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What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?

Christmas shopping is upon us!  What are your plans to maximize your sales, or are you just going to 'go with the flow'?  Have your sales picked up or not yet recovered?  And what thoughts have you given to 2022?


Inquiring minds would like to know!



RKS Solutions LLC logo
Ask me about SixBit and the tools I use to sell - I'm happy to share!
"A journey of a thousand miles begins by getting off the couch"
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Re: What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?

Our goal is to get through the pandemic without getting Covid.  So we are not selling anywhere anytime soon.  We were regulars at the local Flea, but too dangerous now.  One of our closest friends spent 10 days in the hospital with it and is still using a walker and can't drive.  She has no idea where she got it from.

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Re: What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?

Things have slowed down.  9/20.  It was a slow weekend.  No new listings yet this week.  Just have had other things to do.  Hope everyone is doing well.

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Re: What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?

sold a few more big items and a couple more smalls.  Enough to keep me happy, but not enough to really get me too excited.  I've sold three PCs locally now -- the fourth has something wrong in the mobo so it's back on the shelf as I try to focus only on those that can be flipped quickly.


Work is busy.  The retail stores are doing quite well, Amazon sales keep growing, and I'm getting better at keeping the eBay shipping & listing on track.  Sales have stabilized, but not where they really should be - yet.  Adding to the fun:  we lost power Monday night and probably won't have it back until the weekend.  Not because of the bad weather ... because someone knocked down a main transformer pole, it landed on the building, and ended up shorting out and damaging just about every electrical junction box in the mall!!  Fun Fun Fun!  Spent today pulling stock by flashlight, moving the shipping computer from one store to another, and then packing/shipping without half the tools that make it easier.  Oy!!


And Monday I found FOUR boxes of video games - Xbox, Playstation, who knows what else.  About 150-200 per box, about 1/2 new in package, the other Gamestop 'Previously Owned'.  Listed about 50 Nintendo DS cartridges (no cases) last week - sold enough that the entire lot has been paid for twice over.  Good place to be!  I can't wait to get into the video games.... 🙂


Tomorrow's adventure -- finding the Win95 PC game, new in box, that I just sold.  I know they are all in a sealed tub... but I'm not quite sure where I stashed the tub.  😞  It's always something...


Cooling off this week, rain Thur eve, Friday, Sat morning.  Then colder.  Oh boy.  Happy Happy Joy Joy.



RKS Solutions LLC logo
Ask me about SixBit and the tools I use to sell - I'm happy to share!
"A journey of a thousand miles begins by getting off the couch"
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Re: What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?

Just started in September. Sales have picked up as I've increased my inventory over the months, but also as we've headed into Christmas shopping.


I haven't listed in a week or two as I've decided to wait until after Christmas to really hit it hard. I think that's the time to really start listing, and selling the big stuff.

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Re: What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?

@rabites-n-chocobos wrote:

Just started in September. Sales have picked up as I've increased my inventory over the months, but also as we've headed into Christmas shopping.


I haven't listed in a week or two as I've decided to wait until after Christmas to really hit it hard. I think that's the time to really start listing, and selling the big stuff.

If you do not have a Store (new sellers probably shouldn't right away), then you have 250 free listings each month.  What I try to do, altho not as much lately, is keep getting inventory ready, even if I've used all my 250 listings.  Just remember it's 250 each month, including GTC rollovers, so keep an eye on your numbers.


I'm also taking some time off - I'll blast out a lot of relists between Christmas and New Years (I use SixBit to do this for me automatically - no keyboard time involved!) as well as working on adding new inventory to one of my selling IDs during that same week while I'm on 'vacation'.  🙂



RKS Solutions LLC logo
Ask me about SixBit and the tools I use to sell - I'm happy to share!
"A journey of a thousand miles begins by getting off the couch"
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Re: What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?

Sold 2 more, so now at 11/20.   I doubt if I make my goal.  On Monday I sent some offers, just got one taker.  I think things are going to slow down for me.  I am going to take it easy and start listing new items after the first of the year.  Just too busy with other stuff. 


Became a great-grandma for the second time.  Ophelia Elizabeth was welcomed on Monday.  7 pounds, 10 ounces, a precious and adorable baby girl.  Much to be grateful for this holiday season.


Hope everybody has their Christmas shopping done.  We need to get gift certificates and cards and a few groceries.  Everything else is done.  Just need to wrap.  Will have two separate small Christmas gatherings.  One this weekend and one in 2 weeks (due to Cov-id exposure).  All is tentative.


Happy selling, stay safe and well!

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Re: What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?


What a beautiful name...Ophelia Elizabeth....very Royal sounding.


Tomorrow I will take down all my listings...lots of item specific / category changes to review.

Might start relisting right after Christmas, depends on how quickly I get enough done.


And need to work on new listings as well....


Work-work is really slow, nothing on the schedule for a month.  Kinda glad, more time for eBay, kinda sad, do like the paycheck.


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Re: What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?

Ophelia...what a lovely Shakespearean name.  So very unusual these days.  Love it!

Message 38 of 62
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Re: What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?

Debbie, congrats on the new great grandbaby! 

You are right, sales had picked up for me this year, and were so desperately needed. We're finally not behind on all the bills, and were able to Christmas shop. I still need something for my oldest DD. She gave me an idea, but the SIL texted saying he had already bought that for her 😞

Your new Dr sounds wonderful. It's very unusual these days for them to take much time with patients. 


Postcard, the time off from work may be a good time to actually do some ebay work and get to some of that maxi global empire?


Bob, were the video games you found your personal games, or was this at your job? I hope they were yours!


