09-12-2018 05:24 AM
I received a warning from eBay that they had taken down one of my listings because I used the word "unworn" in my listing title--apparently now you are only supposed to use that word in the description section of your listing--seriously? WTH is this garbage?
I sell a lot of vintage items, and quite of few of them are "unworn" however, they are not NEW. They are 40 years old--so I certainly can't say that they are NEW--but it is easy to tell if they are unworn, as many of them still have the tags attached. I actually learned here on the forum not to say that vintage items were new--one of the Senior posters here (sorry, I can't remember which one right now) made a point that you shouldn't call old items new, and I agreed with that idea, and listed my things accordingly. But what do I do now? I want the buyers to know that what they are buying has never been worn--there is HUGE difference in worn items and unworn ones....and it really seems to help sell those items too.
I just can't believe this honestly. I have no idea what to put in the title to convey the same message, and since when is this not allowed? What is the reasoning behind it? I understand not being able to put "like new" in the title because that is confusing to buyers, but why not unworn? This is a serious issue for me because I have about 200 listings I need to change asap--any ideas anyone?
It has gotten beyond ridiculous around here--the vindictiveness is astounding--people reporting each other for ridiculous things--it needs to STOP. We have enough animosity and struggle here just dealing with the platform and the real buyers--the armchair police really need to get a life. My guess is that someone looked at my account and got jealous--reported my listing because they are a small minded, bitter, and petty person--but I got a personalized message from eBay--detailing exactly what I did "wrong." Does that mean that someone had to call and report me? It seems really strange, like someone must have really gone out of their way to explain what exactly I did wrong--for me to get a warning like that--and I don't quite know what to do here--has anyone heard of this before, or am I the only lucky one dealing with this?
09-12-2018 05:40 AM
I have used "NOS" for new old stock in my titles for old items that still have tags attached.
09-12-2018 05:56 AM
Hi to you both. Fern: I was just sitting here racking my brain on how to deal with this since I, too, have some 20-30 year old vintage clothing pieces with tags still attached and are unworn but haven't listed yet. The NOS is a great idea. I totally forgot about it. Guess my question now is...can McZom do a relist (or set up as a new listing) with the revision? On these boards I keep reading if they pull it, do not put it back up. Just a thought for my future reference if it ever happens to me.
09-12-2018 06:28 AM
@abfabvintage wrote:
......can McZom do a relist (or set up as a new listing) with the revision? On these boards I keep reading if they pull it, do not put it back up. ..
That advice mostly applies to ITEMS that have been pulled. If eBay thinks your Coach bag is a fake, you shouldn't relist it ever, no matter what sort of proof you have. But if eBay's objection was to specific words, then removing those words should make the listing OK.
09-12-2018 06:28 AM
Can't you just say in the titles: With Tags
It makes me immediately visualize, clothing that has never been worn.
I mean, who is going to wear clothes with the tags still attached?
09-12-2018 06:32 AM
I think you need to have show a note from home to be able to use or say that.
09-12-2018 07:32 AM
There is a gap in listing an item that is pre-owned, no tags, but not used. Best to use an abundnace of caution and list as used and then note in the description the "as new" condition. Contrary to popular belief, most buyers still read the descriptions. Alas most is not all.
09-12-2018 08:04 AM
NOS--Would you believe I totally forgot about that too? Strange how some things just leave your brain--but that's exactly why I asked here--I knew someone would have an idea of what to do! Thanks so much! 🙂
09-12-2018 08:10 AM
Hi to you both. Fern: I was just sitting here racking my brain on how to deal with this since I, too, have some 20-30 year old vintage clothing pieces with tags still attached and are unworn but haven't listed yet. The NOS is a great idea. I totally forgot about it. Guess my question now is...can McZom do a relist (or set up as a new listing) with the revision? On these boards I keep reading if they pull it, do not put it back up. Just a thought for my future reference if it ever happens to me.
Yes...I was worried about that as well......but what can I do? I have about 200 other listings that I need to change also......if they pull all of those........nevermind, I can't let my mind go there....
09-12-2018 08:12 AM
Hey, all. And if you do use the NOS in the title, explain it out what NOS means. Am not trying to make you feel stupid, am sure you know to do this lolol. Since I am told more than 50% of buyers use their mobile, you are lucky the full script is even read. Already had 2 returns where they used mobile and never bothered to read beyond the title. I am now putting any explanations, measurements, etc. in the condition block AND in the Item Specifics, too, so I have it in at least 4 places: title, condition, IS, script. I know it is overkill, and maybe perceived as paranoia lolol. But that is now the environment we live in around here. Good Luck!
09-12-2018 08:15 AM
Can't you just say in the titles: With Tags
It makes me immediately visualize, clothing that has never been worn.
I mean, who is going to wear clothes with the tags still attached?
Yes, I do that sometimes also, but I actually love to use the word "unworn" because I think it brings to mind something that is clean and pristine....and probably 40% of what I sell that is unworn, does not have the tags....
09-12-2018 08:16 AM
Hey, read what Fern said above...but to me it all depends on just what that one warning said. Maybe if Fern still around she can maybe explain further. Hate to see you go in and revise all of the other 200 then they all get pulled.
09-12-2018 08:17 AM
I've used NOS quite a bit, and on almost all of my listings lately, but I always wonder how many buyers have any idea what it means? I do spell it out in other places.
Person Who For Years Thought EUC Meant Excellent Unused Condition
09-12-2018 08:23 AM
Very funny.....it happens.
09-12-2018 08:27 AM
I guess--but I liked it in the title because it really grabbed people's attention--I have sold countless numbers of vintage lingerie using "unworn" in the title. It sort of explains it all, in my opinion--and I've never had a return using "unworn" for lingerie.
I feel uncomfortable saying "new" for most vintage items--God forbid if there is a whiff of musty smell on anything--I mean, if it doesn't smell like it came from WalMart, I feel I am opening myself up for SNADS. Even with NOS--I still fell uncomfortable with that in some cases.
Ugh, I'm really irritated here--sorry to whine, but it is always something here.....ALWAYS. This is going to take me hours to change all those listings....*big sigh*