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eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

So I listed an extra box of N95 masks I had sitting around, auction style, and started it at 99 cents for a three day auction. eBay then cancelled my auction with a stern warning to not relist any more N95 items.


I get that they want to stop price gouging, and I am 100% on board with that. Taking advantage of desperate people at an emotional time is not cool.


But it infuriates me that eBay is using broad and indiscriminate restrictions. Starting an auction at 99 cents is NOT price gouging as I am not dictating the sale price (it could sell for 25 dollars and I lose money). Also, this broad sledgehammer approach restricts access to items like N95s where eBay is often the only avenue to acquire such items for many people. As a consequence, a medically fragile person may not get the N95s they need to avoid getting sick, literally putting their life at risk. By shutting down every N95 auction, including ethical ones like mine, eBay could be putting people at risk.


I would have preferred if eBay instead restricted N95 sales to auction-style only, starting at a nominal price like 99 cents. This avoids unscrupulous price gouging and people who medically need masks can get them. Without the price gouging sellers, the overall market price for masks would drop and everyone wins (and lives).

Message 1 of 115
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114 REPLIES 114

Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

Gouging is a crime so they had to do something quick. With new listings going up, they don't have time to analyze. Besides, someone could win yours and turn around and relist for $500- so killing the listings is best.

Message 2 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

Some of the senior posters here would have you believe that your 99 cent price was gouging and that you should have found someone to give your items to. I don't sell such things, but do think others have a right to and that eBay is limiting supplies for people that really need them.

Message 3 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

You can blame the dum dums who bought them all out because they either thought Contagion was coming to life or to make a quick buck reselling them for excessive profit causing shortages for the medical personnel and hospitalized people who actually needed them.

She ❤︎ Her ❤︎ Hers
Message 4 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

I am also infuriated with ebay's policy to stop all sales of N95 masks. I did not have an auction style listing but my buy it now price was well under what these masks are being sold for. I now have masks that nobody can use.
Message 5 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

Well, I agree with you that unscrupulous profiteers are a problem. But eBay is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The single box of N95s I have in my home for the past year isn't, by my ownership of it, depriving others like medical staff, but eBay's restrictions are preventing medical staff from obtaining it. If hospitals can't stock the masks to protect their employees, then the employees will look on eBay to grab some to protect themselves. eBay's reactionary and ham-fisted approach hurts the very people they are trying to help.


So I'll hang onto my masks and they'll collect dust in my attic, instead of being used by someone who actually needs them.

Message 6 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

@silvae wrote:

Well, I agree with you that unscrupulous profiteers are a problem. But eBay is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The single box of N95s I have in my home for the past year isn't, by my ownership of it, depriving others like medical staff, but eBay's restrictions are preventing medical staff from obtaining it. If hospitals can't stock the masks to protect their employees, then the employees will look on eBay to grab some to protect themselves. eBay's reactionary and ham-fisted approach hurts the very people they are trying to help.


So I'll hang onto my masks and they'll collect dust in my attic, instead of being used by someone who actually needs them.

I understand what you're saying - I think it's an unfortunate side effect of having to put in some kind of stop gap measures quickly.  eBay probably does not have the resources to monitor this situation with the thousands of auctions/FP listings that they're scrambling to close - it's probably like whack-a-mole trying to keep up, so they all go.

“My life has been full of terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened.”
― Michel de Montaigne

Message 7 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

@silvae wrote:


I would have preferred if eBay instead restricted N95 sales to auction-style only, starting at a nominal price like 99 cents. This avoids unscrupulous price gouging



If they did as you suggested, what would keep the seller from selling the mask for 99 cents, then charging $100 for shipping.

They did the right thing to ban them all.



Have a great day.
Message 8 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

eBay could be opening itself up to liability by allowing certain items to go over a percentage of their normal price during a declared emergency. California has declared a statewide emergency. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra stated in his address that his office would be prosecuting price gouging to the full extent of the law. It is 10,000 plus 2,500 per violation. eBay, being located in California, could be opening itself to a tremendous amount of liability letting it go on. People say they are losing a lot of money doing so. When choosing between 10% of a $200 box of masks, or a 2,500 fine, the choice is pretty clear. Any business would make the same decision. 

Message 9 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

You know that there are scared people who are willing to pay ridiculous prices right now so you listed at auction thinking you will make ridiculous money. No difference. Would you have been selling the "extra" box you had laying around at auction if not for the virus ? I doubt it.
Message 10 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

Amazon has now stated that they will be forwarding information on price gougers to state attorney generals for prosecution.  Whatever your feeling on the free market, 34 states and the district of Columbia have these laws when a state of emergency is declared. The penalties are steep. 

Message 11 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

@albsmu_0 wrote:
I now have masks that nobody can use.

No, you simply have masks that you are not permitted to sell on eBay. That is not the same thing. 



Message 12 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

@silvae wrote:

 If hospitals can't stock the masks to protect their employees, then the employees will look on eBay to grab some to protect themselves.

I do not believe that any hospital permits their employees to bring medical equipment like masks, gloves, etc. purchased on eBay to the hospital. Their liability insurance company would not permit it. 

Message 13 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

@silvae wrote:

By shutting down every N95 auction, including ethical ones like mine, eBay could be putting people at risk.

Some would argue that since eBay is a global marketplace, taking this action will go a long way to reducing the incentive for gougers to buy masks in the first place.


This will reduce the global demand for masks that is siphoning them off from people who actually need them. In other words, working at the cause of the problem rather than just the symptoms. 

Message 14 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

Listing a box of masks auction-style  amounts to ... letting the public pay whatever the market will bear.


Listing a box of masks for $1,000 also amounts to ... letting the public pay whatever the market will bear. If they want to pay $1,000 for a box, they can. If they don't want to pay $1,000 for a box, they don't have to buy it.  


People screaming "price gouging" for both methods.


IMO that's why ebay took down ALL sales of masks. 

Telephone Line - Electric Light Orchestra
Message 15 of 115
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