05-07-2021 10:54 PM
I'll start this "strike", leaving only one item for sell.
No discussions, no alternatives.
I know really how hard, bad and sad is to leave ebay, but I will.
Thanks for reading this.
05-08-2021 01:25 AM
I left the most expensive one, and actually I have recently increased its sale price to not sell.
Thanks for the wish~
05-08-2021 01:28 AM
It's not "progress" it's "regression", and that's the issue. If it was actually better you wouldn't have thousand of Sellers commenting about it on various threads in this community, including those too busy to discuss the matter and those that just closed their accounts over the frustration and lack of support.
05-08-2021 01:33 AM
I've been using it for quiet some time now and I disagree with you completely.
Why are we on here? To make money. The big bad page change doesn't keep me from doing that.
05-08-2021 01:35 AM
Comparing this to Nazi Germany? They killed thousands of people. What a terrible thing to even compare it with. WOW!
05-08-2021 01:36 AM
Maybe.... You are not the majority? ?
The question is do you make money? That is the only question I have.
05-08-2021 02:14 AM
The comparison was the Terrible reasoning, "gosh I guess we just have to follow commands" apathy, don't get overly dramatic about this.
05-08-2021 02:16 AM
Best of luck to you....
05-08-2021 02:19 AM
Simply put - 180 million sellers world wide are going to have had to decide whether or not to quit over this - or move on and keep selling.
The majority have decided, so the minority need to now make that choice. No one can force you into something you just can not handle, but I for one decided early on eBay were not getting rid of me that easy
05-08-2021 02:22 AM
Ummm.... Dramatic? Ok. That would be you. That is what I am saying to you, not even a comparison.
05-08-2021 02:57 AM
Congratulations with your Zero feedback..Come back when you get over 1,000
05-08-2021 03:00 AM
You are saying "I'll take this lying down, sure do what you want" We are saying HELL NO, lets fight back as a community..Big difference pal.
05-08-2021 03:05 AM
I'm saying it's not a big deal. Not big enough to quit. AND, it is easy to use. I don't see any issues at all. SOOOO.... I wouldn't say it's a fight worth fighting when there is nothing to fight over. Pal.
05-08-2021 03:22 AM
It is a big deal the new seller pages may be good for some but classic view is very good. It is easy to use and does not need to be customized. Also did you see how horrible the Seller Overview page is. I really need to look at the Recommended Item Specifics as the first thing I see (**bleep**). Then you have to click on your Active items and it takes forever to scroll to the bottom of a page. Each item is stretched out to 2 inches per item. On the classic view that would have been more like one inch space per item if that. You also have to click to see your sold items or unsold items.
I did not even bother with the sellers hub. Too many items that I might or might not use.
05-08-2021 04:22 AM
Does Forward Motion work for eBay?
05-08-2021 04:23 AM
No, I'm just not stuck in the past... OH.. forward Motion...