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Yes ... another messaging thread about the new messaaging system

this new system is super annoying to use 


#1 and first off the second you click messages it instantly opens the first message and its marked as read - i hate this as i share this account with another co-worker and  i have to then go mark it as unread if it is not an item that i listed  


#2 clicking the text opens the message but does not select the check box so that i can archive / delete the message after it's read  (we  do a LOT of sales and having a cluttered inbox does not make for an easy ebay experience once we are done with a message it gets deleted  / achieved to make the inbox cleaner and so that we can see only the new and relevant  messages 


#3 "send an offer" seems to be non existent in this new system with no way to send an offer to a person interested in our items  


#4 the text used to be easier to read now we are pushed way over to the side of the screen with way less room to view messages / photos 


#5 sent messages now seem to go to my "inbox"  instead of "sent" 


#6 i hate the icons why not just simply have the mark as unread / archive ...etc like it used to be now i have to hover over the icons just to make sure im clicking the right button 


#7 if i'm actively viewing  /interacting with  a message why are the icons not able to be clicked for archive / delete before when you viewed a message you could delete / archive   right from that message 


#8 from inbox we used to be able to search just the inbox i used to search "offers" and remove all the messages that had offers to clear them from the view as we get A LOT of offers on items and removing that unneeded message from my inbox would be part of my morning routine now it searches EVERYTHING instead of just the inbox  and now i have to go one by one and click every single "offer" message 
i know i can go to the "messages from ebay" screen and delete them from there but the problem with that is the payout messages as well as any potential returns / disputes are also in that "folder" for lack of a better term  if you're looking for a way to improve ebay give us the option to turn off messages about "offers" when we have an offers screen directly from the seller dashboard the messages are unneeded and useless clutter 

#9 why give us the option to switch to classic view just to take that right back away within the same month or following month just let us have the classic style indefinitely it seems to have work much more elegantly  any ways 


#10 if i wanted texts i'd use my phone not a PC 


#11 changing for the sake of changing is a waste of every ones time and resources so far i am seeing absolutely no benefit to this new system and tons of flaws that fixed nothing...   

i'm sure there are many more that i am forgetting about 

Message 1 of 13
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Re: Yes ... another messaging thread about the new messaaging system

NO not another messaging thread!, I'm messing around, yes i agree the new system is terrible, I could even use a different term but it would be removed.

Message 2 of 13
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Re: Yes ... another messaging thread about the new messaaging system

absurd is a good word

Message 3 of 13
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Re: Yes ... another messaging thread about the new messaaging system

Agree with the detailed points made by the first OP on why the new messaging format is horrible horrible awful messy clunky unpleasant confusing.  eBay, give us back the "Classic View." For the zero sellers who want this new version, let them have it, for the 100% of sellers/buyers who have been fine with the old version for the past decade, let us have that. 

Message 4 of 13
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Re: Yes ... another messaging thread about the new messaaging system

I have to admit it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks.

I agree with you.

I feel like a computer programer here when every week something changes when I wake up in the morning and there's a new change...and I have to learn the system.

Heck...I had to look to see how to send a photo to a buyer....or find how to get feedback information from a potential buyer...clinking on a dot there to send a photo and having to clink on the buyer's eBay name to find their reminds me when the first iPhone came out with limited instructions on how to operate it...LOL.

Message 5 of 13
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Re: Yes ... another messaging thread about the new messaaging system

I suggest you keep complaining about it.

Maybe it will go away.

Highway Patrol - Junior Brown
Message 6 of 13
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Re: Yes ... another messaging thread about the new messaaging system



For me, this new system is super annoying to use


I think that's what you meant to say, correct?

eBay seller since 1999. This is a posting ID.
Message 7 of 13
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Re: Yes ... another messaging thread about the new messaaging system

It's not annoying to me, but what do I know, I'm just a small time seller.

Highway Patrol - Junior Brown
Message 8 of 13
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Re: Yes ... another messaging thread about the new messaaging system

Your detailed and coherent post is wasted here - copy/paste it into the feedback link in the messaging area.


I know from personal experience that feedback like this IS read - ive been contacted twice about mine. 

“The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer.” - Henry Kissinger

"Do not obey in advance." Timothy Snyder "On Tyranny"
Message 9 of 13
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Re: Yes ... another messaging thread about the new messaaging system

nope, in general (we have several employees each with their own account all who hate the new system) 

i've given several reasons as to why above i don't understand the removal of the "classic view" when they gave us that option and then just reverted back to the "new system" not even a month after giving us the option to revert back if there was an option to revert back that means it still exists in their system and can easily be left where it was for those of us who have had several issues with the new system 

Message 10 of 13
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Re: Yes ... another messaging thread about the new messaaging system

     It's not the change that I mind so much as I would eventually adjust and adapt. What I find problematic is the functionality that was lost or the things that are NOT working and being reported. Those are having a direct impact on sales and may be causing issues from the buyers side as well. 

     Like chapeau-noir mentioned you should provide your issues through the feedback and maybe some of the problems/issues will get fixed. My biggest issue at the moment is I am not able to contact bidders and while I don't use the OBO options others have reported issues with that as well.

Message 11 of 13
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Re: Yes ... another messaging thread about the new messaaging system

They convert without warning - I can't seem to find some earlier messages - I don't have time to reschedule my day to relearn a process I already knew.   Now I have to waste productive time trying to find a message  sent to a customer, just a massive waste of my time. 


This is not a business platform. It is an ad platform for Ebay.  

Message 12 of 13
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Re: Yes ... another messaging thread about the new messaaging system

exactly i just spent 2 hours trying to figure out how to send a customer an invoice yesterday apparently that's not possible with the "new system" without changing settings to remove require immediate payment or what ever it's called how much could i have been listing / prepping in those 2 wasted hours only to find out its not possible ...  these changes are absolutely not "better" a lot of functionality has gone out the window still annoyed my inbox is getting my sent messages... 

Message 13 of 13
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