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Why the hell is this site ALL ABOUT THE BUYERS?

We have been on Ebay for over 28 years. Ebay has become all about the buyer. They say there is protection for the sellers, THERE IS NONE! All the protection goes to the buyers! We pay on average $1500 in fees. For what? Pictures and listings? We pay for our store. Ebay sucks now. We cannot even return feedback. UGGH!

Message 1 of 134
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133 REPLIES 133

Re: Why the hell is this site ALL ABOUT THE BUYERS?

Knowing eBay's policies for both buyers and sellers, and then explaining those policies to others who don't know, does not equate to "defending eBay". So many buyers and sellers alike blame eBay for their own un-knowingness of how this all works.
Message 106 of 134
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Re: Why the hell is this site ALL ABOUT THE BUYERS?

So eBay made changes. Now when sellers are getting ripped off eBay says "its part of doing business - live with it". We are asking for change.

What change are you asking for? 


The eBay buyer money back guarantee is about 4 years old now, and buyer confidence is up based on all the quarterly transaction numbers skyrocketing up.  This on the surface makes a lot sense, and now eBay is refining ways a buyer can circumvent the system and that will always be a challenge regardless what venue you are selling at.


When transaction number go up so do fraud attempts but clearly the over the top number of transaction against the refined ways a buyer can fraud the seller or the venue is a change for the better.  The percentage of fraud is actually lower because of the

  1. higher percentage of successfull transaction
  2. and the loopholes that are being closed all the time.


Good Luck Selling!

Message 107 of 134
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Re: Why the hell is this site ALL ABOUT THE BUYERS?

You may realize that MOST B&M retailers, even Nordstroms, have indeed changed most of their return policies. And be aware that B & M do not incur shipping fees that they have to eat. They bring the item in for the return and bring it home themselves when they buy. Mos B & M have significantly reduced the time limit. B & M can return to suppliers. And nobody can return to a B & M seller claiming it is not "authentic" or "not as described" or that they received an empty box. I see these complaints recurring. sellers are getting ripped-off but eBay, who claims to be a leader and adapts for the changing times, is doing nothing to protect sellers. That is the theme of this thread.
Message 108 of 134
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Re: Why the hell is this site ALL ABOUT THE BUYERS?

You may realize that MOST B&M retailers, even Nordstroms, have indeed changed most of their return policies. And be aware that B & M do not incur shipping fees that they have to eat. They bring the item in for the return and bring it home themselves when they buy. Mos B & M have significantly reduced the time limit. B & M can return to suppliers. And nobody can return to a B & M seller claiming it is not "authentic" or "not as described" or that they received an empty box. I see these complaints recurring. sellers are getting ripped-off but eBay, who claims to be a leader and adapts for the changing times, is doing nothing to protect sellers. That is the theme of this thread.

And eBay has also made changes recently in allowing a seller to deduct a handling charge in some return refunds.  I think you are not looking at the bigger picture and wanting to change the dialog to  only sellers are being inconvienced.


Good Luck Selling!

Message 109 of 134
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Re: Why the hell is this site ALL ABOUT THE BUYERS?


if there is no sellers then there woudnt be any buyer. sellers do all the grunt work here list the item and then ship it. and all a buyer has to do is open up a item doesnt match listing discription case and ebay sides with the buyer. so there is no protection for the sellers.

You are right, both parties are needed for everything to work~because either one without the other doesn't work.  


IF there weren't any buyers, there wouldn't be any sellers, too.

Message 110 of 134
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Re: Why the hell is this site ALL ABOUT THE BUYERS?

kaylybon0 wrote in message 85 (to castlemagicmemories):


if there is no sellers then there woudnt be any buyer. sellers do all the grunt work here list the item and then ship it. and all a buyer has to do is open up a item doesnt match listing discription case and ebay sides with the buyer. so there is no protection for the sellers.


