02-18-2020 12:48 PM
Mine: Ebay says Guaranteed by Mon, Feb. 24
My competitor: Ebay says Guaranteed by Fri, Feb. 21
Same item.
Same shipping loction.
Same handling time.
Same shipping method.
02-18-2020 12:58 PM
02-18-2020 12:59 PM
I believe we both have 1 day handling time.
DOLE chewy pineapple candy.
02-18-2020 01:02 PM
By shipping location, do you mean by "ship from" location, as in Hawaii? If so, then that is weird. But I always thought the ETA system on ebay (guaranteed or not) has always been hokey.
02-18-2020 01:08 PM - edited 02-18-2020 01:10 PM
Me and this guy have been "bucking heads". I lover my price. He lowers his 1 cent below mine. I lover my price again. He lowers his 1 cent below mine again.
Today i noticed his estimated shipping is quicker than mine. WTH?
02-18-2020 01:12 PM
02-18-2020 01:16 PM
Oh that's it! I doubt he's shipping it PM for $4.95.
02-18-2020 01:19 PM
@inhawaii wrote:Me and this guy have been "bucking heads". I lover my price. He lowers his 1 cent below mine. I lover my price again. He lowers his 1 cent below mine again.
Today i noticed his estimated shipping is quicker than mine. WTH?
What happens if you just match his price instead of beating it? This happened to me one time when selling costumes. This guy would monitor me multiple times a day and beat my price by like a nickel. Then I'd just change my price equal to his... not even beating it. Minutes later he would beat my price by a nickel still. I guess he refused to co-exist.
So there were times I had enough of it and lowered the price so low that it'd be about a 1-2 dollar loss per sale. He would then remove his listing and stop selling it. Giving me about a few days to raise the price back up with a good profit for a few days. Then he'd come back and 'round we go again. Keep in mind we had about 20-30 costumes that were the same... 20-30 simultaneous song and dances. It was exhausting.
02-18-2020 01:20 PM
@loveyourimagination49 wrote:
If I’m looking at the right things, he is offering PM vs your first class mail.
Yea that's what I wondered at first, but I didn't bother to check since it said same shipping method.
02-18-2020 01:25 PM
You don't really have any true competitors!!! Buyers in the know will always shop with the Best Seller on eBay.
02-18-2020 01:27 PM
There's another seller from Hawaii who is priced a penny lower than you with shipping 5 cents lower than you. That listing is same shipping as yours (standard) with the same ETA.
There's another seller with a Hawaii store who is priced a few dollars higher than both of you with $5.00 "expedited" shipping. The ETA for that listing gives me a date range.
Which competitor are you comparing your listing to? The one priced higher or the one priced about the same?
02-18-2020 01:33 PM
@bigdeals.etc wrote:
@loveyourimagination49 wrote:
If I’m looking at the right things, he is offering PM vs your first class mail.Yea that's what I wondered at first, but I didn't bother to check since it said same shipping method.
It pays not to listen to the written word. Lol 😂
02-18-2020 01:50 PM
@loveyourimagination49 wrote:It pays not to listen to the written word. Lol 😂
My fault. I think i'm getting mixed up, comparing wrong listings.
Item #1 (mine) First Class for $5.00 / Guaranteed by Mon. Feb. 24
Item #2 First Class for $4.95 / Guaranteed by Fri. Feb. 21
Item #3 Priority mail medium flat rate box for $5 (which has to be a mistake) / Estimated between Sat. Feb. 22 and Wed. Feb. 26
Why does #2 have me beat?
02-18-2020 02:08 PM
@inhawaii wrote:Item #1 (mine) First Class for $5.00 / Guaranteed by Mon. Feb. 24
Item #2 First Class for $4.95 / Guaranteed by Fri. Feb. 21
Item #3 Priority mail medium flat rate box for $5 (which has to be a mistake) / Estimated between Sat. Feb. 22 and Wed. Feb. 26
Item #1 Guaranteed by Mon. Feb. 24 to Hawaii
Item #2 Guaranteed by Mon. Feb. 21 to Hawaii
Item #1 Estimated on or before Sat. Feb. 22 to California
Item #2 Estimated on or before Fri. Feb. 21 to California
Item #1 Estimated on or before Tue. Feb. 25 to New York
Item #2 Estimated on or before Sat. Feb. 22 to New York
Both offering Standard Shipping (First Class). Neither listing displays a handling time. Are you sure they don't offer same day shipping while you offer 1 day shipping?
02-18-2020 02:20 PM