04-19-2019 03:13 AM
I have to say it is making it much more difficult for me. This morning is a good example, I slept in and did not log in on time to cancel 10 listings so I had 10 listing renew today that I didn't want to be relisted hello this is just day two! So now I will have to set my alarm clock so I can baby sit my eBay listings just so I don't get caught having items relisted that I don't want to get listed.
04-19-2019 07:41 AM
Selling vinyl here as well and my sales are down. However, I've reduced my store from 1,000 items to 250 items, but my sales are down more than 75%. I no longer see the surge of sales when a group of listings (I tend to post more on weekends) are ending. This is definitely due to GTC. I've discussed search values & the evolution of eBay business practices elsewhere in this thread, so my main comment is why does eBay cater to one type of seller only to hurt another type of seller when they could accommodate both types of sellers? If you read the press, there are definite management problems, but someone in the upper echelon of management could become a hero and generate a magnificent bonus for themselves if they factored in comments from this forum in their business decision. Also, the GTC problem is the only issue that has caused me to start posting (and complaining) on the boards.
04-19-2019 07:44 AM
Your items where fixed price so there was no reason to wait until the last second to end them. They could have been ended days ago if you chose. Buyers already had more than enough time to see and purchase your stuff if they wanted it. Next time just end them a dew days earlier so you have to worry about over sleeping.
04-19-2019 07:47 AM
@sunsync wrote:UNFORTUNATELY YOU ARE WRONG: I sell more items on the last day of a listing than I do on the first day. "Ending Soonest" appears to have a higher search engine value than "Newly Listed". Now eBay has effectively eliminated both search elements because an item that automatically rolls-over due to GTC doesn't get ranked as either category.
Actually they do still show up on ending soonest
04-19-2019 07:51 AM
@sunsync wrote:I've reduced my store from 1,000 items to 250 items,
I never really thought about it but maybe THAT is the reason for Ebay going to GTC listings only. They know if sellers want to keep the same non selling items up then they will either just remove those non selling items, or they will have to pay to repeat listings those non selling items.
04-19-2019 07:52 AM
04-19-2019 08:05 AM
Everyone wants to maximize their full exposure time, but alas, its a hard lesson to learn that one needs to actually get 27 or 29 days out of a 30 day listing. Besides, buyers are finding all the time, even to the last minute, providing that they are searching for just what you have instead of browsing. As a buyer, I dont browse, I search with specific items and keywords.
04-19-2019 08:16 AM
Man I hope you're right. The 73.00 relisting insertion fees I just received yesterday are a killer.
04-19-2019 08:16 AM
Items do not show up on ending soonest if you cancel them days ahead as some here are suggesting. Good to know what you say since I have inventory control software that can cancel an ad shortly before it rolls-over.
04-19-2019 08:24 AM
This is the Absolute Worse THING ebay could Have Done to Hurt One of a Kind Sellers..After 11 Years of Hard work I am No Longer Making a Living. WHOEVER thought this Would HELP Small Sellers was DELUSIONAL. This is a COMPLETE JOKE. Ebay is No Longer Trying to Be Unique. Just Wanting Sellers to sell mass Produced Dollar Store Garbage. What they have Done is Shot themselves in the Foot, I See Ebay Sinking Fast. If I Wanted to Buy Dollar Store Garbage or Clothes made in China I would Go to Walmart. I Have No Idea Why Ebay would Want to Be Amazon anyway.. Most People Hate Amazon. Ebay was Unique Up Until March 18th 2019. If EBAY WANTS TO HELP SMALL LOYAL SELLERS. Give Us Our Durations Back. Simple Request!!!!!!!!!!!
04-19-2019 08:25 AM - edited 04-19-2019 08:25 AM
I think something that 'big sellers' of new items don't understand is that in a small collectibles category, you don't always want your item to relist several months in a row. Because if you're in a small category, buyers will start to recognize your listing. And if it doesn't sell for three months straight, they start to think "That price is too high", which further discourages people from buying.
Whereas sometimes I have let an item "rest" for two months, listed it at the same price as before (or even higher!), and at that point it was snapped up.
04-19-2019 08:30 AM
AMEN, frenchblueseller. You are so right!
04-19-2019 08:32 AM
@sunsync wrote:Items do not show up on ending soonest if you cancel them days ahead as some here are suggesting. Good to know what you say since I have inventory control software that can cancel an ad shortly before it rolls-over.
Yes I think ending items days before they end is going to really hurt them. Most would be better off letting them roll over and keep them.
04-19-2019 08:37 AM
@sapphireseal wrote:I think something that 'big sellers' of new items don't understand is that in a small collectibles category, you don't always want your item to relist several months in a row. Because if you're in a small category, buyers will start to recognize your listing. And if it doesn't sell for three months straight, they start to think "That price is too high", which further discourages people from buying.
Whereas sometimes I have let an item "rest" for two months, listed it at the same price as before (or even higher!), and at that point it was snapped up.
I don’t think that’s the case. If it’s something they are looking for they’ll either buy it, watch it until they can buy it, or think the price is too high as soon as they see it and watch it for the price to lower. If they are watching it to buy it or or something they want and haven’t bought yet it would be more reasonable to think others are like them and waiting until they afford it, others that would want the item haven’t found it yet, or something like that. If they are waiting to buy it until they can get it they will be stoked someone didn’t beat them to it. And it will roll over on their watch list so they will continue to see it and be reminded when it will “end” which reminds them it’s there.
04-19-2019 08:41 AM
You don't have to give up sleeping in nor do you have to set an alarm to take care of this. If you are not a morning person, you could just end the listings the night before, before you go to bed. Then you eliminate the morning routine and are ahead of the game.
Sleep well!
04-19-2019 08:44 AM
And, to all the GTC and ebay cheerleaders, well, good for you. I just wonder if you are actually ebay shills promoting how wonderful GTC and all the other policies are for you.
An interesting variation on the old, you must be an eBay employee taunt.
A difference of opinion does not an ebay shill or employee make. Strangely enough, GTC does actually work for some and some people have used it for ages. While it may not work for everyone, it does not follow that it doesn'd work for anyone.