Sales totally tanked for me this weekend. I had a lousy 4 sales yesterday, and 3 were so small they barely counted. I know shopping will slow now, but yesterday was awful for me for a Saturday.


I won't be listing until after Christmas, which will not help sales, but we don't even have up Christmas decorations, aside from the tree. Everyone in the house says to just skip it since it's so late, but the grandkids might want to see SOME decorations out when they come over. 


There just isn't enough time in a day to do everything.






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Re: What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?

To survive

Message 40 of 62
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Re: What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?

Still at 11/20.  Sales have come to a dead halt.  It will be a good time to work on item specifics (still not complete).  In the meantime, go on the hunt for more new things to list.  I want to work on my office, it is very unorganized and messy since the yard sale.


Also just planning on chilling, watching football and movies and maybe do a little binge-watching.  Afterall it is the holidays!  My husband got me in the decorating spirit.  We put up a little 3' tree I forgot we had.  Hubby found it when going through stuff in the garage.  Added a few more decorations around the house.


We were going to have Christmas but it is canceled.  My GD is not ready to travel, plus she was exposed to Cov-id.  We are taking precautions.  May try New Year's weekend.  I would sure like to see the baby.


I guess I am joining the cataract club.  I went to the eye doctor and found out I have cataracts in both eyes.  I have been having issues with my eyesight, didn't even think about it being cataracts.  Optic nerves, etc. are good.  Hubby has a heart abilation scheduled Feb. 8th so eyes will be done later on, probably the end of 2022.  It stinks getting older.  Just ordered new glasses.


Everybody have a Merry Christmas and stay safe!

Message 41 of 62
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Re: What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021? goal is to get my eBay stock under control. I went on a buying spree 2 years ago in anticipation of running the ebay business full time in retirement. I never did go full time, but I work on it regularly part time.

At least I don't have to try to find stock right now.


The other goal is to keep thanking the good Lord that I can still get out of bed and walk. Long story on that...


Firesteel Surplus


Message 42 of 62
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Re: What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?


Deb, make sure you call your insurance to see if they cover your cataract surgery . You do know after surgery you will need your prescription change on glasses again, added cost.

      This surgery is a piece of cake, nothing to fear and about 15 min each 👁 eye.


Message 43 of 62
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Re: What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?

Sales are slowing at work (we had 4 sales today, 12/21), and I haven't had a personal sale in too long.  I've been letting all my listings end, and then I'll schedule reposts to run the week I'm on vacation - 250 listings posted in 5 days (12/27-12/31), and then another 250 available right after that (1/1/22)!  If I can get the stuff I have processed, I could have a month with 500 running listings in 2 of my 3 selling IDs!!


Boss stopped by today - we needed to talk about a few things, and he brought over yet another box of product to list.  He is under the impression that you can post as quickly on eBay as you do on Amazon.  I've been trying to teach him why that's not true, and sometimes I think he gets it, but then that fades and I have to start all over again.


After we'd finished reviewing the inventory and discussing the stuff I needed his OK on, he mentioned that he's planning to 'shake things up' after the New Year.  Like switching to straight commission instead of hourly pay.  Which will mean I'll be leaving -- half of what I do, even now when it's just me, is not posting but what would be considered sales support:  managing supplies, handling customer complaints, pulling expired products, pulled aged/worthless inventory, shipping, and trying to keep the walkways clear enough that I don't face-plant on the concrete floor.  I know he's thinking it's a great way to boost sales -- if I earned 10% of sales of everything I list, I'd need to list $12K of product a month.  But that's kinda hard to do when a lot of what we have is $20-$50 items.  Especially when you need your own pictures, and more than just one, and a description that's keyword-rich (along with the title) to get you better index exposure.


Amazon is: scan barcode, match picture to product, set a price, set the inventory count, and done.  It's like comparing Polaroid pictures to marble statues -- both are art, both can be done by a single person, but one is a whole lot more work than the other.


Very frustrating.  With just a couple people of decent intelligence who are willing to actually learn something new and then use that new skill in their job, and a bit of support in the form of getting rid of the old to make way for the new (we can't list too much new stuff because there's no place to safely store it!), we could easily get eBay sales back on track to a $1M year.


If he is set on commission only, then I'm going to counter with a consignment contract, mostly for electronics, computers, and gaming items.  Without someone with my experience and understanding of how to work within eBay's rules, his eBay account would likely be closed within 6 months or less.  And if he tries to start a new account from the new store, the same thing will happen -- that one too will implode.  You can't do "cash & carry" online.  It just don't work, for so very many reasons.


2022 is shaping up to become a very interesting year!



RKS Solutions LLC logo
Ask me about SixBit and the tools I use to sell - I'm happy to share!
"A journey of a thousand miles begins by getting off the couch"
Message 44 of 62
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Re: What are your Goals, Plans, and Hopes for December 2021?

"I guess I am joining the cataract club.  I went to the eye doctor and found out I have cataracts in both eyes. "


I truly feel for far just the right eye with me but it is affecting my balance when walking.  It started with seeing halos.  I don't really know what to do or when.  After paying for the recent surgery (have not gotten the bill for that yet) and having another issue to be looked into late Jan, the 10K eye surgery just seems like too much.


We had to have a new roof put on in July so am paying for that.  We are not poor, but not rich either.  Just a butt load of bad timing I guess.


I was going to get new glasses right after the cataract diagnosis but then Covid happened.  I am making do with older ones...more like brailing my way around, lol.  Being mostly an optomist helps but I do get dejected a bit sometimes.  I come here to laugh and also commiserate with you all.

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