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"See full item description" Button

The "See full item description" button is one of the worst ideas eBay has ever implemented. I am a top rated seller and have been ever since the program was introduced. Part of what makes me a top rated seller is my big, beautiful pictures and my complete descriptions of what is included and what the condition of the item is. Now all of that is hidden and prospective buyers need to click another button to see the full description. I would be willing to bet that that button does not get clicked by over half the people that view the listing and that most of those that do not click it either do not see it or have no idea what it is for. I would also not be at all surprised if eBay sees a sharp increase in the number of item not as received cases because you are hiding the seller’s description of that item from prospective buyers. Let’s just put it in terms that management should be paying attention to: more item not as described cases means more man hours devoted to resolving these cases which in turn leads to more labor cost for eBay. Further, an increased number of item not as received cases leads to an increased number of buyers who had a bad experience on eBay and are therefore less likely to return to eBay. Less traffic leads to fewer bids which leads to lower final sales prices which leads to lower revenue for eBay from final value fees. So by hiding seller’s descriptions of the item they are selling from prospective buyers eBay is effectively raising the company's overall operating cost while lowering overall revenue.


Sellers please take a few minutes to let eBay know that you think this is a really bad idea and that it should be done away with. To by-pass all the misleading "Contact Us" links and send your message to someone who will actually read it please copy and paste the following into your browser's address window: us

Message 1 of 195
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194 REPLIES 194

Re: "See full item description" Button

And they don't have a 'tell us why it stinks' link on the page.


Gee - I wonder why ............


"Nothing is obvious to the oblivious"
Message 166 of 195
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Re: "See full item description" Button

Now THAT'S funny!
Message 167 of 195
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Re: "See full item description" Button

Now that sounds like a controversial button link...
Message 168 of 195
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Re: "See full item description" Button

@cadexample wrote:
Now that sounds like a controversial button link...

Well, it's really 'tell us what you think', but more often than not it really equates to my version.


"Nothing is obvious to the oblivious"
Message 169 of 195
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Re: "See full item description" Button

@cadexample wrote:
SNAD Another acronym I don't know. Can you let me know so I can relate to your post?

I think it could hide information from the buyer until the item arrives and then he finds a scratch and opens up a SNAD claim (significantly not as described).


"But I mentioned the scratch."


"I never saw anything about a scratch when I read the listing."


"Did you click on the 'read the whole listing' button?"


"What's that?"


It's like the Vogons alerting mankind that Earth would be demolished in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Message 170 of 195
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Re: "See full item description" Button

It's not a good thing, and both buyers and sellers agree on this. If both sides agree in majority, eBay should remove it immediately, as it is not making anybody's experience on eBay a pleasant one. it is making it more frustrating, and people are abondoning the listings, perhaps the site, altogether.

And it really irks me that the description shown on mobile BEFORE the "see description" button is clicked (if ever), is NOT MY DESCRIPTION, and it is rarely correct. I do not know where eBay is pulling the item description from, but it needs to stop NOW. People think they've looked at one description but they're buying from a completely different listing description, and they're getting upset and filing SNADS because they THOUGHT the description was someting else, that eBay stuck in there for who knows what reason.

eBay mods, please pass this thread on to the decision makers. This feature is doing nobody any good.

Message 171 of 195
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Re: "See full item description" Button

Thank you. This is getting worse by the minute involving people's time, integrity and trust! Does any one who uses the posts ever reply to the Pop up Screen that says Ebay wants to hear your opinion? I did it once. Why is there no community member going there to "voice his/her frustrations and wanting Full Button Disclosure Button aborted? Some buyers, like me for a while had no clue what this "controversial" button was or how it looked.
Message 172 of 195
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Re: "See full item description" Button

Thanks.  I like the word you used my "crusade".  Time is money as they say.  I KNOW U use yours efficiently.  Glad to see all your revised item descriptions to adjust with this absurd button.  Having no control over your own item descriptions is too much! 

Perhaps one day when you turn on your computer you'll see the "controversial" button gone again.  Hopfully because of my and other community efforts.  Hope you have a good day.     cd

Message 173 of 195
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Re: "See full item description" Button

Why do you assume we are not putting this in our suggestions to eBay?
Message 174 of 195
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Re: "See full item description" Button

I don't mean that. My question is: Do you reply to pop up that comes up from EBay to answer a survey by EBay what you were talking about, was it successfully answered, and any way to improve using community. I have not seen any posts from members who say they are using that pop up from EBay to listen to some of topics presented>
I've seen posts that say they call CS with no answers to what they want explained.

Sorry, if there is a mixup. Maybe next I see the pop up survey I'll say yes to it. I think you answer it after you've finished on community. I'm not sure. Only used it recently once.
Have you ever?
Message 175 of 195
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Re: "See full item description" Button

🙂 I knew that.... I liked your s--- link... I was just saying same thing using controversial instead........ Your word was more direct. Made me laugh. Right on!
Message 176 of 195
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Re: "See full item description" Button

All with this Full item disclosure being "hidden" sort of - some see it some don't; everybody "play"
What movie or series are Vogon's in? Maybe I'd further understand "hidden" message/humor in that... Sorry, I'm clueless again.
Message 177 of 195
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Re: "See full item description" Button

This is an even worse implementation than last time!  And that's saying something, because last time was awful.  No wonder buyers have been asking so many ignorant questions - it's because they never saw the actual item description!  We have worked very hard, since teh dawn of eBay, to build complete and detailed item descriptions.  This nonsense may work for comodity items, but we sell technical products that require technical descriptions.  Without a desciption, it's just a bunch of blank white space with uninteresting and mostly irrelevant text tha tis poorly laid out.  It is frustrating in the extreme to have poured so much time into the descriptions, only to have them arbitrarily hidden by eBay.  What ever happend to "eBay is only a venue"?

Message 178 of 195
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Re: "See full item description" Button

How can we resolve this as a group of selllers and buyers?  About 3 weeks ago, Ebay stopped this Full Item Description Button!  Then brought it back...

I know when I go onto community, often a window pops up from EBay saying they'd like you to answer a survey question about how satisfied you are with your issue using community to get it resolved. 

Seems this would be a great way to let EBay know your thoughts about this Full Description Button thing.  Plenty of room to tell EBay your thoughts and dissatisfaction on it.  And to ask them to return to original longer descriptions....

I like that idea A LOT



Message 179 of 195
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Re: "See full item description" Button

For me still same, some time is show sometime not, buyers didn't read description and send me messagess about description every time. Is it any way to contact to ebay for fix this bug?


Message 180 of 195
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