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ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.

ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent. Ebay is getting greedy.   and of course Etsy will follow suit.     Guess the ol post on FB is an alternative.   You know I wouldn't object so much if EBAY went back to payment going instantly to paypal.   NO they make you wait or if you want immediate payment, guess what.    YOU GOTTA PAY FOR IT.

Message 1 of 56
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Re: ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.



@johnrj1226 wrote:

Those were few an  far between and a selected group received them  Most were less than 34 digits all were time limited - some were auction only other fixed price and  other both a limited time period like 7 to 10 days.

That  10%  for a TRS seller was 10% of  the eBay selling fees  a seller paid in at then end of the month   =   not a major make a significant  difference unless one sold  big  buck stuff.

Looks like stuff is  still selling on eBay

- this info make for a clearer picture. 


Hint & Suggestion -  You have 880 items listed -  After paging  20 pages or so  it seems you have 100%  of them as auctions with  very few bid  none with multiple bids.    Think I would strongly consider changed to fixed price -  I for one pass on bids when I'm shopping - I ain't got the time to  play the bidding game especially if I am int the eastern time zone on the seller is out west anywhere else -  tried auction listing = close to  zero   sales - no bid run ups

I was remembering free listing promotions all the time. Yes they were timed but I recall them be as high as tens of thousands. Think this was before the push for different levels of stores. Maybe Im wrong.


I was paying $800-1000 a month in fees for a while. It was nice. Then next day shipping, 90% tracking turned to 95%, defects, etc, and the final nail in the coffin was the free shipping, which at the time I was selling mostly bigger stuff and it wasnt practical being on the east coast with price differences in shipping zones. I dont ever recall a fee increase that wasnt accompanied by requirements to jump through more hoops. It was always requirement to do more, while fees increased.


Only 10% of my listings are currently auctions. I usually run every new listing through an auction, only once, at the price I want, (before banishing to the land of viewless BINs) because of what you experienced also happens in search results, the listings are more likely to be seen. An item in a 7 day auction will get more visibility than at 7 days in BIN at the same price. Most of my items currently listed arent high demand and wont generate many views. Run ups arent expected. I try to list just below the cheapest comps, and feel the cheapest price is more likely to get a bid and out weigh the unavailability of BIN. Plus I also do alot of items where there isn't another one listed, like original and identified photos, small run local advertising, etc; so it's not like a buyer can pass it up to go buy it elsewhere quicker. I get your point, when I am looking for something I want it as soon as possible, put when I am being cheap I will wait for a deal. Way back in the day I started everything as 99 cents in an auction, and the wins would greatly out the rare losses. Those days are long gone as eBay has gone out of there way to kill auctions.  Although I still occasionally see some doing it with success from having a high following. Can't do it with what I sell, but occasionally I will do it with some higher demand items.

Message 46 of 56
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Re: ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.

And your point is ??  i.e. how does that related to eBay and their fees?

"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
"The Devil made me do it!" - Flip Wilson
"If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too!" J.R. Johnson
Message 47 of 56
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Re: ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.

The point is that anytime we do a job that’s using a company’s technology to promote our products or services, when the website belongs to someone else and not ourselves, we are going to have fees in some way.  And there are definitely top companies with far higher fees than eBay.  For what we get from eBay, the fees seem to be very reasonable.

GloryBells  • 
eBay Mentor Since 2008

Message 48 of 56
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Re: ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.



"they were timed but I recall them be as high as tens of thousands. Think this was before the push for different levels of stores."  We have had different store levels for decades.  With the most recent addition, the Starter Store a few years back.  Ebay stopped the huge free listing promotions when the restructured the Store benefits for Basic and above to allow for a large amount [10,000 or more] of free listings in certain categories.


" I dont ever recall a fee increase that wasnt accompanied by requirements to jump through more hoops. It was always requirement to do more, while fees increased."  Yours and my memory is different as I don't remember this being a problem.  What was the "requirement to jump through more hoops" for the increase we had recently?  Maybe that would help jog my memory.


Free shipping has NEVER been a Requirement.  It works well in some categories and not so much in others.  Each seller needs to figure out which method works best for them and the items they sell.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 49 of 56
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Re: ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.

Why was a thread started about the fee that has been the same since 2011??


(as far back as I've been selling-10% plus the Paypal fee of 2.9% so basically still the same?) 

Message 50 of 56
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Re: ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.

I think you are "amazed" because you misinterpreted things. Again.


Read what you Quote posted. How did we time travel from "2014" to "2025"? And thank goodness for those suckers who actually want sell things and pay for promoted listings which keeps those fee increases so small and infrequent. 



Aren't you so passionate about said myth because you deal with a high volume of people who believe it or just don't care? You don't think the $600 will drive away a lot of the 'garage sellers'?


"/s" means sarcasm, I have been exaggerating my use of our lord Ebay's name in vain. 

Message 51 of 56
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Re: ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.

