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Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

I have never posted here before, but feel I must say something as eBay's NEW politically correct policy of what is considered "Offensive Material" is threatening to erase history and reminders of the past and present that are deemed to someone, somewhere and somehow to be "offensive"? Including any item that depicts the confederate flag, anything post 1933 that includes symbolism of Nazi Germany, anything that can be considered offensive to anyone who identifies themselves by race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. This is the official new "Offensive Materials Policy update" This is directly from the ebay:


What is the policy

- Listings that promote, perpetuate, or glorify hatred, violence, or discrimination, including on the grounds of race, ethnicity, color, religion, gender, or sexual orientation, aren’t allowed. This includes, but isn't limited to, the following:
-- Slurs or epithets of any kind
-- Items, including figurines, cartoons, housewares, historical advertisements, and golliwogs with racist, anti-Semitic, or otherwise demeaning portrayals, for example through caricatures or other exaggerated features
-- Black Americana items that are discriminatory
-- Slavery items, including reproductions, such as tags, shackles, documents, bills of sale, etc.
-- Confederate battle flag and related items with its image
-- Historical Holocaust-related items, including reproductions
-- Any item that is anti-Semitic or any item from after 1933 that bears a swastika
-- Media identified as Nazi propaganda
-- Listings that imply or promote support of, membership in, or funding of a terrorist organization
- When offering shipping to other countries, make sure to first check our


What is happening to us?!?

Message 1 of 83
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Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

Cream of Wheat next?


Not sure, but heard a rumor that Mrs. Butterworth got her walking papers.  Same for  the beautiful figure of Pocahontas on the butter box. 

Message 46 of 83
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Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

Sounds like the start of a kinder, gentler world.

Message 47 of 83
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Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

@dtexley3 wrote:

Some pundit is on a stump claiming Kellog's is racist because of rice crispies.  Why? Because there are 3 white boys on the box.

Not that it matters about Snap, Crackle and Pop, but John Harvey Kellogg was a rabid racist, eugenist, invented corn flakes to suppress sexual urges (including himself - he and his wife lived celibate lives)  and generally was as nutty as one of his granose biscuits.

So he might not be a good poster child for much of anybody except enema lovers. (yes, seriously, he was a great proponent of enemas)

Just some fun facts. 

Message 48 of 83
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Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

There is also a melon you can't speak of either.

Message 49 of 83
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Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

@vividmotion wrote:


What is happening to us?!?

While I understand the collecting of historical memorabilia, I am all for the current ban on such items that are discriminatory, whether historically *accurate* or not. 

I think some posters are missing the point. 

As a white woman I am fully aware of how white supremacy is still, after all these years, far too prevalent in our society, especially in the *safety* of where one can speak such filth. I know because I am white. Many other white people assume incorrectly that I stand with them in racist attitudes and speak it in my presence. 

Since I know these types of attitudes have not gone by the wayside willingly, it appears forcing these attitudes to at least go undercover where there is some shame associated with them is the current mode of thinking. At least to ban such items outright, so that these attitudes are not considered socially PC. 

On that note, ebay, and others, ban away! Let those know that need a shove, not a light push, that their hatred is no longer acceptable. Collecting to not forget the errors of the past is hardly something to worry about. Collectors will find as they always have, and some will collect to remember attitudes that were acceptable and no longer are, and some will collect to revive such hateful and discriminatory thoughts and feelings. As for those types, I hope they feel the shame. It's about time they did. 

Nobody is trying to erase history. That is a laughable accusation. You may visit the holocaust museums, or black history museums, anytime you wish. 

But banning those who may try to practice such attitudes in the current era from purchasing such items on ebay is the right thing to do. 

Message 50 of 83
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Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

@bar-29368 wrote:
LOL You haven't seen all the photos of it with a fig leaf?

Pope Innocent X attacked them with a chisel first.  That must have been quite a bit of theater for witnesses at the time!

Message 51 of 83
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Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

Just to be safe, better ban LOTR items, too.  Right there along with Minnie Mouse ears.


If I am not mistaken, I think those fall under the "price gouging" policy.  It is hard to keep up.   Those mice in general, on the other hand, appear to have questionable ethnic backgrounds so they may be next just in case.  BTW,  I do find  real mice to "offensive".  LOL.  (1928 Disney)Mice.jpg

Message 52 of 83
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Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

Mrs. Butterworth WILL be next.


She is modeled after the actress that played Prissy in Gone with the Wind, Thelma "Butterfly" McQueen.

Message 53 of 83
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Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

The 100 year old Land O Lakes indigenous lady was removed from their packaging a few months ago.  She was stoned by the George Floyd mob.

Message 54 of 83
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Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

@jerzee908 wrote:

Mrs. Butterworth WILL be next.


She is modeled after the actress that played Prissy in Gone with the Wind, Thelma "Butterfly" McQueen.

I know that's been reported but I'm not sure it's true. It's not mentioned in McQueen's bios (including Wiki) nor did Pinnacle Foods say so. They launched Mrs Butterworth in 1961 and have never mentioned McQueen.    McQueen quit acting long before 1961 and physically did not have the stature or appearance of Mrs Butterworth.  She also would (IMO) never have agreed to be the model, as she loathed the stereotyped roles she was cast in.

I did read an satirical article back in 2010 that said that once stripped of the syrup, together with DNA testings, it became clear that Mrs Butterworth was actually white.  That's probably the year I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express.

Message 55 of 83
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Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

Andrew Jackson was a notorious slave owner.  Send me all your $20 bills so that I can appropriately dispose of them.  If you'd like to get rid of any $1 (Washington) and $2 (Jefferson) bills, we can also take care of those for you but it's mostly the $20 bills we're interested in.

Message 57 of 83
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Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

Speaking of US Presidents, I wonder if reprints of Jefferson's 84 page Bible are on sale anywhere.  Probably.


Another less-than-fun fact, Bibles given to slaves in British West-India omitted the most of the Old Testament and parts of the New Testament.   Inclusions were parts that encouraged obedience and redactions were intended to discourage thoughts of rebellion.



Message 58 of 83
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Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

...just want to friendly reminding you that Andrew Jackson was a Democrat and he was the one who is responsible for the "Trailer Tears" against the Native American Indian Cherokees, although the Supreme Court didn't approved as it was illegal, he still did can google it for further information... $20 bills will have a good base to stay...I think you should move your campaign to either $50 or $100 bills as they are better in value...

Message 59 of 83
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Why is eBay trying to erase history and ban items?

"10s 20s and upwards"


I like the caring thought of your post, and I'd like to join in. I'm pretty good at money disposal methods : )
Do you think basketball should be rid of, for racially charged linguistic inappropriateness surely fills the Halls of society by its existence, and if not, why? What gives basketball immunity for being looked at as being "let's say" racially baiting, promoters?

I mean, If uncle Ben and many other foolish things have to go, shouldn't that basketball be stripped away too?

Message 60 of 83
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