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ASK ME ABOUT: Product Research (formerly known as Terapeak)

Hello Everyone, We're thrilled to announce the launch of our brand-new interactive series, which is set to take the place of our former "Monthly Chat with eBay Staff" program. This series is designed to bring you closer to the heart of eBay's operati...

Resolved! Ending listings

I will be away from my computer for 2 weeks and won't have access to my current listings to be able to ship items that may be purchased. Is there someway that I can add a not to the listings that I won't be available to ship items until a certain dat...

Resolved! Customs Form has to fit on one side of parcel

Is this a hard & fast rule? I can see it being a concern when it's going overseas to a place where they still require the clear envelope and the 3 parts of the form enclosed, but what about those that just print in one piece (like to Canada)? It just...

Seller Hub Subscription Error

Well I finally had to just end my subscription all together. The Ebay seller hub is a waste of timeYou will still see theinfo you need even when you opt out......

7 Day Suspension--Is this legit?

I just got a random e-mail from eBay saying that I am suspended from selling for 7 days. To say I'm mortified would be putting it lightly-- first of all, I do not wish to break eBay's rules at all. Secondly, this seems like a HUGE unnecessary punishm...

modifying flat rate boxes

Occasionally I have to cut up a USPS flat rate box to modify it for a product I sell. I print a label using the weight and size of the item, using Priority Mail rate, NOT the flat rate that would apply had the package not been altered. I have one pos...

User avatar by Thrill-Seeker
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Listings removed for copyright violations from a rights holder that has nothing to do with the items

One more example of why Ebay is so frustrating and doesn't have any sort of decent resolution process in place. We received a notification of a few of our listings being removed for copyright violations for pictures and text. Our listings are our own...

Resolved! Promoting Items

Are we allowed to promote our items on the ebay community board? 

User avatar by Rockstar
  • 5 replies
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Turbo Lister Lists Items on Other User ID

I tried this on the Turbo Lister forum, but haven't received any replies, so thought I'd try it here. I have been a TL user for about 12 years now. I recently (a couple years ago) added a second user as I opened a personal Ebay account (a non-store o...

I know there is a seller hub discussion board but... doesn't seem to do much good if no one actually answers the questions or discusses anything. I tried to find an answer but all that came up was my question asked by others without any answers being given.@klassic*kidsI know you are a fan, so po...

Listing promotion and getting charged for listing fees

Anyone know why when I use relist, sell similar, relist as fixed for bulk listings I am getting hit with listing fees but when I do a relist or sell similar one listing at a time there is no fee? I keep cancelling the bulk changes so I don't actually...

Got my forced Seller Hub yesterday.....

How dare they blame this on me. It's like a child bringing home a failing report card and stating, "You see what bad parents you've become. Now, if you want to see any improvement, you're just going to have to pay me for Promoted Grades".

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