04-06-2021 09:42 AM
I recently sold a big lot of sports cards, they were individually boxed so it was 15 sealed boxes inside the main shipping box. The total value was around $2,000. I sent the package via priority mail and purchased my label straight through Ebay as I normally do. Then I dropped it off at the post office.
The package was delivered and signed for yesterday. Then I received a return request for item doesn't math description or photos. The buyer is stating the box was empty and the buyer said it looked as though something had happened with the postal service. They uploaded photos of the box and the bottom looked to have been torn open and re-taped very poorly with USPS Priority mail tape. No stamp or note or anything was provided claiming the box had been opened.
Now I have had an experience to this similar before where the buyer tried to scam me by sending an empty box back and I have dealt with that and won the case. So I would expect this to be a similar circumstance.
However, the buyer in this case has over 1.5k feedback with 98% positive. In the section where other sellers leave them feedback there are no mentions of them trying to scam or anything like this as there was with the previous experience I had. As well as the buyer has been cooperative with providing photos and other info I've asked for which inclines me to believe them and that a postal service employee may have taken the contents.
I know I can submit a claim with the USPS Inspector general, is this going to get me anywhere? I know that Ebay will side with the buyer as they always do in Item not described cases, am I just going to be out of this $2,000?
Any advice or tips would be appreciated, thanks.
04-06-2021 09:44 AM
Did you insure the package?
04-06-2021 09:47 AM
Not for anything extra than Ebay automatically applies as far as I'm aware unfortunately.
04-06-2021 09:49 AM
Please say the package was insured.
04-06-2021 09:52 AM
First it's far more likely that the package got jammed in one of their sorting machines and the bottom got ripped open or the buyer is isn't telling the truth.
Second, unless you paid for additional insurance, you'll get $50-$100 max on your claimm
04-06-2021 09:55 AM
Is there a way to check what insurance was purchased? I purchased the label straight through Ebay.
04-06-2021 09:55 AM
I thought if a package was damaged they usually provide some sort of letter or stamp saying so upon delivery?
04-06-2021 09:57 AM
04-06-2021 10:01 AM
I think your being scammed by buyer!
USPS has their own so called security / fraud / police. They can review videos and talk to every employee who handled the package. You need to make a report.
Note: there is no sorting machines for packages!
04-06-2021 10:03 AM
@jr_hype wrote:I know I can submit a claim with the USPS Inspector general, is this going to get me anywhere? I know that Ebay will side with the buyer as they always do in Item not described cases, am I just going to be out of this $2,000?
Well, the buyer's story is preposterous. No USPS employee is going to deliver an empty box, complete with signature, and expect the buyer to just take it in stride.
If the buyer does pursue the claim, you will end up refunding, and eBay does not seem likely to take your side on this, as they generally handle he-said/she-said disputes by winding back the transaction, telling the buyer to return the item (if the seller wants it back) and then enforcing a refund.
I think you may need to make a bigger fuss quickly and hopefully get the buyer to back down. For starters, you might want to contact your postmaster with your tracking number and ask them to investigate at the delivery end for any signs of package damage at delivery time. (i.e. They need to talk to the local carrier.) You should let the buyer know that you have done this and that they may expect to hear from USPS investigators. For $2000 at stake, it would be worth your time to exert some pushback here, though eBay is not likely to be of much help.
Regarding the buyer's record, it doesn't really matter. It could be some kid borrowing Grandpa's account.
04-06-2021 10:06 AM
I've never had to contact a postmaster before, do you know how I would go about contacting my local one?
04-06-2021 10:07 AM
I just find it odd that someone with such a well established account would try and pull this old scam
04-06-2021 10:16 AM
@jr_hype wrote:I've never had to contact a postmaster before, do you know how I would go about contacting my local one?
Walk in the door and ask. Bring printouts of your relevant paperwork, especially the tracking number. Be polite and patient, and be clear on what you would like them to do.
I do not recommend phoning instead, as some POs simply don't bother to answer their phones, and others will put you on hold forever. The in-person approach will deter brush-offs, and make it clear that you are taking this seriously. If the PM wants to look into it and get back to you later, set a firm time for a followup visit.
04-06-2021 10:19 AM - edited 04-06-2021 10:21 AM
@jr_hype wrote:I just find it odd that someone with such a well established account would try and pull this old scam
I think the well-established part is by someone else, not the buyer in this case. The less-than-100% rating means that someone has been selling on the account, and it's not likely that an experienced eBay seller would actually accept an empty box, sign for it, and then express surprise that there's nothing in it. If that's what actually happened, they would be running down the street after the mail truck, or marching into their local post office immediately. The last thing they would do is go after the eBay seller if they're so certain that their local PO is stealing from them.
I think it's more likely a case of Junior using Senior's eBay account, and expecting to get away with a $2000 theft.
04-06-2021 10:26 AM - edited 04-06-2021 10:27 AM
You are making some very charged assumptions with stating a USPS employee stole your item(s). You have no more proof that a USPS employee stole the item than claiming the buyer stole it. Just why would a USPS employee risk their job over even a $2k item - retail? Seriously. Think about it. You also sound unexperienced in how to ship, the claim process, etc. Firstly, USPS employees and Post offices CANNOT order or use USPS Priority Tape. ONLY USPS customers can order and use Priority tape. It's been that way for a decade or more. There is your clue. Secondly I believe you stated you did not insure it. Who would ship anything with any carrier valued at $2k and not insure it? That sounds fishy. You also state you know you can submit a claim with the USPS Inspector General. That's absolutely false. The IG has nothing to do with consumer claims. As a retired Postmaster, your real first clue is the use of Priority tape. That clearly points to a non-USPS employee. And believe you me, Most USPS employees will not deliver a package that looks to have been tampered with. They will demand a clerk stamps and seals it stating received open. Good luck.