06-24-2017 06:30 AM
The "See full item description" button is one of the worst ideas eBay has ever implemented. I am a top rated seller and have been ever since the program was introduced. Part of what makes me a top rated seller is my big, beautiful pictures and my complete descriptions of what is included and what the condition of the item is. Now all of that is hidden and prospective buyers need to click another button to see the full description. I would be willing to bet that that button does not get clicked by over half the people that view the listing and that most of those that do not click it either do not see it or have no idea what it is for. I would also not be at all surprised if eBay sees a sharp increase in the number of item not as received cases because you are hiding the seller’s description of that item from prospective buyers. Let’s just put it in terms that management should be paying attention to: more item not as described cases means more man hours devoted to resolving these cases which in turn leads to more labor cost for eBay. Further, an increased number of item not as received cases leads to an increased number of buyers who had a bad experience on eBay and are therefore less likely to return to eBay. Less traffic leads to fewer bids which leads to lower final sales prices which leads to lower revenue for eBay from final value fees. So by hiding seller’s descriptions of the item they are selling from prospective buyers eBay is effectively raising the company's overall operating cost while lowering overall revenue.
Sellers please take a few minutes to let eBay know that you think this is a really bad idea and that it should be done away with. To by-pass all the misleading "Contact Us" links and send your message to someone who will actually read it please copy and paste the following into your browser's address window:
06-27-2017 11:42 AM
This is ridiculous! I spend a lot of time giving buyers information regarding the item description (Clean with NO ODORS, or Previous Owner was Smoker), when I expect payment, non-payment claims, ETC. It's bad enough we have buyers that skim what we take all this time to type, but now expecting them to press another button for it???? Please!! Stop the madness and eBay, please appreciate the hard work we SELLERS do on each and every listing from which YOU profit!
06-27-2017 12:05 PM
I have been selling on ebay for 17 years and this new "see full description" button might just be the worst thing ebay has ever implemented. It is completely buyer and seller unfriendly. Studies have shown that the more time / and or steps a computer user has to engage in, the more likely they are to bail and abandon the page. Seriously a worthless idea.
06-27-2017 07:07 PM
I couldn't agree more - Horrible idea! I want my descriptions right up front - where everyone can see them without having to click on a button!
06-27-2017 09:28 PM
@bills903 wrote:One of the worst ideas ever. Not only does it send you to another page that page doesn't have any of the original information!
OH MY GOODNESS!!! I can't believe what eBay has done!! In one of my listings they put 2 sentences up for people to read. One sentence is about measurements for a ring in the listing and the very next sentence describes the measurements but it's for the bracelet that I'm listing along with the ring but no mention of it being a bracelet. It doesn't even make sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I already clicked the Tell Us What You Think button and gave eBay a piece of my mind.
This is horrible!! I wonder how many people aren't going to bother to read the entire description, buy the merchandise and then return it because they didn't know what they were buying?!!!? And then eBay is going to side with the buyer??
The very first time I have a problem because of what eBay has done, will most likely be the last time for me.
06-27-2017 09:30 PM
@Anonymous wrote:We could even take it one step further and say that they are breaking an agreement with the sellers by changing the description of a item. eBay instructs us to give a complete and full description of a item or customers can request refunds if it does not match, but the short description above the Full Description button has been clipped and mangled from radom sections of our description and there is no way it would match your product. If a customer says the item does not match the description eBay rearranged and retyped then they are responsible for the refund not the seller.
@Anonymous, exactly!!! I hope Trinton or someone else at eBay reads this thread and takes immediate action to resolve this monster that eBay has allowed to take over our listings and hide things!!!
06-27-2017 09:34 PM
@rottgrub wrote:
I have to agree that this will have a chilling effect on my listing sales. If I can't be certain buyers are seeing critical details of a used item, it just sets me up as a seller to have requests for item returns, disputes, and unhappy customers.
All for a click through button that in no way improves the clarity of listings.
@rottgrub, exactly! I was going to list something tomorrow but now I have to rethink those first 2 sentences and most likely say something like --- PLEASE CLICK THE "SEE FULL ITEM DESCRIPTION" BEFORE BIDDING ON THIS ITEM.
06-27-2017 09:37 PM
@readabouthorses wrote:
@lloydsteventaylor wrote:when do you see this button i cant find it
If you don't see it then you have not been included in the "test" eBay is running.
I was able to escape from it by deleting all the eBay cookies in the Firefox Options section. I did not clear my cache and all the cookies ... just anything related to eBay.
So far so good ... I am now seeing descriptions as they are meant to be viewed.
@readabouthorses, oh my goodness!! I cleared my Temp Internet Files yesterday for the first time in a month or so in Google Chrome and NOW I am seeing this button that I did not see BEFORE yesterday!!!
06-28-2017 01:26 AM
I just checked the listing on an item I already have a bid on -- that I created from my TEMPLATE that I have been using for a LONG TIME!! and clicked on that stupid button to read the description and where it says: Country/Region of Manufacture eBay has put: Afghanistan!!!
