Sold two items to the same buyer.
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‎03-07-2024 03:04 PM
I sold two items to the same buyer in two separate listings. I combined shipping and shipped both items. Today I get a notice from ebay that they I should cancel the sale that he is no longer a registered user. I have already shipped and they aren't asking me to cancel the second purchase. I am not sure what I should do.
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‎03-07-2024 03:13 PM
Do nothing.
When a buyer "is no longer a registered user" means just that.
eBay doesn't return the funds to the buyer.
Not a big deal if buyer gets the items. I wouldn't recall items from shipping unless it was free to do that.
Usually there is a charge.
I get usually one of those "no longer a registered user" notices once a month after item has been mailed bu eBay.
Why one notice and two items mailed...was tracking the same for both items? That could be reason only one notice.
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‎03-07-2024 03:24 PM - edited ‎03-07-2024 04:14 PM
Don't do anything. Just let them deliver successfully and you'll be covered by seller protection. These sales are actually better than more orthodox ones because the buyer isn't registered so I doubt they can come back and file for a return or leave a negative feedback.