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eBay Vs Bonanza

So I started selling on Bonanza.  Sales were good and as they picked up I opted for a higher tier of advertising that includes eBay.  Now I barely sell anything on Bonanza and everything is selling on eBay.  Has anyone ran into this issue?  I'm thinking maybe eBay owns Bonanza and they're just taking more of the money from my sales on both ends.

Message 1 of 46
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eBay Vs Bonanza

Yeah. That's probably it.
Message 2 of 46
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eBay Vs Bonanza

I personally have never even looked at Bonanza.  I buy a lot.

This quest stands on the edge of a blade...stray but a little and you shall fail to the ruin of us all.
"The Lady Galadriel"
Message 3 of 46
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eBay Vs Bonanza

I sold on Bonanza for a couple years.  Whoops "sold on" is really misleading.  I had listings up on Bonanza for a couple years.  I sold exactly ONE item.  I did not pay for any higher tier advertising.  If you can't sell anything as a regular seller AT ALL, why would I want to pay them more money.  I could see it if I was selling as a regular member and that a higher tier to increase sales.  But not to get sales in the first place.  Well maybe get sales.  


For me, a complete waste of time.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 4 of 46
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eBay Vs Bonanza

ebay does not own Bonanza.
Message 5 of 46
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eBay Vs Bonanza

@drums4fun1 wrote:

So I started selling on Bonanza.  Sales were good and as they picked up I opted for a higher tier of advertising that includes eBay.  Now I barely sell anything on Bonanza and everything is selling on eBay.  Has anyone ran into this issue?  I'm thinking maybe eBay owns Bonanza and they're just taking more of the money from my sales on both ends.

Hook line and sinker. You fell for the great Bonanza scam.  

Message 6 of 46
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eBay Vs Bonanza

Bonanza is an eBay/Amazon wannabe...

Bonanza(Bonanzle) was originally set up as a selling venue for disgruntled eBay sellers and had its best years BEFORE 2013.

Bonanza remains a LOW traffic, self advertise and promote your items,  pay to play venue.

Message 7 of 46
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eBay Vs Bonanza

I signed up with Bonanza a few months ago when things started to get horrible on ebay. I have sold 4 items.  Bonanza transfers all of your listings from ebay and do not charge a listing fee, so I am not out any money by trying it. The end of auction fees are the same as ebay. So for me I made 4 sales with little to no extra work. I did not opt to pay extra for more exposure. I'm interested in seeing what will happen when Christmas comes around.  Hopefully things will get better on ebay with a new CEO.  I am also going to try selling some larger items on Facebook marketplace. I belong to lots of area groups and receive 30-40 listings a day from Facebook. I was looking at one of my son's friend's facebook page and he lists only on facebook. I asked my son about it and he said that ebay charges too much money and he makes more on facebook. My son and his friend are CPAs in their late 20's and know how to run the figures to make the most ... So I think I will give it a try.

Message 8 of 46
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eBay Vs Bonanza

I listed there for five years, cross listed between there and here.  It turns out cross listing never was a problem, because in five years I never sold a single item. NOT A SINGLE ITEM. I shut it all down a couple years ago.

The easier you are to offend the easier you are to control.

We seem to be getting closer and closer to a situation where nobody is responsible for what they did but we are all responsible for what somebody else did. - Thomas Sowell
Message 9 of 46
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eBay Vs Bonanza

I, too, had a shop on Bonanza.  No problem having all of my items on ebay and Bonanza at the same time.  Sales on Bonanza were dismal, so if I did sell something, it was easy to end the ebay listing (and vice versa).  I closed the Bonanza shop several years ago.  Waste of time.

Volunteer Community Member

Message 10 of 46
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eBay Vs Bonanza

I love ya but i have to lol. What you said fits ebay exactly as well. Why would you opt to pay ebay more fees (raised fees already---and the promoted listings to boot) and not bonanza? People are literally saying daily "down 80% here" but paying promoted listings will help.

