07-01-2021 07:51 AM
A week ago I was able to go to Seller Hub, then click on "Seller Level", and after scrolling to the bottom of the page, see my all time sales amounts in both a total dollar amount and total number of items sold. This week, it's no longer there, and Customer Service cannot seem to find an answer for me. I'd seen an article somewhere saying that it was now to be found by going to the Subscriptions page ( under account) and signing up for sales reports, but that is apparently either not true or no longer the case.
Anyone know where they are now?
07-01-2021 08:32 AM
I still have it.......It's on the overview page.......listed "under" Seller level........I mean I don't have to click on it......
07-01-2021 09:21 AM
dhbookds - You have the wrong response for the initial post. In Seller Dashboard at the very bottom was total sales since inception, meaning going back to whatever date/ year you sold the first item. It had a running tally of total sales, and number of items sold. in the area you are talking about, it one;y offers a 12 month tally. Please read the post from cmdomino2000 again! I posted on this very thing about 2-3 days ago. eBay has removed total sales, and or, has made it a complete hassle to locate it, or makes you go through downloading some seller report in seller Hub, which will now take more time than it is even worth. eBay is making tracking anything more difficult for sellers! PERIOD.
07-01-2021 09:24 AM
@antiques_avenue wrote:dhbookds - You have the wrong response for the initial post. In Seller Dashboard at the very bottom was total sales since inception, meaning going back to whatever date/ year you sold the first item. It had a running tally of total sales, and number of items sold. in the area you are talking about, it one;y offers a 12 month tally. Please read the post from cmdomino2000 again! I posted on this very thing about 2-3 days ago. eBay has removed total sales, and or, has made it a complete hassle to locate it, or makes you go through downloading some seller report in seller Hub, which will now take more time than it is even worth. eBay is making tracking anything more difficult for sellers! PERIOD.
@antiques_avenue Where did they move that info that used to be at the bottom of our Seller Dashboard? I had not checked for a while and went there while reading this thread ... GONE!
07-07-2021 06:08 PM
Yes someone please answer i would like to know my totals
07-07-2021 06:09 PM
Not sure - mine is no longer there either
07-07-2021 06:18 PM
07-07-2021 06:27 PM
@katzrul15, @cmdomino2000 , @2wheeldocs , @antiques_avenue , @dhbookds
In addition to that historical sales info, which is the Seller's and not eBay's they have also taken away the ability of Sellers to see who is Following them ... again, THAT interest in Sellers is the Sellers' and NOT eBay's. I suspect that more and more Seller specific information will simply evaporate from the site and I think a lot of it is due to the poor programming they are employing with the recent changes ...
For myself, I have kept a spreadsheet from day 1 which has each month and the total items sold and total dollars sold and then gives me the total items and dollars sold per year AND what the average sales was for preceding years and a real time running average sale amount on the current year. I could easily total all the years if I wanted or needed to. It would probably not be an exact match to eBay's but close enough.
07-07-2021 06:29 PM
Interesting, I had just viewed my all time totals yesterday, now the totals are missing just like the OP said.
If someone finds a way to find where they went please let us know.
07-23-2021 04:08 PM
Any answers to this? It seems OUTRAGEOUS they would delete that info from sellers without notice!
07-23-2021 04:10 PM
Not that I know of - It appears to truly be gone from the Seller Hub view. Reports only let us view 90 days.
It was nice seeing a lifetime total.
07-23-2021 05:50 PM
@katzrul15 The CSV formatted databases in MP Reports goes back further than 90 days. I just did one for the first 6 months of this year. eBay stated that MP will go back 10 years (obviously I think they mean from it's inception forward 10, NT 10 back from now).
07-23-2021 07:52 PM
They Have moved it to THE RECYCLE BIN!
07-23-2021 08:08 PM
It's on a "need to know" basis, and apparently they don't think we need to know.
07-24-2021 06:40 PM
IDK, but just a heads up, at least for old timers, that info is not accurate anyway, so I've never paid attn to it. It may be more accurate if you haven't been on Ebay that long. Mine was always off by over a YEAR's worth of data b/c at some point (many years ago) they changed my Ebay start date to over a year after I actually started. I remember when this happened, a bunch of us were affected. So just beware, esp if you've been on Ebay for decades, that it may not reflect reality.