07-16-2018 07:32 PM
Per eBay message:
- One place to sell and get paid: manage all your selling and payments needs from within your eBay account.
- Simpler bills: all your fees in one place on your eBay bill.
- Consolidated pricing: all your fees in one place on one bill, plus special pricing for early opt-in*.
- Daily payouts: direct to your bank account. No need to transfer funds between accounts.
- New ways for buyers to pay: such as mobile payments with Apple Pay.
- Better protection: claim and chargeback seller protections provided by eBay, with one place to manage disputes.
- More control: accept your exclusive invitation now to get a head start on adapting your business to selling and getting paid on eBay.
I would like to have seen something about fees but I guess that will have to wait.
Overall, what I see so far looks good.
07-17-2018 01:25 PM
@goodluckselling wrote:I have no worries about the payment flow going smoothly, in fact it will be much easier for buyers to make payment because Ayden will be an inline processor which means it is live 24/7 without being redirected.
My only concern is if Ayden will be able to handle the volume (over one billion transactions daily worldwide)?
Good Luck Selling!
Personally, I have no problem with Adyen or their business procedures. They seem to be quite profeessional.
My concerns would be with ebay and their goals, motives and agenda - primarily, and secondly, with their habit of using 3rd party programming and 'on-the-fly' testing and utilization of ideas that aren't generally to anybody's benefit other that ebay's.
07-17-2018 01:30 PM - edited 07-17-2018 01:30 PM
I haven't received this "invitatrion" ... Will this be optional? or mandatory for all sellers
07-17-2018 03:05 PM - edited 07-17-2018 03:08 PM
Would I be correct in thinking - for the interim transition period over the next few years- we'll have 2 payment accounts (eBay pay, and PayPal) to manage instead of the current PayPal?
e.g. some buyers would pay via PP - I don't see them switching unless there is an incentive. As a store, you'd want to take payment from the reasonable payment methods to reduce the barriers to a sale.
Imagine it will be some accounting work to code the payment correctly / given if the above is true - there will also be 2 marginally different fees to take into account?).
07-17-2018 03:22 PM
New payment process?
07-17-2018 03:40 PM
While I am very skeptical about giving ebay any bank account info there is no F N way I am giving them my Social Security Number. Whats next signing a lien to my Car over to them and mailing them a key to my house.
07-17-2018 03:54 PM
This one really stood out to me:
One place to sell and get paid: manage all your selling and payments needs from within your eBay account.
Guess what? Once ebay's contract with paypal expires, PAYPAL will be free to actually SELL from their site. They already have the ability in place, and I'm quite certain ebay will have new competition from paypal, and countless sellers will flock to paypal to sell their wares. Personally, I can't wait till this happens (and it without a doubt will happen).
07-17-2018 04:02 PM
what affect will this have on foreign overseas eBay sellers if they don't have social security numbers? Unable to use eBay USA anymore?
07-17-2018 04:23 PM
07-17-2018 04:39 PM
They will have control of your bank account by the sound of it
07-17-2018 04:45 PM
ebay becoming the merchant of record will be as close to putting a fox in charge of the hen house as one can get. Right now odds of winning any type of dispute on ebay are slim,but once they become the merchant of record that will drop to zero...
Ebay gets your money before you do then decides how much you get back? Riiight.
Like charging fees on shipping. They could easily NOT charge this fee for people who buy labels on ebay but once a company gets your money they are like a pitbull as far as letting go of it.
07-17-2018 04:51 PM
Quote 'Ebay gets your money before you do then decides how much you get back? Riiight.'
And that is what is scary, how long till you get the actual days sale and how much money is left once every fee is taken out? Will it be like amazon where you wait 2 weeks to get paid?
Ebay customer disputes sale you never even see the money its already gone before it got to your account?
Or do they freeze the funds in your account for any disputes? What affect will that have on your Adyen account if you have multiple claims by scammers at once?
07-17-2018 05:27 PM
Hi everyone -
I wanted to step in and clear up a few misconceptions where I can:
This email was sent to members to offer them a place in the Payments Beta test beginning in September, not earlier.
Adyen is a payment processor that will integrate with our software, and enable us to manage payments directly. It will not be necessary to open an account with them.
I don't have answers to the other specific questions at this point in time, but encourage you to keep your eye on our payment page for updates as they happen.
For those heading to eBay Open next week it will definitely be a topic of major discussion at several pop-up events!
07-17-2018 05:27 PM
@duncanvr wrote:Quote 'Ebay gets your money before you do then decides how much you get back? Riiight.'
And that is what is scary, how long till you get the actual days sale and how much money is left once every fee is taken out? Will it be like amazon where you wait 2 weeks to get paid?
Ebay customer disputes sale you never even see the money its already gone before it got to your account?
Or do they freeze the funds in your account for any disputes? What affect will that have on your Adyen account if you have multiple claims by scammers at once?
You will not have an Adyen account, ebay will. You will only have an ebay account, and they will control everything even more than they do now. I can envision ebay controlling pricing, as well. You will select your item from the ebay catalog, and they will pre-fill all the information, including a price range you are allowed to select from to sell for.
07-17-2018 05:51 PM
Is this going to affect global eBay? Therefor sellers can't collect sales anymore with PayPal once this comes into affect. From the web link it says. Depending on your bank, you can typically expect payouts to be sent to your bank account within 2-4 business days of an order confirmation. So you no longer will have the funds straight away. PayPal only used for buying. No good.
07-17-2018 05:57 PM
@duncanvr wrote:what affect will this have on foreign overseas eBay sellers if they don't have social security numbers? Unable to use eBay USA anymore?
I'm assuming non USA sellers will have to have the equivalent requirements for their country of registration.