05-27-2022 12:44 PM
05-27-2022 12:48 PM
They stopped counting views that weren't from real people a few weeks ago, various search engines and ebay tools had previously been triggering as views, but those views weren't real people and couldn't buy anything but they would be the majority of views for many people and many items.
05-27-2022 12:49 PM
Some things that previously counted as views, such as the listing being crawled by a bot, no longer count. The count may now represent the last 30 days by default (but that can be changed). The changeover to the new way of counting may have prevented older views from before the transition from being counted correctly.
Some info about recent changes to the way views are displayed can be found here:
05-27-2022 01:12 PM
I just sold an item that had 0 views but 1 bidder. When I click on the 0 in the view column. Then it shows 2 views. Whats up with that?
05-27-2022 01:20 PM
It appears auctions get a lot of views....my 7day auction today ending got me 90 views and 12 watchers.
Buyers prefer auctions and free shipping. It all about what you are selling.
05-27-2022 01:21 PM
i was wondering the same thing. some of my items had a lot of views on them then the next day 0. or they decrease
05-27-2022 01:23 PM
well im not a bot ive been selling since 2016. something is going on for sure
05-27-2022 01:40 PM
@pamelapjt wrote:Anyone else experiencing a dramatic drop in views on their items?
from the following ebay link, view in particular:
05-27-2022 02:15 PM
Same issue here. Both views and Sales have all gone south recently.
05-27-2022 02:32 PM
Yes! It is like the faithful Mom and Pop sellers who have been on here the longest and just list 10-20 items are not getting the views?