12-17-2021 08:51 PM
I thought that was part of the reward, ebay would not only give you a discount and search boost but would also have a badge in search results to entice potential buyers to click on your items. Is this their idea of build back better?
12-17-2021 08:52 PM
back better?
12-17-2021 08:53 PM
Maybe back 5-10 years ago ebay was better.
12-17-2021 08:56 PM
You mean the one that is showing up on your listings?
12-17-2021 08:58 PM
No, the one that used to appear in search results which USED to distinguish you from the competition who weren't offering free shipping and free returns.
12-17-2021 09:01 PM
I'm gonna take a stab at it and say FEEbay removed the badge after they got enough sellers to capitulate and create the pyramid/ponzi scheme that is ebay/amazon/walmart etc. Rob peter to pay paul is another way of putting it.
12-17-2021 09:03 PM
I got mine.
12-17-2021 09:05 PM
This one?
12-17-2021 09:13 PM
I just looked up your item and see it along with others indicating top rated plus but do not see it on my items nor on anyone else in the category in which I searched.
12-17-2021 09:14 PM
badge seems to be alive & well (for for what it is worth)
12-17-2021 09:19 PM
I'm not find trs plus on not only my listings but other people's who when I click the item are top rated plus. I certainly didn't go through all my items but there seems to be some sort of glitch. When I search I get the TPS plus badge but when I do a broad category search no longer see it.
12-17-2021 09:20 PM
Your listings show me you are TRS+.......
12-17-2021 09:21 PM
Category searches do not show the badge.
12-17-2021 09:24 PM
Not on a category search. No one's listings are showing TRS plus. Click the drop down menu, any category and refine to show a list and you will not find one.
12-17-2021 09:46 PM - edited 12-17-2021 09:48 PM
Ignore me, wrong thread