06-14-2023 07:49 AM
In 20 years I've never seen eBay hide everyone's listings. I didn't even think that was possible! This cost us about $500-$1000 in sales so far...
06-15-2023 08:27 AM
Even though I never even noticed it from what I read it was a very small temporary glitch. So you actually sell $500-$1000 every half hour or so ? Great deal for an Ebay seller.
06-15-2023 08:32 AM
What you really mean is "friends" of the program had posts they don't agree with removed. Censorship is vile and disgusting.
06-15-2023 09:13 AM
i got the same one , i think i threw up in my mouth a little ....LOL
06-15-2023 09:39 AM
@worldwide_ship wrote:In 20 years I've never seen eBay hide everyone's listings. I didn't even think that was possible! This cost us about $500-$1000 in sales so far...
it is absolutely possible, eBay can and does manipulate listing Search order. It is no secret that eBay can drop listings lower in results as a penalty for infractions. It may not show your listings, as it states in the User Agreement, see below:
”To drive a positive user experience, a listing may not appear in some search and browse results regardless of the sort order chosen by the buyer,..”
06-15-2023 10:11 AM
You are very confused on that statement. Items WILL show, but in some cases, if servers go down, or if a buyer is trying to find something with 10,000 of the same things listed it will only show so many. It gives the buyer an opportunity to click SHOW ALL. It is no different than McDonalds warning you the coffee is still available for sale but is hot.
06-15-2023 10:31 AM
If Ebay were an employee, they would've been fired long ago.
One of the issues is that we, as the users and sellers, continue to accept this.
Once a class-action lawsuit is filed, perhaps that would change operations.
06-15-2023 10:34 AM - edited 06-15-2023 10:34 AM
06-15-2023 10:50 AM
why does the customer need to SHOW ALL just show them DO NOT PICK and CHOOSE which ones Ebay thinks is right ( thats ridiculous ) let the customer choose , maybe a reason why GMV is down to a Decade low or maybe thats how Ian thought he could get more sellers to use promoted listings ( because you just stated it ebay will only show some you have to find the show all button to see everything , well thats what promoted listings were for and now since Ian took over the helm they no longer seem to be working , when Devin the last CEO was at ebay ( and he was not mcuh better of a CEO ) atleast the promoted listiigs worked , sales in a few days to a couple of weeks , not MONTHS ( thats USELESS ) , they no longer seem to be working and there are posts everywhere about this ( including facebook ) , maybe ebay needs to listen to its customers as everything on ebay is dropping lower EXCEPT ad fees , GMV down to where it was in 2013 ( thats a decade ) , a loss of 25 % of buyers since 2019 179m-134m , market share down from 6.2 to 3.5 , Ebay has a problem yet they do not want to listen to there customers ... these are FRUSTRATING time at Ebay for its customers .... Oh lets not forget there horrible search engine ( thats my opinion and i see many others express the same ) that i have seen get more and more frustrating over the years to where its almost USELSS , google does a better search on ebay then the ebay search engine , sorry but Ebay is shrinking in every area except the ones that really providde long term growth .... FYI customer retention HUGE problem for ebay , ebay use to be fun sad what has happened ..
06-15-2023 11:38 AM - edited 06-15-2023 11:43 AM
@race-city-retro wrote:Ebay sent me an e-mail this morning....
Now you can use your earning to shop on ebay
Ebay has undertaken to make a difference by helping sellers by efforts such as the above
Your applause is appreciated
06-15-2023 12:08 PM
@jasoheat_0 You must not understand or know how to use search. Ebay lets you either choose ALL, choose to see newly listed, choose ending soonest, and they even let you choose lowest and highest prices. Ebay will NEVER make you stay on the best match default. 95% of buyers do not use it.
06-15-2023 12:13 PM
You're wildy mis-informed. The small glitch, as you call it, shut the entire Ebay system down for a minimum of several hours.
06-15-2023 12:14 PM
Fired, and not allowed to work anywhere, ever again.
06-15-2023 12:17 PM - edited 06-15-2023 12:19 PM
Looking at your sold history it seems you lost nothing over that less than an hour Ebay was down.
06-15-2023 12:28 PM
@worldwide_ship wrote:In 20 years I've never seen eBay hide everyone's listings. I didn't even think that was possible! This cost us about $500-$1000 in sales so far...
-Do you have any PLS or PLA campaigns running right now?
-Are you large enough to have Multiple Users working on your listings and account?
-Historically, 7 to 10 days after one of my PLS campaigns ended my sales tanked before coming back to normal levels. That was before 2022 then it was worse, the time periods were longer where sales were very, very slow.
-Did you notice a change in your listing format the last time you saw your listings?
-Historically Thursdays are when eBay updates their servers so it is quite possible your account was MOVED to a back up server while the main server went through an update cycle. Of course if this has been happening for a while then this might not be the reason
06-15-2023 12:37 PM
What's your solution then, Chachie?