Here's a CLUE, kaylybon:


I just love reading this MINDLESS often repeated post of "If there is no sellers then there wouldn't be any buyer. . . "


There are millions of sellers on eBay and I can't see in the next five years when there are NO sellers AT ALL on eBay. There are far more sellers on eBay than on the giant of e-commerce, AMZN. And yet, AMZN has far more Total Revenue than eBay.


If you have actually been on eBay (as a buyer) for more than 15 years when eBay's Money Back Guarantee NEVER even existed and when eBay NEVER had any such reporting mechanism of filing INRs or SNADs and if you, as a buyer were ripped off and eBay didn't have your back, you would call eBay what President Trump called some countries and you would take YOUR money and spend it ELSEWHERE away FROM eBay and eBay sellers would NEVER see YOUR BUYER MONEY again.


kaylybon0 wrote in message 86 (to rixstuff):


well you need to stop defending ebay and help get some things changed because it will happen to you one day and you will change your outlook on Ebay


Here's another CLUE, kaylybon:


rixstuff has the right to "defend" eBay as much as you have the right to attack it.


I have long ago written that eBay puts in place policies that serve ITS interests first and foremost; the interest of its users, meaning the buyers AND sellers, are SECONDARY.


When you think about the previous statement for a minute, you will change your outlook on eBay.



kaylybon0 wrote in message 87 (to thallidguy):


if it wasnt for sellers there would be no buyers so Ebay needs to protect the sellers more Ebay makes more money off the sellers with the fees than buyers so let that sink in.


Here's another CLUE, kaylybon0:


If there weren't any buyers, there would be little if any reason for sellers to even be here. If there weren't any buyers, how long do you think sellers would be incurring fees to list STUFF? If there are NO buyers here, eBay wouldn't have to write any policies to protect buyers now, would they?


It's the same thing in the brick-and-mortar world. How long do you think a store operator is going to keep paying rent on a store in a mall if there is NO buyer traffic in that mall? I would like to think the store operator would have the financial wherewithal to know when to cut their "losses" and move to a better location.


So let that sink in.


kaylybon0 wrote in message 88 (to southern*sweet*tea):


i dont know where you get your info Ebay makes more off sellers than the casual buyer. Ebay gets a larger portion of fees from the sellere than the buyer


Still, here's another CLUE, kaylybon0:


The ONLY sellers that pay eBay (with their OWN money) are the money-losing ones; EVERY profitable eBay seller has their paying buyers foot the eBay seller's eBay invoice and that includes ALL fees and costs incurred BY the seller selling on eBay. That is precisely why they are profitable.


Since there are SO MANY sellers that say they "pay eBay" (presumably with their OWN money), I can take from this declaration that there are plenty of money-losing sellers on eBay. Frankly, I tend to take anything money-losing eBay sellers have to say about business with a grain of salt. I like to listen to what profitable business people have to say.


< Leaving the board, shaking my head and updating my Avoided Sellers Schedule. . . . >


Message 111 of 134
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Re: Why the hell is this site ALL ABOUT THE BUYERS?

Scamming does happen. It's the response that "live with it" that irks. eBay makes changes to protect itself but fails to realize that they will need to make changes to protect sellers and buyers and try to protect against dishonesty as much as it can from either side. Sellers who are often also buyers will leave. We get the impression that eBay is doing NOTHING to try to detect and reduce buyer abuse. The response of "part of doing business" won't keep your sellers. We are saying it is getting worse and knowledge of how to abuse sellers is well know now and used more often.

What exactly would you like them to do - have an announcement page of all the IDs that were banned? Would you like Ebay have you first send the item to them to verify that it is what was described - and then send the item to the buyer - then if the buyer has a problem - send it back to Ebay who can tell is there is a problem or if the item sent back is what was sent? 


You are dealing with a 3rd party venue who has at least enacted policies to protect both buyer and seller the best they can. They have given us a chance to appeal their decision. On some sites - sellers don't even have that option - the buyer is always right.


Again - I complained about this site for years - I was an anti-Ebay member - what did that aggravation get me - nothing. When I stopped and saw that the good outweighed the bad - which was a real eye opener when I did sell on other sites - I decided to stop the complaining - accept what I can't change and try to understand why Ebay does some of the things it does.