If higher tiered promos caused more sales fees to be generated there wouldnt be a fee charged to promote it. These companies would obviously do it on their own to gain sales and market share. They do not generate more sales. They generate a profit for the site and loss of margin for the seller.
Message 11 of 46
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eBay Vs Bonanza

@drums4fun1 wrote:

So I started selling on Bonanza.  Sales were good and as they picked up I opted for a higher tier of advertising that includes eBay.  Now I barely sell anything on Bonanza and everything is selling on eBay.  Has anyone ran into this issue?  I'm thinking maybe eBay owns Bonanza and they're just taking more of the money from my sales on both ends.

   You just might be onto something. But honestly, Bonanza has no affiliation with eBay, the River, or shopify.

Message 12 of 46
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eBay Vs Bonanza

@cashvaluerecovery2011 wrote:
I love ya but i have to lol. What you said fits ebay exactly as well. Why would you opt to pay ebay more fees (raised fees already---and the promoted listings to boot) and not bonanza? People are literally saying daily "down 80% here" but paying promoted listings will help.

If higher tiered promos caused more sales fees to be generated there wouldnt be a fee charged to promote it. These companies would obviously do it on their own to gain sales and market share. They do not generate more sales. They generate a profit for the site and loss of margin for the seller.

If you have only had one sale on Ebay in two years, then there is something significantly wrong for you if you are a regular seller with listings up year round as I was on Bonanza.  Your sales history for the past 90 or so days on Ebay doesn't support that statement.


I never said that Ebay raised their fees recently, that was someone else and I have absolutely no clue as to what they were referring to.


As for promotions,  I also didn't say I do promoted listings.  I don't use them at all.  At least not so far.  And when a seller decides to run a promoted listing or listings, the seller is in control of deciding how much in additional fees they are willing to pay.  There is no fee for promoted listings unless a sale happens.


So NO, I don't pay Ebay additional fees to get sales.


SOME people are saying their sales are down and yes there has been some that say it is 80%.  Some does not even come anywhere close to meaning a majority of sellers and certainly not all.  I think you are assuming some things that are exactly accurate.


Absolutely some sellers have and are complaining about declining sales.  That happens year in and year out on Ebay.  No matter what is going on.  That doesn't mean everyone is having the same experience.  As is the nature of threads and communities such as this, people come here to complain and vent.  Others come here to help and learn.  A feel good story is just not a regular occurrence on threads.  They happen from time to time, but not the norm.  So what you see on the threads lean one way.  Things that they perceive Ebay is doing wrong.


Now for me specifically summer sales are typically slow for me.  Things begin to pick up late September and continue to grow.  January and February are typically my best months of the year.  This year has been different.  I had very good sales during most of the summer.  It started declining in August, nothing unusual there and is now picking back up in the way I'm use to.  So I did not see the decline in sales over the summer that others reported.  I just didn't say anything because I didn't think it would help anyone and I have no need or desire to make someone feel bad.  


So I think you misunderstood my post.


mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 13 of 46
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eBay Vs Bonanza

Im sorry i should have given more detail. I wasnt trying to suggest anything about my sales or your sales. Just that i found it so funny that what you said could literally be about what people are doing on ebay instead of bonanza.

Then i got off on a tangent about choosing greed over good business sense lol which was more for everyone in general and not you individually.

But yes i sell some stuff here. Have done 7 figures several times over the last 9 years through all venues. So my laughable few grand here to me is a total joke when it use to be massive......and still is elsewhere.

My point on if higher fees and promoted lustings actually caused more sales then ebay wouldnt charge to do it still stands.
Message 14 of 46
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eBay Vs Bonanza

General Reply:
I don't know why anyone would stop selling there. Even if sales are not brisk, it costs nothing to list, listings are Good Till Canceled, and there is no way you can beat 3.5% Final Value Fees. And if you get to know the ins and outs of the site, you can get daily "rewards" which you can use toward paying your Monthly Bill. I sell there (as well as other venues), and get fair to middling activity - without promotions or external promoting. It's just another outlet in the vanguard of sites available these days. Yes, you do have to remember to removes any items sold from other venues - but that is part of doing a job and doing it correctly - not big deal............................
Message 15 of 46
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