11-12-2022 06:10 AM
How do I change my selling profile from, Seller does NOT accept returns to Seller accept returns?
11-12-2022 06:21 AM
Follow steps below to do a "bulk edit" of all the listings you want to change.
Sellers Hub
Active Listing (select listings you want to change)
Edit (select all listings)
Bulk Edit (go down to Returns Policy (change to returns accepted).
11-12-2022 06:27 AM
only need one thread, no need to post multiple threads for the same question.
11-12-2022 01:15 PM
@fishingbattenkill wrote:How do I change my selling profile from, Seller does NOT accept returns to Seller accept returns?
Go to your "Return policy" page.
Click "Edit" on your default Return policy that applied on your listings.
After that mark on Domestic returns accepted and International returns accepted (in case if you want to accept returns from overseas buyers), Then choose the days returns and who will pay the returns shipping costs (Buyer or seller), Then click save.