Dear Sellers, We are currently experiencing a technical data processing
delay that has temporarily impacted the timely processing of some Good
'Til Cancelled (GTC) renewals, affecting the visibility of certain
seller listings and listing count on Act...
Hi, I'm heading out of town on vacation from July 3 to July 11. I had
planned to put my store on vacation, but then I got to thinking that I
should perhaps just extend handling times. Since the fourth of July
falls in my vacation, there are only five...
Here is what I mean by that, unlike amazon ebay has nothing physcilaly
to sell, we the sellers are the ones that own and have the merchandise,
and I would think the bulk of ebay sellers are small time like me, and
if that goes into force, I am absolu...
A major factor in the SCOTUS decision No. 17-494 was presented in 585 U.
S. by Gorsuch, J. who wrote: "Our dormant commerce cases usually prevent
states from discriminating between in-state and out-of-state firms." He
cites two cases that do just the...
I had 3 listings end last night (under my selling ID). Two had NO views,
and one had 7. How can this be? I know the view counts were working,
because the bots viewed each item when launched and I checked them
twice. I've been successfully selling her...
A buyer, ignoring the shipping terms in my listing, bought an item
knowing I couldn't ship to his address. He contacted me after sending
payment to say I was to ship to him either by UPS or FedEx, services I
don't offer (I'm in a rural area and too f...
Woke up this morning to a sale...yay! But noticed that I will lose money
on calculated shipping. Is this a new Ebay change in calculation? I
checked my settings and nothing seems awry. I am Top Rated and did not
send an invoice for this sale. Anyone ...
I seen many posts regarding photos and pictures disappearing ink good
till canceled listings Now I have also noticed many of my pictures are
disappearing from my saved inventory I pay an eBay store charge just to
have the inventory option handy,,, Wh...
"The file is not supported by eBay. Please remove it and upload only
JPG, GIF, PNG, TIF or BMP files." Trying to add photos from web-based but only get above error message.
Over the past few weeks everybody was moaning and groaning over the
requirement for free returns. Then the sales tax decision comes down and
now that is front and center and returns seems to have dropped off the
radar. And in due course another shiny...
Hi, Yuck. I had a listing end with bids. 10 min before auction closed I
noticed a big error in my listing. Entirely my fault! I offered the
buyer a huge discount but she would rather cancel and I don't blame her.
How do I cancel the auction after it ...
i need some help how do i print fedex shipping labels now.?? with the
new shipping set uo i sell items with fedex shipping and when i go to
print label all i get is the USPS.??? any one else experince this yet.??
I received an email recently that I was no longer welcome to sell on
eBay (but I should still feel free to buy, of course!). I had perfect
feedback, I shipped on time, my photos were excellent and met all
guidelines and I had only three escalated cas...
I stopped receiving email notifications for customer sales on 4-5-18.
Ebay technical support said it is an unknown issue and could take up to
30 days to fix. Just wondering if anyone else is having the same
problem. It is really anoying to constantly...
I made a purchase from seller, for Aspercream lotion. He sold me a
product, that he never had possession of. I opened a claim on the
product, because it never got shipped. And being the nice guy, I
accepted his explanation, that he would email me, wh...