07-15-2021 12:03 PM
There is really nothing to “MANAGE” here… Before, when I had funds on my PayPal from selling on eBay I could use the same money to buy something back on eBay. Now they transfer money to your bank account with usual delays that could take up to 5 to 7 business days depending on weekends or holidays in your country!! Why eBay did it this way having for more than 20 years reliable instant PayPal payment system which was good for the sellers? Did they do in favor of sellers? I don’t think so… It’s getting worse and worse for the sellers really and eBay doesn’t care on the seller’s opinion! This happens when someone has a monopoly and all you can do is suck it up.
07-15-2021 04:18 PM - edited 07-15-2021 04:19 PM
In the beginning, there was Ebay. In 1999 I sold my 1st item, a sewing machine I found in the trash for $675 and it was good. Ebay then created Paypal and saw it was good.
Buyers could pay with or without an account with any credit or debit card and sellers got payed immediately.
Then Ebay sold Paypal, (making Elon Mush suddenly worth 100 million which he reinvested and the rest is history) and it was still good. And so it came to pass that Ebay fired Paypal and created Managed Payments, a steaming pile of poooh. And it was NOT good. Well not good for sellers. Ebay saw that banks made billions floating slush funds of money they collected from cashed checks for days on end, while telling the customer they needed however may days for the funds to clear, which in these days of electronics transfers is not true. And Ebay became jealous of Paypal collecting that 3-5% instead of them. What new fun changes are yet to come?
Words to the wise. Ditch your bank, get a Credit Union checking account.
The ones I've used process deposits IMMEDIATELY. After all you're an owner, not just some chump they make money off of. Checks clear the minute they scan the account numbers via the ATM, hit up the bank in
question to verify the funds are there, and bada bing. Also, Ebay deposits are available the next day or even the same day. I had one transfer sent at 1am then got credited the same day. But another at 3am, not.
Need to get a local account, currently using a CU in the midwest, so maybe If I get a local biz account, it will credit same day, since it's sent before opening. ie PST vs EST. (Or PDT etc.)
So, one other side note. My payments page said my last monthly commissions payment was due till Aug 1
when usually it's due July 15. Well, just got a notification from Paypal, money got sent to Ebay today...
had to shuffle some money around, but really. Grrrrrr. Lucky I don't have an overdraft.
07-15-2021 04:25 PM
Actually they are 'managing' all the business aspects of selling for sellers.
Take fees out immediately, no more paying, clicking, holding, saving 'fees' for an 'end of month' payment so they Manage that for you.
Store fees now taken out automatically- again, they are now 'Managing' that.
Depositing the $ directly into the same bank account that you were probably moving the PP money into to pay yourself profit at end of week/end of month- however you chose to pay yourself. This is now 'Managing' that aspect for you. No signing on to PP, no extra clicks..nothing. Just look at an email every business day and see the $ they put in your bank account AFTER they have removed all other 'fees'
Oh, and you can also have them 'Manage' the shipping costs, by also paying for that out of Pending Funds.
07-15-2021 05:08 PM
Thank you for your input! I'd rather manage my money myself sending it from my PP to my bank count. It won't take that long... only few minutes! Much better than waiting for payment 5-7 business days. It's ok to wait if you sell something for $30-100, but if you sell something for $10-20.000 - why do you have to wait 5-7 days? This is step back for eBay in our days of innovative payment technologies.
07-15-2021 07:31 PM
For me Pay Pal was mostly Mad $ .. I don't buy now on E Bay as the $ goes to my newly opened checking account specific for E Bay sales ... I think many are like me ( an E Bay seller ) but buyer also .. Will just buy less or not at all .. nice move E bay !
07-15-2021 07:47 PM
Most of that 4 billion dollars goes to Visa, MasterCard, Amex, and Discover. Another big chunk goes to each one of the banks that are the cards are issued by. Have you ever noticed how hard banks were getting their customers to ditch writing checks and using their Visa or MasterCard debit more? Doing so turned the expense of processing paper checks to revenue stream for the bank each time their customers paid by debit card.
07-15-2021 07:51 PM
Because they manage the sheep and give away sellers items I Think . If sellers have no say in a refund to a scammer eBay should charge no fees to sell . Its like idiots paying eBay to get ripped off lol
07-15-2021 08:04 PM
Why do you consistently say "waiting for payment 5-7 business days" ??
Managed Payments has 1) daily payouts : except Sat, Sun, Holiday OR *read* OR 2) weekly payout : every Tuesday. I get notification on Tuesday morning that eBay sent my payout, it's in my account Tuesday afternoon.
FWIW PayPal transfer to bank accounts took anywhere from 3-5 days. So unless you had a PP Debit card you still have to wait for your money.
Just Stop .....
07-15-2021 08:15 PM
Perhaps it is called 'Managed Payments' because it may well help to manage ebay's bottom line?
07-15-2021 09:02 PM
Thank you for your input! Because I sold my item on Monday morning this week and its already Friday midnight and I still don’t have money on my account. I’m in Canada, eBay releases the payment after two days of holding it (why?) plus 3 days to process it. For the new (higher) fees I paid to eBay from my selling transaction I think I should to get my money much faster or at least like it was with PayPal! And I really want to “manage” my payment like with PayPal. If I want to keep my money or transfer to my bank account or to use this money for buying something on eBay and not waiting days when I see it on my bank account.
07-15-2021 10:57 PM
My fees really haven't changed.
Also, Paypal is raising their fees on many of their products. And it is NOT to make up for eBay shortfall (which seems to be repeated here for some reason), as Paypal has already left eBay in the dust. They certainly don't seem to need to be a loan service for eBay.