Does it all make sense to me - no - do I like all their policies - no - but am I making money here - yes!

Message 112 of 134
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Re: Why the hell is this site ALL ABOUT THE BUYERS?

And be aware that B & M do not incur shipping fees that they have to eat.


B&Ms have their own issue to deal with like the 5 finger discount.

With buyers at B&M stores they do not have to give a reason for returning an item, simply that they do not want it.

Yes, the empty box is a problem. But that is what happens when you have a third party involved who has no way to determine for sure who is telling the truth.

But, as I have said before, imo ebay should take into consideration a seller's history when making their decisions, especially when the buyer does not have much history or he has done this before.
Message 113 of 134
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Re: Why the hell is this site ALL ABOUT THE BUYERS?

I am glad to hear this. Happy to know eBay is doing things to protect sellers - not just buyers.
Message 114 of 134
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Re: Why the hell is this site ALL ABOUT THE BUYERS?


Scamming does happen. It's the response that "live with it" that irks. eBay makes changes to protect itself but fails to realize that they will need to make changes to protect sellers and buyers and try to protect against dishonesty as much as it can from either side. Sellers who are often also buyers will leave. We get the impression that eBay is doing NOTHING to try to detect and reduce buyer abuse. The response of "part of doing business" won't keep your sellers. We are saying it is getting worse and knowledge of how to abuse sellers is well know now and used more often.

What exactly would you like them to do - have an announcement page of all the IDs that were banned? Would you like Ebay have you first send the item to them to verify that it is what was described - and then send the item to the buyer - then if the buyer has a problem - send it back to Ebay who can tell is there is a problem or if the item sent back is what was sent? 


You are dealing with a 3rd party venue who has at least enacted policies to protect both buyer and seller the best they can. They have given us a chance to appeal their decision. On some sites - sellers don't even have that option - the buyer is always right.


Again - I complained about this site for years - I was an anti-Ebay member - what did that aggravation get me - nothing. When I stopped and saw that the good outweighed the bad - which was a real eye opener when I did sell on other sites - I decided to stop the complaining - accept what I can't change and try to understand why Ebay does some of the things it does.


Does it all make sense to me - no - do I like all their policies - no - but am I making money here - yes!

The thing to keep in mind about eBay is that it was designed with a lot of unrealistic expectations about what would happen if you let peers deal directly with other peers through the Internet. But that's what happens when you let a bunch of young people design a whole new world.


Somewhere on the site, you may still find that message from Pierre Omayadar in which he says that eBay was founded on the assumption that people are basically good. Well, after having done a lot more living that Pierre had when he founded eBay, I know that he was somewhat wrong: People are a mix of good and bad — and more importantly, the small number of people who skew to the "bad" end of the bell curve cause trouble for the whole group out of proportion to their numbers because it's not just the people they hurt directly, but the fear and anxiety that they create that spreads throughout the group, and the restrictive measures that the group creates to deal with it.


So eBay learned the hard way that people are not all good. But on the other hand, they weren't going to overturn the entire basic design of the system to adjust to reality. That would mean dissolving the company and starting again from nothing. So for the last two decades, they've been improvising, adjusting as they go along, adding and changing rules and restrictions and standard procedures on top of a foundation that turns out to be more fragile than the original creators understood.


Realizing this, I have learned to take eBay for what it's worth, no more and no less. This attitude allows me to see it clearly and maximize the benefits and minimize the impact of the drawbacks. I don't expect it to live up to some Platonic idea of perfection. Being a perfectly functioning system was never in the cards. Instead, I focus my expectations on myself — that I will figure out how to make the system as it is work for me, so that I get some benefit out of it.

Message 115 of 134
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Re: Why the hell is this site ALL ABOUT THE BUYERS?

I am glad to hear this. Happy to know eBay is doing things to protect sellers - not just buyers.

