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Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

I have never posted here before, but feel I must say something as eBay's NEW politically correct policy of what is considered "Offensive Material" is threatening to erase history and reminders of the past and present that are deemed to someone, somewhere and somehow to be "offensive"? Including any item that depicts the confederate flag, anything post 1933 that includes symbolism of Nazi Germany, anything that can be considered offensive to anyone who identifies themselves by race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. This is the official new "Offensive Materials Policy update" This is directly from the ebay:


What is the policy

- Listings that promote, perpetuate, or glorify hatred, violence, or discrimination, including on the grounds of race, ethnicity, color, religion, gender, or sexual orientation, aren’t allowed. This includes, but isn't limited to, the following:
-- Slurs or epithets of any kind
-- Items, including figurines, cartoons, housewares, historical advertisements, and golliwogs with racist, anti-Semitic, or otherwise demeaning portrayals, for example through caricatures or other exaggerated features
-- Black Americana items that are discriminatory
-- Slavery items, including reproductions, such as tags, shackles, documents, bills of sale, etc.
-- Confederate battle flag and related items with its image
-- Historical Holocaust-related items, including reproductions
-- Any item that is anti-Semitic or any item from after 1933 that bears a swastika
-- Media identified as Nazi propaganda
-- Listings that imply or promote support of, membership in, or funding of a terrorist organization
- When offering shipping to other countries, make sure to first check our


What is happening to us?!?

Message 1 of 83
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Re: Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

"Gone With Wind" is now banned.  Aunt Jemima has just been blotted out.  Erased.  Flushed down the George Floyd memory hole.


They'll be coming after Uncle Ben's Rice and Cream of Wheat next.

Message 31 of 83
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Re: Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

Re: Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

And the ironic thing is, when they talk of "honoring the memory", George Floyd was no Kobe Bryant.
Message 33 of 83
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Re: Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

Yes, it's now official.  The mob has stoned Uncle Ben.  Uncle Ben's Rice is no more.


Ebay Youth in San Jose just yesterday ...


6-17-2020 11-53-51 AM.jpg

Message 34 of 83
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Re: Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

@luckythewinner wrote:

 Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?


eBay is banning items, but they are not trying to "erase history". 

Unfortunately, the doing of the former has the affect of doing the latter.


Alas!  If everything that someone finds offensive is banned, we will soon find ourselves having lost most of knowledge that civilizations past have given us.  This is evidenced by the need for archaeologists to study the ruins left by past peoples to try to understand how they accomplished what they did.

"It is an intelligent man that is aware of his own ignorance."
Message 35 of 83
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Re: Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

Will you make allowance that US gi's that brought back war souvineers were not doing so as a sign of reverence for the enemy and to be in possession of that souvineer does not make you a supporter of evil ?

Message 36 of 83
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Re: Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

Soon pants will be required on Michelangelo's statue David too. 

Message 37 of 83
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Re: Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

LOL You haven't seen all the photos of it with a fig leaf?
Message 38 of 83
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Re: Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

Cream of Wheat next?
Message 39 of 83
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Re: Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

@collectfest wrote:

My buddy just had an I had A Dream Martin Luther King Pin taken down. I guess it was offensive to white supremist. 

More Sensitivity still coming ?

I'm sure pacifists view items that glorifys & revere military leaders or commerates military exploits as  highly offensive

Message 40 of 83
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Re: Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

@nobody*s_perfect wrote:

@dtexley3 wrote:

Some pundit is on a stump claiming Kellog's is racist because of rice crispies.  Why? Because there are 3 white boys on the box.

They aren't boys they are elves, you can tell by their ears and by their size in relation to the bowl of cereal.  From the food making clan that also includes the Keebler elves.  I'm pretty sure that all elves are white, from northern Europe. I don't recall seeing any non-white elves in Lord of the Rings.

Just to be safe, better ban LOTR items, too.  Right there along with Minnie Mouse ears.


(Okay, who hid the sarcasm font THIS time?)

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 41 of 83
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Re: Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

@bosmingfarg wrote:
I want history shared so we don't repeat the bad things. Sharing isn't glorifying certain events.

Good luck with your wish, and may it happen!  It hasn't happened in the many past centuries, and with the increase in population, not much chance of it happening now.

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 42 of 83
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Re: Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

@vividmotion wrote:
Does that mean we shouldn't sell any religious related items? By your ideology it shows reverence to idols and ideals that millions have been massacred for on all religious sides?

It is a simple fact that out of the roughly 7 billion people in the world, there is probably not one item that at least one of those 7 billion cannot be offended by.  When it comes to religion, those that practice one particular version over another are often prone to take offense by a teaching or practice of another. 


Personally, I'm fond of doing my own thing provided it doesn't interfere with anyone else's right to do theirs.  Unfortunately, not all follow that philosophy.  It is the belief that one's particular beliefs are superior to another's that causes much of the problems between religions today.  Frankly, I have no problem with people not believing as I do, as long as they do not try to force their beliefs on me.


Should you continue to seller religious items?  Actually, I have no problem with you doing so.  If I find something that I want to purchase, I will.  Otherwise I won't, but also will not take offense at your selling them.  Whether eBay, in its often dubious wisdom, would have the same attitude, I cannot say.

"It is an intelligent man that is aware of his own ignorance."
Message 43 of 83
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Re: Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

@collectfest wrote:

My buddy just had an I had A Dream Martin Luther King Pin taken down. I guess it was offensive to white supremist. 

More Sensitivity still coming ?

I'm sure pacifists view items that glorifys & revere military leaders or commerates military exploits as  highly offensive.



Not to open a can of worms, can I only list items from the Union side of the Civil War? Just asking?

Message 44 of 83
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Re: Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

@coolections wrote:


I think it started with Obama allowing everyone to pass in school regardless of grades, and everyone to receive an award in athletics regardless of what place they came in. So to answer your question, NO it is not just Ebay.

Are you referring to the Every Student Succeeds Act?   Wasn't that basically just a reauthorization of the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act ?  

I'm pretty sure the everybody gets a trophy started a long time ago, long before Obama.  Despite becoming one of the favorite targets of the "what's wrong with America" ragefest, the first 'participation trophy' notice by the US press was in 1922 or thereabouts. Even the military did it after WWII on their bases.

The noisy backlash in 'current times' dates to around 1998 which is well before Obama.

So unless you want to respond with BUT HILLARY'S EMAILS, I don't really see why Obama is to blame for this.

Message 45 of 83
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