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(Store Closing 2022) After 10+ Years Selling on eBay. I'll Cover the Termination Fee, Not Waiting..

Actually, I've been selling on eBay for more than 20 years through two accounts. Over this time eBay has continued to take advantage, drip-drip.. The last-straw for us was the eBay PL Pay-to-Play scam, not a drip-drip, more like wave-wave.

eBay has lost (half) of it's market value this year, in turn, this platform is covering the core growth losses by going after sellers with said Pay-to-Play. All of this while selling expenses are already at their highest for sellers. 

The net return isn't worth all the trouble anymore. I'm one of the lucky ones, I can afford to walk away. Good luck fellow sellers.   




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134 REPLIES 134

Re: (Store Closing 2022) After 10+ Years Selling on eBay. I'll Cover the Termination Fee, Not Waitin

@stainlessenginecovers wrote:

@luxgoods wrote:

Some may not remember a company called Blockbuster Video.  They were number one in their market for some time but they did not change with the times but Guess Who Did? Netflix.  Ebay is headed down this path real fast.

Doubtful. Very different. There is no 'shortage' of people wanting to 

a.) buy online (new and used)

b.) buy hard to find items, used collectables etc.

With Blockbuster, they, and everyone like them, went bye-bye because of what they did. Rent Movies/Games. Everyone went to online.

Ebay going bye-bye will only happen if people stop 'buying things online'. 

Just like the OP, has a Dremel 29-01 (used) listed, click it and there his is one of the highest priced units at $26.95. There are others that are $10-$20 shipped, shown right on their own listing. 

Also note- when I input 'Dremel 29-01' there are about 60 shown, and his is first. I don't see any of them showing 'sponsored' anymore (maybe eBay eliminated that?) but when clicking his item, there are 'other sponsored' which is where you can see 5 listed all lower priced. 

Promotions is not causing his items not to be seen or bought. Pricing is. 

Nice try.. That cheap Dremel was a Front-Loaded price, in queue for 50% discount. Btw: old back-stock. We've sold over 35,000 items, I think we've got this covered.. Paying for promotions is the core problem. Yep, the drumbeat continues, how could you possibly be an advocate for eBays Pay-to-Play? 

Message 46 of 135
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Re: (Store Closing 2022) After 10+ Years Selling on eBay. I'll Cover the Termination Fee, Not Waitin

You can't even search by price anymore so what are you talking about? If you haven't noticed that I don't know what to tell you.

Message 47 of 135
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Re: (Store Closing 2022) After 10+ Years Selling on eBay. I'll Cover the Termination Fee, Not Waitin

@radom_stuff wrote:

You can't even search by price anymore so what are you talking about? If you haven't noticed that I don't know what to tell you.

It wasn't very clever of @stainlessenginecovers going after a seller with false accusations of poor sales strategies. When said seller has successfully sold 35,000 items.. At the same time promoting PL Pay-to-Play..  Very telling 

Message 48 of 135
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Re: (Store Closing 2022) After 10+ Years Selling on eBay. I'll Cover the Termination Fee, Not Waitin

I wasn't trying to go 'after' anyone; I just randomly picked an item, clicked it and stated what I saw. That item could be using promotions, I don't know as like I stated, I don't see any of them now showing the 'sponsored' tag that they used to; although once I clicked on it, I can see 'similar promoted products'. 

So, I'm just pointing out that if I saw it, so could anyone else and if they can see the same item for less, could be a problem? 

I think the Promotions work well for 'same' items when there is alot of competition. After all, who gets the top spot if there are 1000 of the same item for sale (at least at first, using the 'best match' as shown, until a shopper changes that to 'lowest price' or US only or whatever they choose).

The 'promotion' thing is similar, although at least better than, the Google/Bing Pay per Click which charges you AGAINST other sellers (same concept) but you are charged if someone simply 'clicks' on your ad, even if they don't buy (although I guess that is what the 'other promotions' thing is?) 

Message 49 of 135
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Re: (Store Closing 2022) After 10+ Years Selling on eBay. I'll Cover the Termination Fee, Not Waitin

@radom_stuff wrote:

You can't even search by price anymore so what are you talking about? If you haven't noticed that I don't know what to tell you.