@stainlessenginecovers wrote:

Why was a thread started about the fee that has been the same since 2011??


(as far back as I've been selling-10% plus the Paypal fee of 2.9% so basically still the same?) 

You have your years confused.  2011 was the year we started having FVFs on Shipping paid by the buyer.


The 13.25% FVF has been with us since August of 2020 for those in Managed Payments in most categories.  As sellers entered MP they too experienced 13.25% in most categories.  The OP apparently hasn't really kept track of this subject for awhile and just noticed they are paying this rate, however they haven't seemed to notice that this is not a correct rate for their category anymore.  It is now 13.6%.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 52 of 56
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Re: ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.

@mam98031 wrote:


Free shipping has NEVER been a Requirement.  It works well in some categories and not so much in others.  

Yep, not free shipping. It was the even worse, free returns requirement. Thanks for correcting/reminding me.


Are you saying there are no hoops simply because ebay doesn't say are doing it in updates? I keep talking about years ago and you keep wanting to make it about this years recent increase....i  try to ignore it as much as possible nowadays. You can't think of any recent changes ? Not sure of the exact timing but off the top of my head there's been a lot of hoops recently. And a lot of things that should be fixed that arent, and a lot "improvements" and new tools touted with fee increases.  Maybe promoted **bleep** (the letters b and s, lol)  being added to Auctions? The changes to how auctions appear in seller hub/active listings to 'make things better' (reverted for now)? The asinine change to the search engine? You can pay $2 to get your money like the old days? Glitch after Glitch?


Maybe you sell diff category/new stuff and are affected less then those like me who sell dead people's junk? 


Message 53 of 56
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Re: ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.

EBay's fees are starting to look like the low end of the market if someone is buying through commercial auctions.  Fees are now mostly in the 28-30% range, shipping is being outsourced to shipping companies that charge $10-20 for supplies/$20 for pickup and full retail shipping costs that are 30% higher than eBay has negotiated. 

Message 54 of 56
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Re: ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.

@mam98031 wrote:

The value of the cars I don't think have even been questioned here.  Besides the results of the auction will prove what is the price buyers are willing to pay.


As for the shipping.  One would hope that the seller is putting this item into a larger box with protection all around it.  Those cars would not take up much room even when they are well protected.  So shipping them separately to me seems unnecessary and just exposes the seller to extra peril if that separate package gets lost.


How big would the box be?  I've asked the OP, but they haven't answered what the size of the packing box and estimated weight would be. 

The value doesn't need to be questioned for it to be an important factor. And you don't need the auction to end to get an idea of what buyers would pay, nor would the result be "proof" of anything. A simple ebay search can give one an idea. This is 1968. Hot wheels. Redlines. With the cars. In good condition. With the tabs. 99% complete. with a decent box. Not another listed. Not sure if the cars are the good ones but it is amazing that the originals are present and look as they do. I'm no expert but I sold a single car in auction for $850, and got an amazing storing from the buyer about how his father bought him the car as a kid at woolworths and his brothers friend took it and gave it back. Paid a bit more than another had recently sold in better condition but he missed that one and didnt care. He had to have it. I dont know, but its not unreasonable to think that there is a guy out there who had it as a kid and has to have it. Not gonna get one this good elsewhere.


Extra risk of losing a package is still nearly the same with 2 packages shipped. Very small. Think of it as playing lottery. Your odds of winning don't improve much if you buy 2 tickets. The buyers of these items would care more about extra care in shipping than cost. Pretty sure he calculated the fee fairly, I think the oversize fee alone on an item this size is $130 from fed ex. 


I didnt try and perform an exorcism of an evil shipping demon and asked the buyer for the dimensions as well and explained the size is getting him wacked with a huge fee, and it could be from being one inch over.  Dont think I heard back either. Dont think he will be back with all the uncalled for grief on shipping, as well as the called for education on fee increases.

Message 55 of 56
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Re: ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.

@mam98031 wrote:

@stainlessenginecovers wrote:

Why was a thread started about the fee that has been the same since 2011??


(as far back as I've been selling-10% plus the Paypal fee of 2.9% so basically still the same?) 

You have your years confused.  2011 was the year we started having FVFs on Shipping paid by the buyer.


The 13.25% FVF has been with us since August of 2020 for those in Managed Payments in most categories.  As sellers entered MP they too experienced 13.25% in most categories.  The OP apparently hasn't really kept track of this subject for awhile and just noticed they are paying this rate, however they haven't seemed to notice that this is not a correct rate for their category anymore.  It is now 13.6%.

@mam98031 no; I don't have anything confused. Fees, when combining with what Paypal used to charge, has been relatively the same 10% plus 2.9% CLOSE to the 13.25%, or now 13.6% which is a whopping .70c on $100, so miniscule it hardly matters - as I stated- since I started selling full time in 2011.


I don't care what year something else happened as that was not pertinent for this conversation. 

Message 56 of 56
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