: unfair negative feedback

You people are as dense as a ton of bricks. Do you actually read the comments? The buyer had issues with eBay after the refund, not with me. He got mad because THEY took too much time processing his refund after I issued it immediately when the item could not ship. I EVEN OFFERED HIM A FREE ITEM. HE THEN TOOK IT OUT ON ME AND EBAY AND CHANGED HIS TUNE. I DID NOT KNOW OF ANY OF THIS UNTIL I SAW THE NEGATIVE FEEDBACK. SELLERS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH EBAY ACCOUNTING. YOU ARE MISSING THE POINT. I do not know why his funds had trouble being put back into his account. Why is everyone here so nasty and negative towards sellers here? I'm done responding and ready to close my shop after this beating.

Message 52 of 77
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Re: unfair negative feedback

eBay does zero to protect sellers from false or undeserved negative feedback. They could do so many things to protect buyers, but they simply don't care. Calling them is worthless, because they don't run businesses and understand how hard we work to keep everyone happy to have one jerk ruin years of work. I am so glad I have moved over 600 items from eBay to other selling platforms.

Message 53 of 77
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Re: unfair negative feedback

Good luck getting eBay to back sellers.  I had a hard drive a customer bought that was new and in factory package.  The buyer had it for a couple of weeks and then sent me a message saying he tested it and it was at "end of life" and demanded a refund or he would leave negative feedback.  My listing clearly states I have a 30 day refund policy but buyer pays return shipping.  He got angry that he would have to pay shipping to return it so he went ahead and left negative feedback and said getting his almost $40 back wasn't worth the $7 he would have to spend in shipping so therefore he scrapped the hard drive.  I informed him I couldn't refund anything until I received it back.  Now, even if I did want to reimburse him for return shipping I can't.  It made me suspicious right off the bat that he threatened me with negative feedback if I didn't give him what he wanted.  I've sold lots of these new hard drives and non has ever been faulty.  I tried to appeal the issue with eBay but they sided with the buyer.  I let ebay know that without us sellers, they'd have no buyers and that we're paying their salary.  I doubt they give a **bleep**.  I just wish there was somewhere else similar to ebay to sell.  Mercari is out there but their shipping service is almost double what I can get off ebay.  Don't like someone holding me by the short hairs!!

Message 54 of 77
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Re: unfair negative feedback

Earlier in the year when we had some changes done to feedback removal by Ebay that were hurting sellers.  I fought along side some other good members to get things changed.  We were successful and we did have changes made to the removal policy of feedback.


The policy has been updated and allows more reasons that a feedback can be removed.  And we gained back the ability to appeal feedback removal if the automated version of removal is denied.  


Sellers need to understand that their personal opinions are important but do not have any relevance to this process.  If the feedback you want removed does not meet any of the removable reasons in the policy, it is unlikely the feedback will be removed.  Just because a seller wants a negative removed does not mean it automatically qualifies.


If you firmly believe your negative feedback needs to be remove.  Do a little homework.  Find the policy that states what the buyer said in the feedback breaches one of the rules.  When you appeal the removal of the feedback, quote the policy.  


You have to go by the words the buyer actually says in the posted feedback, not your interpretation of them, but exactly what the buyer has stated.  


Also remember there is a time limit on getting feedback removed.  You have to take action in a reasonable amount of time.  Usually within 30 days of receiving the feedback, but I think they will go up to 60 days.

mam98031  â€¢  Volunteer Community Member  â€¢  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 55 of 77
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Re: unfair negative feedback

"Earlier in the year when we had some changes done to feedback removal by Ebay that were hurting sellers. I fought along side some other good members to get things changed. We were successful and we did have changes made to the removal policy of feedback."


Can you kindly explain in precise terms what was changed? I have seen nothing. The biggest issues continue to be errors on the part of eBay, e.g., the buyer did not have funds transferred from eBay back to their account in a "timely manner," which is no fault of the seller.


The entire negative feedback system needs a modern overhaul. I've recently started duplicating items over to other selling platforms to circumvent inappropriate feedback. The inability for eBay to benefit from my sales is a pleasant and relaxing feeling, like a cool spring morning.


How can this be fixed for sellers:


1: eBay needs to require and confirm that the buyer has communicated and asked for a resolution from the seller. Buyers SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO LEAVE NEGATIVE FEEDBACK UNLESS THERE HAS BEEN COMMUNICATION. The majority of problems could be resolved this way -- generally with a refund. Some buyers are chronic negative feedback posters who will never be pleased, like the buyer who does not read the description of an item and is mad when it's smaller than expected. Or the buyer who has a shi__y monitor and complains it's the wrong color. No one deserves negative feedback for that, but eBay will never remove such complaints.


2: Grace removals. Top rated sellers with a long history of providing excellent service with top reviews should have a couple of grace removals a year when the negative feedback is lame, like in the aforementioned examples. Excellent sellers do not usually decide one day to screw someone over on purpose.


3: Change to neutral feedback. eBay should be able to move a negative feedback to a neutral feedback for those cases which are borderline. A neutral would not count as a feedback ranking deduction, but buyers could still read the comments from the buyer and seller if they wanted.


Of course eBay will never do any of these logical and fair things because their corporate strategy is to force sellers to live under the constant fear of negative feedback.

Message 56 of 77
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Re: unfair negative feedback

You aren't seeing any change because your negative feedback does not break ANY of the rules in which to get it removed.  I realize you don't agree, but it is the truth.


You are welcome to look at the policy for yourself and find where it breaches the rules.  If you can prove that to Ebay, maybe they will remove it.


mam98031  â€¢  Volunteer Community Member  â€¢  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 57 of 77
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Re: unfair negative feedback

Once more, if a buyer is mad with eBay because eBay did not solve their funds transfers, it's eBay's fault, not the seller. All the seller can do is issue a refund, then it's up to eBay. A lot of buyers think the sellers handle the entire banking process which is not true.

Message 58 of 77
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Re: unfair negative feedback

I understand you don't like what I've said trying to explain why the feedback you got isn't removable.  I get it.  It is frustrating that Ebay doesn't see it the way you do.  


"All the seller can do is issue a refund..."  I also disagree with this part of your post.  When your buyer expressed concern in a message that they had not received their refund, as I stated in an earlier post, you could have taken a moment to explain the process to them instead of just ignoring their concern.  If you had done that, the buyer would have likely understood why they didn't see the refund instantly.


Yes, I agree that buyers often don't understand how their money gets processed.  However the sellers should.  And you could have explained it nicely to them, but you chose not to do that, which added to your buyer's frustration with this transaction.


Your response is inaccurate too.  Cancelling and refunding the buyer because you were OOS does NOT have a 3 day window to do so.  You said "I issued a full refund within the required time".

mam98031  â€¢  Volunteer Community Member  â€¢  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 59 of 77
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Re: unfair negative feedback

After 25 years of this crap on eBay, I just sent a request to close my store. I'll need some time to copy and transfer items over to Etsy, but enough is enough. Who wants to run a business with the constant threat of being bullied by a company that does not give a sh-t about the people who are making them money. I will lose my main revenue, but I'll have the satisfaction of knowing they will never get another cent from me. I do want to apologize to those people here who I offended with my curt responses. This is not an easy decision, and it's quite emotional, but sometimes you have to sacrifice for what is right.


Thanks again everyone and have a good holiday,



Message 60 of 77
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