Why? after the search results from the keyword that a shopper inputs, you can change the 'best match' to 'lowest price'? I agree, some of the 'sponsored' items still sneak in- but overall, it works.

Message 50 of 135
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Re: (Store Closing 2022) After 10+ Years Selling on eBay. I'll Cover the Termination Fee, Not Waitin

@stainlessenginecovers wrote:

I wasn't trying to go 'after' anyone; I just randomly picked an item, clicked it and stated what I saw. That item could be using promotions, I don't know as like I stated, I don't see any of them now showing the 'sponsored' tag that they used to; although once I clicked on it, I can see 'similar promoted products'. 

So, I'm just pointing out that if I saw it, so could anyone else and if they can see the same item for less, could be a problem? 

I think the Promotions work well for 'same' items when there is alot of competition. After all, who gets the top spot if there are 1000 of the same item for sale (at least at first, using the 'best match' as shown, until a shopper changes that to 'lowest price' or US only or whatever they choose).

The 'promotion' thing is similar, although at least better than, the Google/Bing Pay per Click which charges you AGAINST other sellers (same concept) but you are charged if someone simply 'clicks' on your ad, even if they don't buy (although I guess that is what the 'other promotions' thing is?) 

Any objective reader of that post would disagree with you.. They will clearly see that you did intentionally go after our account, just to muddy the waters. Now I have to respond in kind. Fact: You've sold less than 1/3 of the store you were discrediting, Now That's Rich..

You continue that same theme of disinformation while promoting eBays Paid Promotion Scams.. Truth is: eBay uses PL Pay-to-Play to pit sellers against one another for profit in order to cover losses of core sales growth. That's a fact..  


Message 51 of 135
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Re: (Store Closing 2022) After 10+ Years Selling on eBay. I'll Cover the Termination Fee, Not Waitin

Why? because search by lowest price is completely broken that's why. Haven't you noticed?

Message 52 of 135
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Re: (Store Closing 2022) After 10+ Years Selling on eBay. I'll Cover the Termination Fee, Not Waitin

@stainlessenginecovers wrote:

@radom_stuff wrote:

You can't even search by price anymore so what are you talking about? If you haven't noticed that I don't know what to tell you.

Why? after the search results from the keyword that a shopper inputs, you can change the 'best match' to 'lowest price'? I agree, some of the 'sponsored' items still sneak in- but overall, it works.

Yeah ok, So easy to for a buyer to navigate through flood of (lower value) Pay-to-Play items. Do you really think that's in the best interest of the buyer? Even worse for those on the move using their cellphones, where 35% of the sales come from. 

I think a buyer survey should be called for.. The most important voice, I'm sure we can all agree on that. 

Ask them: Would you rather fumble through Promoted Listings, or would you rather have the real best match come up first? An item that has the real best price in tandem with best condition listed?   

Message 53 of 135
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Re: (Store Closing 2022) After 10+ Years Selling on eBay. I'll Cover the Termination Fee, Not Waitin

@radom_stuff wrote:

Why? because search by lowest price is completely broken that's why. Haven't you noticed?

Works for me . . . are you sure you're using it correctly? Perhaps you could post a screenshot of results that don't meet your lowest-price search (deleting any info that identifies the seller, item #, etc.). Perhaps someone could help you achieve the results you're looking for.

Message 54 of 135
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Re: (Store Closing 2022) After 10+ Years Selling on eBay. I'll Cover the Termination Fee, Not Waitin

@radom_stuff wrote:

Why? because search by lowest price is completely broken that's why. Haven't you noticed?

Works just fine for me at this point, anyway.

Message 55 of 135
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Re: (Store Closing 2022) After 10+ Years Selling on eBay. I'll Cover the Termination Fee, Not Waitin

@katzrul15 wrote:

@fairdeal*lb wrote:

Actually, I've been selling on eBay for more than 20 years through two accounts. Over this time eBay has continued to take advantage, drip-drip.. The last-straw for us was the eBay PL Pay-to-Play scam, not a drip-drip, more like wave-wave.

eBay has lost (half) of it's market value this year, in turn, this platform is covering the core growth losses by going after sellers with said Pay-to-Play. All of this while selling expenses are already at their highest for sellers. 

