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the fees are just too much to overcome

i really really researched the benefits of getting a basic ebay store to lower you FVF's. after a ton of reading, I call for some verification. i say 'so right now you charge 12.39% and if you get this basic store you pay a monthly fee, but the FVF's are 10%? am i reading that correct? she says 'no you pay 11.5%' well what the heck is even the point of that? i sell items in the 18-20 dollar range. i'm lucky to clear 2 bucks. it's awful. FVF, insertion fee, etc...and the way i examine some of my sales it appears than a lot more than 12.39% comes out. i'm begging for a better site with a lot of traffic. seller are going away in droves and i'm with them. just need to figure out where because this is a joke. they hosed paypal, no ebay is your bank, giving you your money whenever they choose to. i never had that problem with paypal, i'd make a sale and buy something else the same night. can't do that anymore without waiting days and you never know what they'll send you. i have a bank. i don't need to. it's bad enough i had to get a debit card just to use ebay. enough is enough. bye ebay. someone will get it right. you're not invincible. 

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Re: the fees are just too much to overcome

I agree with the judgement against sellers trying to help; I've been here a long time too and you're right: people always are searching for confirmation bias to fit their specific needs and it has happened anytime eBay has made changes. I don't think any seller want others to fail but there certainly are a lot of them bothered enough by one of these threads to pile on the OP. I think you'll agree that that's not business or professional and it's silly to even click on a thread like this if a user's goal is to only offer criticism because they're sick of hearing someone vent their frustrations. That's all. I 100% concur with everything else you said. 

Message 16 of 22
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Re: the fees are just too much to overcome

Less than a fraction of a percent of sellers ever post to these boards, so their planned departure gives no clue to the actual number leaving. Sellers on the River get paid twice a month, unless you were grandfathered in, and they thrive despite this. There are businesses that operate on 30 or 60 days Net and still manage to do just fine. How does my "Non Constructive" criticism cause sellers to leave? EBay announced this change almost two years ago and those who make an effort to keep up with the changes on their selling venue will be fine, those that don't...

"Those who enter the arena unarmed or unprepared are quickly dispatched."
Message 17 of 22
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Re: the fees are just too much to overcome

Responding to posts requires that one be truthful in that response and not bend to spare someone's feeling. If someone posts inaccuracies then they need to be called out. New and potential sellers come here and believe these inaccuracies and lose faith in the process. Yes selling is hard and yes one needs to put forth a lot of effort to be successful, and there is a lot to learn. This not a "Therapy" forum, this is a place where I hope that people can learn to be better sellers.

"Those who enter the arena unarmed or unprepared are quickly dispatched."
Message 18 of 22
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Re: the fees are just too much to overcome

@hpenryessentials wrote:

I don't think any seller want others to fail but there certainly are a lot of them bothered enough by one of these threads to pile on the OP. I think you'll agree that that's not business or professional and it's silly to even click on a thread like this if a user's goal is to only offer criticism because they're sick of hearing someone vent their frustrations. That's all. I 100% concur with everything else you said. 

It's a pretty big assumption to make to assume that that's why people are clicking into threads. Personally, I clicked in because I know that there ARE some categories in which the fees have jumped fairly significantly in MP, which is a legitimate issue for sellers in those categories. I would have been 100% sympathetic if that had been the case.


But, as I sell many items in the same price range as the OP and have not had any significant impact to my own profits in the switch to MP, I felt it important to point out that the issue here isn't the fees themselves, because it's not. The problem is trying to operate with far too small a profit margin, which will be a problem no matter where the OP chooses to sell.

Message 19 of 22
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Re: the fees are just too much to overcome

And how did you "help" with anything you said? 😂 Useless.

Message 20 of 22
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Re: the fees are just too much to overcome

You said it all, every time I have an issue and bring it here I wish I had kept my  issue in the closet,  if the reply's had constructive criticism it certainly would help but many issues need all the parts to give good advise and many here are blowing smoke B-4 they know what the real issue is. JIRK, THAT'S BEING NICE!

Message 21 of 22
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Re: the fees are just too much to overcome

thank you

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