I have NEVER listed an item from Afghanistan!!
I do NOT have Afghanistan in my template. I did not enter Afghanistan myself!!
Oh my goodness ... this is not going to work.
06-28-2017 02:15 AM
indeed a nightmare on the buying- and selling side.
06-28-2017 11:56 AM
it doesnt mean that eBay should do the same
as a buyer and Im angry with tons of new tabs
can imagine how damages the sellers
we must to get an option to use/not to use that feature at least
06-28-2017 12:52 PM
I deleted my browsing history and cookies on Google Chrome. It worked instantly, and I went of with business as usual.
06-28-2017 07:25 PM
This is a terrible change! Since this change was made, have documented a decline in my gross sales, a seriour increase in returns, and a huge increase in buyers emailing me to ask questions that are clearly adressed in my description. How many MORE buyers are out there who just move on because they think I didn't have a description at all?
The problem is that buyers are not bothering to click on the "Read full description" button. They either don't see it, or are just buying based off of the few pictures at the top of the listing. It was bad enough that they were doing this on mobile viewing, but to do it on the desktop version as well is criminal.
Extremely frustrating. I hope eBay changes this back to the way it was.
06-28-2017 08:16 PM - edited 06-28-2017 08:17 PM
Good for you - we need to get your comment & fix up to the top page so everyone else can see it
I tried it and am back to normal - Thank you so much - God Willing this can be a permanent fix
Someone (s) is asleep in the tech department if this has been going on for a while
I called Ebay and told the rep who turned out to be in Buying instead of Tech.... that this was a disaster
No one knows whats going on - seems like a ship without a captain and rudder !
06-29-2017 02:59 AM
I have to agree this is not a good idea. I have been watching this "we will remove" issue for months now. I don't recall, at any point, them stating they would disregard our complete description. Hope the buyers get it and don't start filing complaints for "not as described".
RE: "other sites" are not Ebay.
Just Plain Nic
06-29-2017 03:43 AM
@plumtree.ltd wrote:The "See full item description" button is one of the worst ideas eBay has ever implemented. I am a top rated seller and have been ever since the program was introduced. Part of what makes me a top rated seller is my big, beautiful pictures and my complete descriptions of what is included and what the condition of the item is. Now all of that is hidden and prospective buyers need to click another button to see the full description. I would be willing to bet that that button does not get clicked by over half the people that view the listing and that most of those that do not click it either do not see it or have no idea what it is for. I would also not be at all surprised if eBay sees a sharp increase in the number of item not as received cases because you are hiding the seller’s description of that item from prospective buyers. Let’s just put it in terms that management should be paying attention to: more item not as described cases means more man hours devoted to resolving these cases which in turn leads to more labor cost for eBay. Further, an increased number of item not as received cases leads to an increased number of buyers who had a bad experience on eBay and are therefore less likely to return to eBay. Less traffic leads to fewer bids which leads to lower final sales prices which leads to lower revenue for eBay from final value fees. So by hiding seller’s descriptions of the item they are selling from prospective buyers eBay is effectively raising the company's overall operating cost while lowering overall revenue.
Sellers please take a few minutes to let eBay know that you think this is a really bad idea and that it should be done away with. To by-pass all the misleading "Contact Us" links and send your message to someone who will actually read it please copy and paste the following into your browser's address window:
Please explain how can eBay hold sellers responsible for the content of their listings when the right to control that content is tampered with, unauthorized, unable to be edited, unwanted interference and just a downright problem?
eBay failed to give any notice that this change was being effected - so sellers were not only lied to, but caught off guard and blindsided, again. We were advised to remove links and active content and were given the opportunity to fix the issues and preview what our listings would look like. This fix involved hours of tedious editing html in hundreds of listings (one by one since it was not a tool usable in the bulk editor, and when we did get a 'fix it for me' tool - it also was not active in the editor!). But, most of us rearranged our life and got the job done or almost done. Using the 'see what it looks like' view, we were ok with the results of our labors. THIS PREVIEW DID NOT FORETELL OF SPOILERS BEING FORCED INTO OUR LISTINGS!!
I understand this action probably saves eBay bandwidth or serves some other economic benefit to the company - BUT THIS DISRESPECT OF OUR HARD WORK IS NOT WHAT WE PAY FOR. At the very least, you could allow us to edit the lead lines rather than have your robots pulling random words from the listing and turning them into gibberish which does open the way for SNAD cases to be opened, and undoubtedly held against us when we had nothing to do with it.
eBay, you folks have done some hair-brained, deceptive and very questionable things in the past - many of which you've regretted after ignoring our warnings and attempted to mend your ways - even if only slightly and without acknowledging we were right. So, please, I beseech you, reconsider this fiasco you are forcing down our throats, before too much damage is done - as this scheme rates among the top blunders in eBay's history.