The net return isn't worth all the trouble anymore. I'm one of the lucky ones, I can afford to walk away. Good luck fellow sellers.   


I "hear" you and can also name that tune.

You will certainly be missed, but unlikely that will be e-Bay missing you.  We are seriously considering after the Holidays to sell on AZ only and perhaps another online site and close out the 2 e-Bay stores on here.  

I really do wish you well and continued success - I do assume that there is like after e-Bay and I also have been grateful for the journey.  

Just think it would be wise to cut our losses - have no idea what to do with everything that cannot go to AZ (box is not pristine, a returned item, etc).  Am guessing for us it will be St Vincent dePaul and our church thrift store.


I knew that PL was eventually going to be a standard thing from the first day that I saw it implemented.  I thought to myself, all it takes is a few dummies to start using it and everyone was going to feel the pressure to jump in.

The ones that aren't participating are going to have a difficult time.

I do not partake in PL and I refuse to...but lucky me...I have items for a specialized market so I really don't have to play this awful game.

As it stands right now, I am doing far better outside of eBay that I can't even list much anymore and frankly, with the way that they have made the listing page and the selling PAGE (not hub) more difficult, I'm not exactly crying over it either.

...and I LOVE eBay!  I LOVE shopping here!!!  I really do.

It is incredible how the people running this company are actually running it into the ground.  If they would only work WITH the sellers...most sellers want to be a success and know that if eBay is not successful, they won't be either.

This is what happens when everyone cares only for's it workin' for ya?

Oh and the stock price thing...gotta remember that all online sales went through the roof during covid and so did their stock prices b/c of it.  Now with people shopping more normally COUPLED with the soon to be recession, there is little wonder that eBay's stock is down (along with everyone else's)

So we can't go with the stock price thingy.


Message 56 of 135
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Re: (Store Closing 2022) After 10+ Years Selling on eBay. I'll Cover the Termination Fee, Not Waitin

I'm not sure I'd call people who participated in the PL scheme to be 'dummies' - some of us have a lot of experience in promoted listing style schemes and know when and how to use them - I started purchasing ad space on Google probably 12 or so years ago (maybe longer).  It's nothing new.

It's not even new here - eBay had a promotional scheme back in the early oughts called Featured Listings.  I didn't participate in that one, though.

What I *don't* want to have happen is for eBay to make the program mandatory like Etsy did - anyone who grosses over $10k/yr is opted into their 12% ad scheme and you can't opt out again. 

No matter how cynical I get, I can't keep up.

Message 57 of 135
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Re: (Store Closing 2022) After 10+ Years Selling on eBay. I'll Cover the Termination Fee, Not Waitin

@fairdeal*lb wrote:

this platform is covering the core growth losses by going after sellers with said Pay-to-Play.

This is absolutely true.


You just have to be smarter than your competition so you don't have to rely on shredding your own profit to get to the top.

Message 58 of 135
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Re: (Store Closing 2022) After 10+ Years Selling on eBay. I'll Cover the Termination Fee, Not Waitin

@chapeau-noir wrote:

I'm not sure I'd call people who participated in the PL scheme to be 'dummies' - some of us have a lot of experience in promoted listing style schemes and know when and how to use them - I started purchasing ad space on Google probably 12 or so years ago (maybe longer).  It's nothing new.

It's not even new here - eBay had a promotional scheme back in the early oughts called Featured Listings.  I didn't participate in that one, though.

What I *don't* want to have happen is for eBay to make the program mandatory like Etsy did - anyone who grosses over $10k/yr is opted into their 12% ad scheme and you can't opt out again. 


Oh, It won't be mandatory...I was thinking that it's going to be "voluntarily" mandatory.

They're not gonna force it on most...most just won't be sellin' much of anything without it.


Message 59 of 135
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Re: (Store Closing 2022) After 10+ Years Selling on eBay. I'll Cover the Termination Fee, Not Waitin

Don't forget to remove those 2,267 listings.

Message 60 of 135
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