05-14-2022 11:10 AM
05-14-2022 01:02 PM
If you want to be banned from the site forever, sure go ahead.
You do know, someone you think is bad, another seller might have a good experience with. We are not all the same with the same expectations.
You would be better off to follow the rules, use your blocked bidder list-if needed, and not go off on your own tangent.
05-14-2022 01:08 PM
Care to return and tell us what happened, without identifying the buyer?
And it's hard to understand why a seller with your experience here would not know that we can't name and shame.
05-14-2022 01:27 PM
05-14-2022 01:46 PM
If it's a deadbeat bidder/buyer you're complaining about,
there are procedures in place to deal with that.
If you're complaining about something else,
if it's a violation, report them to ebay.
If it's just rude behavior, you have the ability to block them.
Why don't you come on back and let us know what's going on?
05-14-2022 01:52 PM - edited 05-14-2022 01:53 PM
@reddogroad1965 wrote:a seller told me there is a place on here that you can do this..warn others
Unfortunately, the information relayed is not accurate. There are FB and Reddit groups that do it (not advocating either way) and share information that is prohibited from being shared on a public forum of e-Bay.
Even in those communities that "allow" those types of discussions - anyone reading that should "always" consider that there are 2 sides to every story and likely a 3rd one, that is closer to the truth and not "skewed" by the emotion of Side #1 and Side #2.
Just because you might block a Buyer (BBL) over your situation, does not make them "automatically" someone I might or would.
It would be like being "hasty" and adding your ID to a BBL just because you posted today and suggested such an activity. Might be considered "short-sighted", "hasty" or "without merit"......Correct?
05-14-2022 02:01 PM
I have no problem understanding why you wouldn't know & I commend you for asking first. A very small percentage of sellers ever come to the boards at all or frankly, even know of their existence, regardless of how long they've been selling. As others have said, you cannot name them here. Your friend is not wrong though, that there are many places online where people do just that. In fact, many people trade lists, but like @katzrul15 said, you've got to take those all with a grain of salt.
05-14-2022 06:36 PM
On the forums it is against rules as advised, but just so you are aware it is also against the rules in feedback:
Any misuse of feedback is not allowed. Feedback comments should match the positive or negative rating that was given in both buyer and seller feedback. For example, a negative comment should not be left with a positive rating.
Follow-up or reply comments must also match the rating, and can't be used to change a rating.
Feedback should only be related to the transaction. We don't allow: