Sold two items to the same buyer.
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‎03-07-2024 03:04 PM
I sold two items to the same buyer in two separate listings. I combined shipping and shipped both items. Today I get a notice from ebay that they I should cancel the sale that he is no longer a registered user. I have already shipped and they aren't asking me to cancel the second purchase. I am not sure what I should do.
Sold two items to the same buyer.
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‎03-07-2024 03:13 PM
Do nothing.
When a buyer "is no longer a registered user" means just that.
eBay doesn't return the funds to the buyer.
Not a big deal if buyer gets the items. I wouldn't recall items from shipping unless it was free to do that.
Usually there is a charge.
I get usually one of those "no longer a registered user" notices once a month after item has been mailed bu eBay.
Why one notice and two items mailed...was tracking the same for both items? That could be reason only one notice.
Sold two items to the same buyer.
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‎03-07-2024 03:24 PM - edited ‎03-07-2024 04:14 PM
Don't do anything. Just let them deliver successfully and you'll be covered by seller protection. These sales are actually better than more orthodox ones because the buyer isn't registered so I doubt they can come back and file for a return or leave a negative feedback.