11-18-2017 11:17 PM
Dear Everyone: You should care about this 90% more than whatever you're caring about right now -
11-20-2017 01:42 PM
@ersatz_sobriquet wrote:
@thenobletuckylife wrote:Morning,
Seldom is anything of this size ever in the interest of you and I.
As long as we have lobbyists that can purchase government favor there is always a hidden reason for the action.
Sometimes it favors us by default sometimes it doesn't but one thing is certain...someone is looking to make mega bucks.
Mr C
It is very much in the interest of you and I. Us peons. They're counting on it.
The 1% controlling the world, your world, my world, everyone's world. This will only increase, but now they will also control your understanding of the world. Us little people make the world go round, the 1% benefit off us all. The 1% will now control what you think because the only information you will be able to find will be bought and paid for.
If you're talking about the 1% of the world, you're talking about any family that makes over $30,000 a year. The majority of the world is in poverty when compared to 1st world countries.
11-20-2017 02:13 PM - edited 11-20-2017 02:14 PM
Deregulation can be a good thing, but not necessarily.
11-20-2017 02:27 PM
11-20-2017 02:51 PM
@secretsquirrelisnowhere wrote:
@ersatz_sobriquet wrote:
@thenobletuckylife wrote:Morning,
Seldom is anything of this size ever in the interest of you and I.
As long as we have lobbyists that can purchase government favor there is always a hidden reason for the action.
Sometimes it favors us by default sometimes it doesn't but one thing is certain...someone is looking to make mega bucks.
Mr C
It is very much in the interest of you and I. Us peons. They're counting on it.
The 1% controlling the world, your world, my world, everyone's world. This will only increase, but now they will also control your understanding of the world. Us little people make the world go round, the 1% benefit off us all. The 1% will now control what you think because the only information you will be able to find will be bought and paid for.
If you're talking about the 1% of the world, you're talking about any family that makes over $30,000 a year. The majority of the world is in poverty when compared to 1st world countries.
We are talking about the top 1% in the USA. Why would you want to bring in the 3rd world into this discussion? This is about deregulation in the USA, not any place else. That's the topic.
11-20-2017 04:52 PM - edited 11-20-2017 04:57 PM
@secretsquirrelisnowhere wrote:
No, luckythewinner, I remember it happening. The gov't regulations gave Bell the monopoly. They busted Bell up when they deregulated the phone system--and there was a flood of innovation. Consider, the first 80 yrs or so of gov't sanctioned Bell monopoly the phone went from operator assisted to dial phones to touch dial--that was it. After deregulations, the phone prices plummeted (I remember people claiming that deregulating the phone system would end up with huge phone bills) and service improved and then the innovations that have led us to this point. Deregulation is a good thing.
I lived through it too.
The Communication Act of 1996 was a new regulation that forced the telephone companies to allow others to connect to the networks.
This is the "deregulation" that made cell phones and the internet pervasive, and it was accomplished by adding new regulations that forced the phone companies to play ball with competitors.
Rolling back net neutrality rules will once again allow big companies to stop playing ball with their little competitors. For instance, Verizon (who owns Yahoo) will be able to favor Yahoo content by delivering it faster, while artificially slowing access to Google content. Letting big companies pick the winners and losers is not good for consumers or for innovation.