09-20-2019 11:14 AM
Many buyers like to know what to expect when buying on any website. Therefore, it would be best if buyers knew what to expect about getting feedback from sellers.
Just about all sellers know that feedback for buyers is not useful for letting other sellers know that a buyer acts fairly and is honest, or that the buyer is unfair and dishonest. Therefore, it is logical that sellers would want to leave feedback in such a way that displeases the smallest number of the seller's customers.
Sellers can use the following facts to decide when to leave feedback and what to say in the feedback in order to displease the smallest number of customers:
1. Fewer buyers are displeased by the seller leaving feedback before the buyer receives the item.
2. Fewer buyers are displeased by the seller thanking the buyer in the feedback or by saying something nice about the buyer. Other sellers know that the good things said about a buyer in feedback do not indicate how fair and honest the buyer is.
3. When more sellers leave feedback soon after payment is received, buyers will leave feedback for a larger percent of their purchases from other sellers.
Comments that are often made which are true but have nothing to do with what is the best way for sellers to use the feedback program for buyers:
1. Leaving feedback is voluntary.
2. Buyers do not need more feedback after they get enough to cause sellers to be comfortable selling to them.
09-20-2019 01:47 PM
@phanoto wrote:"Many buyers like to know what to expect when buying on any website. .... "
With all due respect, personally, I would think that the buyer has more important things to think about rather than whether or not, or when, they are going to get feedback, since they KNOW it must be positive.
'Sides, perhaps different sellers may well need different lengths of time, intervals, to determine how to properly word their praise of the buyer.
09-20-2019 02:07 PM - edited 09-20-2019 02:11 PM
@phanoto wrote:"I have a buyer doing a return now. Filed a SNAD when in fact they made a purchasing error on a very clearly shown with photos, and described correctly in the title, and text.
Tell me..... when should that buyer have received a "feedback", and what should that "feedback" be???
Buyer feedback is useless."
A buyer like that would probably be offended if he/she thought the seller would like to give a negative feedback. Therefore a seller would want to be SURE to give a buyer like that positive feedback as soon as the buyer pays.
A seller would not want to antagonize an unfair buyer because it would cause the buyer to act even more unfairly.
Yes, feedback for a buyer is useless to the buyer, but is sometimes very useful to the seller who gives it. It causes the buyer to NOT think the seller would like to give negative feedback.
A buyer like that should not be offended/feel offended. They are not doing something (+) by filing a false SNAD. They are harming a seller's eBay account, and taking money out of a seller's pocket.
Your views on leaving feedback are very confusing. You advocate leaving the (+) feedback so other buyers can see that the seller rewards their buyers. Now question is, was I not supposed to leave the buyer feedback after they paid? Was I supposed to wait 180 days (I know 60 days is the cutoff for feedback) to see if this was going to be a (+) transaction with no false eBay/PP/CC claim?
Why would a numpty buyer be offended for their foolish error? Never mind, of course they would be offended. After all, they are just a numpty buyer making a foolish error. Why should they be responsible in any way for their mistake? After all, Walmart would take it back.
Why did I even respond too this thread to start with? It only encourages skewed perspective responses.
09-20-2019 02:26 PM
"Your views on leaving feedback are very confusing. You advocate leaving the (+) feedback so other buyers can see that the seller rewards their buyers. Now question is, was I not supposed to leave the buyer feedback after they paid? Was I supposed to wait 180 days (I know 60 days is the cutoff for feedback) to see if this was going to be a (+) transaction with no false eBay/PP/CC claim?"
In order for a seller to receive the most benefit from leaving feedback for the buyer, the seller must leave the feedback at the time which will NOT cause the buyer to be displeased.
You have made a good point which I failed to mention. Yes, buyers can see that a seller leaves feedback for other buyers. So, when the seller does not leave feedback for a certain buyer, that buyer will often wonder why he/she did not deserve a feedback as much as the buyers who received feedback.
09-20-2019 02:45 PM
@scstool wrote:Executive Summary of Net Result (ESNR):
"Just about all sellers know that feedback for buyers is not useful"
All you had to say
Except when the buyer is also a seller and the activity makes them look good. My last 4 purchases on one account I have left feedback for sellers and gotten none in return.
09-20-2019 02:52 PM
09-20-2019 03:02 PM
Just one question for you, Phan -- why do you focus, somewhat obsessively, on feedback?
And, don't you think it would be just a good idea for buyers to NOT expect anything at all regarding feedback?
I may be somewhat naive, but I prefer to believe that most buyers only care about getting what they bought in a reasonable length of time and that it be as described.
