11-18-2017 11:17 PM
Dear Everyone: You should care about this 90% more than whatever you're caring about right now -
11-19-2017 03:08 AM
The current FCC Chairman is a sock puppet for the CableMafia and working at their direction to reverse all the good accomplished for consumers by the previous enlightened chairman.
11-19-2017 06:15 AM
11-19-2017 06:59 AM
@secretsquirrelisnowhere wrote:
Every time something is deregulated, there is an explosion of innovation. I doubt this will be any different.
I suspect the only innovation we're going to see is reduced service, reduced capabilities and higher prices.
11-19-2017 07:04 AM - edited 11-19-2017 07:06 AM
@secretsquirrelisnowhere wrote:
Every time something is deregulated, there is an explosion of innovation. I doubt this will be any different.
Like how the deregulation of the banking industry caused an explosion of innovative fraudulent practices that nearly destroyed the economy.
11-19-2017 07:04 AM
Seldom is anything of this size ever in the interest of you and I.
As long as we have lobbyists that can purchase government favor there is always a hidden reason for the action.
Sometimes it favors us by default sometimes it doesn't but one thing is certain...someone is looking to make mega bucks.
Mr C
11-19-2017 07:31 AM
11-20-2017 01:06 AM
11-20-2017 04:33 AM - edited 11-20-2017 04:33 AM
@secretsquirrelisnowhere wrote:
or that the deregulation of the telephone system led to cell phones and wireless internet
Cell phones and the internet came a direct result of the courts and government regulators working to eliminate the Bell a monopoly.
The regulators prevented Bell from participating in regioal phone service, using ant-trade regulation to create a new market from their previous monopoly.
That is an example of regulation at work, not deregulation. Don't fall for big business propoganda that removing regulations caused this. Enforcing regulations is what caused this.
11-20-2017 05:04 AM
@thenobletuckylife wrote:Morning,
Seldom is anything of this size ever in the interest of you and I.
As long as we have lobbyists that can purchase government favor there is always a hidden reason for the action.
Sometimes it favors us by default sometimes it doesn't but one thing is certain...someone is looking to make mega bucks.
Mr C
It is very much in the interest of you and I. Us peons. They're counting on it.
The 1% controlling the world, your world, my world, everyone's world. This will only increase, but now they will also control your understanding of the world. Us little people make the world go round, the 1% benefit off us all. The 1% will now control what you think because the only information you will be able to find will be bought and paid for.
11-20-2017 05:20 AM
@ersatz_sobriquet wrote:
@thenobletuckylife wrote:Morning,
Seldom is anything of this size ever in the interest of you and I.
As long as we have lobbyists that can purchase government favor there is always a hidden reason for the action.
Sometimes it favors us by default sometimes it doesn't but one thing is certain...someone is looking to make mega bucks.
Mr C
It is very much in the interest of you and I. Us peons. They're counting on it.
The 1% controlling the world, your world, my world, everyone's world. This will only increase, but now they will also control your understanding of the world. Us little people make the world go round, the 1% benefit off us all. The 1% will now control what you think because the only information you will be able to find will be bought and paid for.
The FCC repeal of Net Neutrality, pushed thru by the CableMafia, is the modern day equivalent of burning books at your local library.
11-20-2017 06:27 AM
@secretsquirrelisnowhere wrote:
It's better not to cry until there is something to cry about.
Always a good motto to hang onto. Esp on eBay!
11-20-2017 07:06 AM
Big business will always come before the American people. I don't know if this country can survive another 3 years of this. G-d help us all.
11-20-2017 08:11 AM
but eBay is a big and powerful company so I assume it won't affect traffic to their website, right?
11-20-2017 01:40 PM