You may not understand this, but tunicaslot makes a very valid point in comparing eBay to other sites that act as venues. You seem to be quite ready to use your own individual experience to stand for all, so please allow me to do the same:


You know how eBay and PayPal Seller Protection indemnify the seller if a buyer claims non-receipt, but online tracking says the package was Delivered? That is not true of a certain other big online venue whose name was taken from a major river.


Late last year, Amazon took $40 from me after a buyer claimed non-receipt even though USPS tracking clearly showed delivery. I pointed out what the tracking information showed and suggested he check with neighbors and his local PO if necessary. He responded angrily that he had no interest in doing so, tracking info be da**ed. In this case, eBay would have had my back. Delivered scan? Seller wins an INR. Right?


Well, Amazon seller protection requires that you have signature confirmation of delivery, even for low-value items. So the guy filed a dispute against me, and he won. Like I said, if this had happened with an eBay transaction, I would have won and kept the $40. 


So my experience tells me that selling on eBay is relatively easy and comfortable compared to selling on Amazon.

Message 116 of 134
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Re: Why the hell is this site ALL ABOUT THE BUYERS?

This all boils down to a couple of things. When two parties are at odds, Ebay cannot protect both. Back in the day when sales were considered peer to peer, Ebay stepped out and let the parties fight it out. It was terrible for buyers. Now Ebay operates like a merchant to customer site. Sellers are paid. They are the professional. Any court would hold sellers to a higher standard than buyers.


The second thing is that buyers have buyer protection through the law and credit card rules. If Ebay and Paypal left it all to chargebacks, the cost would be horrendous. Sellers would still have to pay to settle problems AND they would have to pay the chargeback fee too. Every single time. 


This is the way Ebay works. It's not going to change. Ebay sets it up so that they make maximum profit. They don't do that by catering to sellers. They do that by protecting buyers. Complaining will not make a difference, although you're welcome to continue to do so.


This is real life. This is not wishes and horses and unicorns. This is not Lake Wobegone where everyone is above average. In a conflict someone wins and someone loses. Ebay makes the most money when buyers win. 


Message 117 of 134
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Re: Why the hell is this site ALL ABOUT THE BUYERS?

Can you imagine all the whining on these boards if there was no resolution center! A buyer wants to return something - seller won't accept - so they go to their credit card and do a chargeback which most times ends in the buyers' favor and the seller loses the item, loses the money and loses an additional $20 for a chargeback fee. If this were the case - then yes - I could see all the complaining - but sellers don't stop to think how much worse it could be.


If we used the above scenerio - a seller would have to accept every return without a fight. We at least have an option to fight it and then an appeal process which often times works in the seller's favor if they have their ducks in a row.

Message 118 of 134
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Re: Why the hell is this site ALL ABOUT THE BUYERS?

nobody can return to a B & M seller claiming it is not "authentic" or "not as described" or that they received an empty box. I see these complaints recurring. sellers are getting ripped-off but eBay, who claims to be a leader and adapts for the changing times, is doing nothing to protect sellers. That is the theme of this thread.

First off luckily there are very few scammers and most sellers never run across one. Many think in their own minds that a buyer is a scammer but most are wrong. I have not read this whole thread but please explain exactly HOW Ebay is going to stop scammers.

Message 119 of 134
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Re: Why the hell is this site ALL ABOUT THE BUYERS?


No, I just wanted that Ebay didn´t remove my negative feedback and, by the way, going against Ebay´s own policy. 

So I see you support a seller business model based on luring buyers into buying used items marked as new and then offering return as the possible solution. Would you go to a physical shop where you would know beforehand that this was the regular selling practice ?

Look at this ongoing selling item from the same seller, go to the bottom and see what is written by another buyer (use google translator if you don't know German). The seller operated on this pattern, so the minimum I would ask Ebay is to allow buyers to give honest feedback about seller´s malpractices:

By removing honest negative feedback, Ebay is rewarding a malpractice and perpetuating a flawed business model. I don´t live well it that.

Sorry to say, but your answer totally misses the point.

Message 120 of 134
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