09-20-2019 03:16 PM
"And, don't you think it would be just a good idea for buyers to NOT expect anything at all regarding feedback?"
That would be impossible. Anyone will expect whatever happens to them regularly when they do a certain thing.
"I may be somewhat naive, but I prefer to believe that most buyers only care about getting what they bought in a reasonable length of time and that it be as described."
That is just what I have been saying.
Buyers do not care about getting more feedback once they get enough to make sellers not afraid to sell to them.
What buyers dislike is when a seller thinks the buyer did not do good enough to deserve a feedback.
09-20-2019 03:22 PM
@phanoto wrote:"Your views on leaving feedback are very confusing. You advocate leaving the (+) feedback so other buyers can see that the seller rewards their buyers. Now question is, was I not supposed to leave the buyer feedback after they paid? Was I supposed to wait 180 days (I know 60 days is the cutoff for feedback) to see if this was going to be a (+) transaction with no false eBay/PP/CC claim?"
In order for a seller to receive the most benefit from leaving feedback for the buyer, the seller must leave the feedback at the time which will NOT cause the buyer to be displeased.
You have made a good point which I failed to mention. Yes, buyers can see that a seller leaves feedback for other buyers. So, when the seller does not leave feedback for a certain buyer, that buyer will often wonder why he/she did not deserve a feedback as much as the buyers who received feedback.
All I can do now is........... smh
09-20-2019 03:24 PM
"Buyers do not care about getting more feedback once they get enough to make sellers not afraid to sell to them. "
Yet we've seen sellers here with valid complaints about bad buyer behaviors..
and those buyers have had feedbacks from 0 to over a 1000.
So it doesn't appear to me, based on 10+ years of being on this board,
that there Ever is a fb number, which causes sellers to relax.
09-20-2019 03:35 PM
@phanoto wrote:"
Buyers do not care about getting more feedback once they get enough to make sellers not afraid to sell to them.
What buyers dislike is when a seller thinks the buyer did not do good enough to deserve a feedback.
I, as a seller do not see a buyer's feedback before they purchase. I do "fixed price, IPR listings. I do not do "offers". Why would I be afraid?
Many of my buyers have (0) feedback. We all know that a buyer can not be blocked with a (0) , or better feedback rating, and as others have stated, all buyers, except some leftover buyers from when (-) was allowed have 100% (+).
09-20-2019 04:04 PM
I was hoping someone would be off of this kick by now.
But noooooooooooo ........
09-20-2019 04:07 PM
@kathy507 wrote:Feedback for buyers on this site is meaningless since all buyers get a positive and a seller cannot leave a negative comment to alert anyone of a bad buyer experience. Almost all sellers know this.
Personally I wish they would just remove the ability of sellers to leave feedback for buyers since it tells others nothing. Other sites do not allow sellers to leave feedback for buyers already.
I always wonder why buyers ask a seller to leave feedback. For example from a buyer: "I left feedback for you, please do the same." Do they not realize feedback for them is meaningless or is there some basic need to be complemented involved?
I wish they would just remove the word 'honest' from the 'leave feedback for buyers' message, since in some cases you can't.
09-20-2019 04:09 PM
@phanoto wrote:"I always wonder why buyers ask a seller to leave feedback. For example from a buyer: "I left feedback for you, please do the same." Do they not realize feedback for them is meaningless or is there some basic need to be complemented involved?"
The buyer is not wanting a complement.
The buyer knows that feedback for buyers is meaningless, EXCEPT it means that the seller wants to be courteous by leaving feedback. The seller does not want to cause the buyer to be dissatisfied.
If the seller does not leave feedback, the buyer sometimes wonders why the seller thinks the buyer did not do good enough to be worthy of a feedback.
Knowledgeable sellers want to be sure that the buyer does not think the seller is discourteous. That would be bad for business.
My thought process is that if a buyer doesn't leave it, they don't want it for some reason or another. So it's left when received.
09-20-2019 04:36 PM - edited 09-20-2019 04:38 PM
Some of you are probably not aware that this OP likes to bring up this beaten to death subject on a regular basis.
We who have been around awhile find it very tiresome.
And on that note I will bow out.
This is just a general reply, not to @earlyant-77
09-20-2019 04:56 PM
@18704d wrote:
Yet we've seen sellers here with valid complaints about bad buyer behaviors..
and those buyers have had feedbacks from 0 to over a 1000.
Some of those buyers with bad behavior, having a high buyer feedback number, not surprisingly are also long time sellers having made hundreds or thousands of sales themselves.