04-06-2021 09:42 AM
I recently sold a big lot of sports cards, they were individually boxed so it was 15 sealed boxes inside the main shipping box. The total value was around $2,000. I sent the package via priority mail and purchased my label straight through Ebay as I normally do. Then I dropped it off at the post office.
The package was delivered and signed for yesterday. Then I received a return request for item doesn't math description or photos. The buyer is stating the box was empty and the buyer said it looked as though something had happened with the postal service. They uploaded photos of the box and the bottom looked to have been torn open and re-taped very poorly with USPS Priority mail tape. No stamp or note or anything was provided claiming the box had been opened.
Now I have had an experience to this similar before where the buyer tried to scam me by sending an empty box back and I have dealt with that and won the case. So I would expect this to be a similar circumstance.
However, the buyer in this case has over 1.5k feedback with 98% positive. In the section where other sellers leave them feedback there are no mentions of them trying to scam or anything like this as there was with the previous experience I had. As well as the buyer has been cooperative with providing photos and other info I've asked for which inclines me to believe them and that a postal service employee may have taken the contents.
I know I can submit a claim with the USPS Inspector general, is this going to get me anywhere? I know that Ebay will side with the buyer as they always do in Item not described cases, am I just going to be out of this $2,000?
Any advice or tips would be appreciated, thanks.
04-06-2021 12:42 PM
you claim USPS stole contents, but how do you know it wasn't just buyer? Seriously, USPS the way they operate is when a package becomes damaged and exposes contents inside, the package is stamped (many many times) with "Package Damaged On Arrival" and the tape used is normally clear packaging tape over the stamp.
There is no way to know for sure, but it's more likely buyer knows how to manipulate the ebay system and trying to pull a fast one... 2 grand is the reason. What you do is go to USPS(dot)com, file a report for contents missing and then file a insurance claim on the package... hopefully you insured it for the sale amount. USPS will request bill of sale, original receipt for postage etc... but they will send you a check, takes about 2-3 months... that is if everything checks out, they will investigate the claim.
04-06-2021 12:47 PM
"I've never had to contact a postmaster before, do you know how I would go about contacting my local one? "
They are usually hiding behind locked doors and sometimes have the employees say they re not available or are away at lunch. Good luck.
04-06-2021 12:55 PM
Postal clerks use Priority tape every single day. I worked there for 10 years. Don't know where you came up with that.
04-06-2021 12:59 PM
Postal customer are NOT able to order Priority tape from the USPS website. I challenge anyone to go to the USPS site and try to order tape. Can't be done. ONLY postal employees have and use it.
04-06-2021 01:20 PM
ALWAYS always always Buy USPS Insurance for a Package that is Valued so highly..
and for which someone has Paid so Much....ALWAYS....
That was your Main Mistake and you need to Never make it again...
The Buyer Knows that you Had No Extra Insurance ..since
he would have had to SIGN for the Package in order to have it delivered
to him...Postal Employees do Not know what is in the package...
Only the Buyer knew...I rest my case....
04-06-2021 01:21 PM
"They uploaded photos of the box and the bottom looked to have been torn open and re-taped very poorly with USPS Priority mail tape."
The Post Office is adept at shipping and their packing technique would never be categorized as poorly taped. They put damaged packages that have been repacked or taped shut in a plastic bag with a manifest explaining what happened.
If the box was indeed empty it would have scanned as the weight of just the box and USPS will refund you for any overages you paid in a cost adjustment to shipping labels.
04-06-2021 03:52 PM
04-06-2021 03:53 PM
@wrong66 wrote:Postal customer are NOT able to order Priority tape from the USPS website. I challenge anyone to go to the USPS site and try to order tape. Can't be done. ONLY postal employees have and use it.
I know people who have some stockpiled, some they've gotten over the counter from the post office, gotten from friends - heck, you can buy it on here. I think it's in the wild, just not readily available as it used to be.
04-06-2021 04:17 PM
@monster-deals wrote:It is exceptionally unlikely that a PO worker with a pension and health insurance stole some cards.
And they would surely know that besides merely losing a job and benefits they also face serious prison time. My grandfather and uncle were career postal workers, stealing mail was pretty much considered a sin.
04-06-2021 04:45 PM - edited 04-06-2021 04:47 PM
@wrong66 wrote:Postal customer are NOT able to order Priority tape from the USPS website. I challenge anyone to go to the USPS site and try to order tape. Can't be done. ONLY postal employees have and use it.
You can order a "Military Care Kit" of Priority boxes and supplies- it includes a roll of Priority tape. I ordered one last year to send out a few military packages and I never used the tape. It's a really slim roll- but it has enough tape on it to tape up a box or two.
Some POs will also hand out a roll of Priority tape to regular customers- but only in rural areas from what I've observed. There are also plenty of people that still have rolls- or even boxes full of rolls- leftover from when we used to be able to order it.
As was already pointed out- even though it's illegal to sell the stuff, you can find it right here on eBay along with other USPS Priority supplies. It's really not hard to get.
USPS will sometimes use it to tape up open boxes though. I got an Amazon package last month that busted open at the top, so USPS used the Priority tape to close it back up. The contents were all there. There was no note from USPS of any kind to indicate a damaged or open package. It happens frequently.
This is why ac_green's advice to talk with the postmaster is best for the OP. They can investigate to see if the Priority tape was on there before delivery or if the buyer is trying to pull a scam.
04-06-2021 05:02 PM
Do you have proof you put it in the box? They will want to know.
04-06-2021 05:21 PM
First you assume the postal worker stole the contents with no proof. My guess it is more likely the buyer trying to scam you. Secondly you send a $2000 package and only insure it for $100 ? Lesson learned.
04-06-2021 05:42 PM - edited 04-06-2021 05:43 PM
Or, was there only $100 insurance because there wasn't all that much of value in it? (Everybody has their dark side and the post office doesn't grade on quality of packaging)
04-06-2021 05:43 PM
tomboleware wrote:
Do you have proof you put it in the box? They will want to know.
No, they don't. All the photos and videos in the world won't prove anything because they can be edited
04-06-2021 05:45 PM
I admit its been a couple years, but last time I ordered the free USPS Priority supplies, I asked for and received a couple rolls of Priority tape. I have also been standing in line waiting to drop off packages and have seen USPS counter employees use Priority tape to seal "on the spot" customer's packages, so it does happen.