07-09-2020 05:10 AM
07-09-2020 06:06 AM
You need to know your costs......i.e. the fees..........BEFORE you go into business........to see if you will make any money with the item at the price at which it would sell.........
07-09-2020 06:25 AM
I only sell items I can make money on after the fees. I don't choose any unnecessary extras. Fees here are not overly high compared to other ways of selling items. In a brick and mortar store, the average profit on an item is at or under 10%.
07-09-2020 07:05 AM
@gger5958 wrote:Anybody else getting fee`d out of business?
My total fees associated with eBay are certainly increasing. PayPal does not return fees for a refund, which I consider to be an indirect fee increase. And I pay fees on sales tax, which I also consider to be an indirect fee increase.
When the Supreme Court permitted sales tax on interstate internet sales, that put downward pressure on prices because it raised to total cost to the buyer. For a discretionary item, every dollar a buyer spends on sales is a dollar they are not willing to pay me in item price.
And as the cost of shipping keeps rising that also increases fees and puts more downward pressure on prices and thus on profits.
But all of the above being said ...
While fees and costs have increased and profits have shrunk, I am nowhere near going "out of business". In fact, sales this year are up about 50% over last year and I am making more money than last year.
07-09-2020 08:00 AM
No, not I.
You make your money when you purchase the item for resale. Unless I can purchase the item(s) cheap enough in order to sell them "sometime" in the future, I don't make the purchase. The items I sell are "wants" and not "needs" so I need the right buyer to come along.
07-09-2020 08:35 AM
My buyers pay all my fees.