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Seriously!? All of my selling ids have HIGH RETURNS according to eBay...

I just got an email on all of my selling ids telling me that I have high returns..wth is this about!? One id has only had 2 returns, and both were closed by eBay because of no activity. It says in all of the emails I got that I had 4 returns, which is not true.

Did anybody else get this email? Did it say your returns are more than average too? This is silly!


eBay is encouraging everyone to accept 60 day returns and free returns, then they are telling people they need to cut down on them!?

I'm confused and annoyed by this...



Message 1 of 80
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Re: Seriously!? All of my selling ids have HIGH RETURNS according to eBay...



Couple of things......  since last seller update said there would be info to help us with returns in this it?  Will the info be worked into seller hub or is the letter "it"? 


Secondly, I'm not sure ebay realizes what a difference there is between commodity sellers and, for lack of a better term, 2nd hand sellers.  A commodity guy who sells a new multi quantity computer gizmo that doesn't work, or doesn't work well, and who gets alot of returns......certainly needs to see (if his volume is so great, he can't already see it) that X product is returned alot.  Obviously, he would need to rethink selling that item.  With UPCs, I would think the Product itself would stand out as possibly unacceptable, as opposed to the individual seller....and that info would be invaluable not only to an individual seller, but ones who might be considering selling that item........  With your "system", it may only show up as a normal rate of return.......that wouldn't really solve the least as I understand what's going on.......  So I would suggest expanding the info to Product returns. 


With a "2nd hand" seller, duplicates for items would not be the norm....  A doesn't work SNAD will probably not be experienced twice on the same product, simply because that seller will never sell another.....  so a comparison to the "norm" of returns, frankly is pretty useless......  Unless, of course, the seller makes a habit of claiming working when it's not, which would seem to me to be a pretty stupid thing to do as the seller is obviously going to have to pay returns/eat all the costs etc......  so I can't imagine doing that on a recurring basis with or without sanctions.  Likewise a legitimate hole in the shirt/crack in the vase claim is going to have more of a monetary burden deterrence than any "above the norm return" information.  I won't reiterate the false SNAD argument....claiming it falsely to avoid the cost of return.  I've never seen a feasible solution to that problem and I think more and more sellers are just accepting paying for returns as the norm and doing refunds as a cost of business without fighting with the buyer. 


BUT if ebay has thoughts of punishment for Snads, combining both legit and "illegit",  we are going to go back to fighting about whether it's legit or not....... and that will be one huge step my opinion....


I do think the return comparison can be valuable.........we've asked for it for years......  But why not give "help" for avoiding returns as opposed to touting a stick/or  possible stick along with the info????.....  At least give sellers a chance to use the info positively instead of fostering fears of retribution?


One positive suggestion:  Ask sellers what info should be in item specifics that isn't there.  Here on this board, we constantly suggest to new sellers they give clothing measurements and  use a "size" token in a picture when applicable.......Not end all, be all solutions to returns, but a step in the right direction. 

Message 76 of 80
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Re: Seriously!? All of my selling ids have HIGH RETURNS according to eBay...



I'm usually an Ebay cheerleader but Ebay has upset many sellers here including some of your better ranking sellers who also do classes at Ebay open and they have already started to move sales elsewhere.

Corporate just doesn't seem to understand the damage their doing to their own reputation.


Then again, I've seen other theories posted that they are intentionally trying to damage the site for some reason.  Think Bain Capitol type moves where they pull evey penny out they can before tossing the dried bones aside.


Probklem is, the poor staffers that are tasked with trying to expain the changes to the public are only able to say what they've been told without ever having been told the true reasons.



Forget keeping up with the Joneses. Be the Finklegrubers!
OK kids, time to get the Dodge loaded up again. I hear 'Poppy's By the Tree' calling. This trip might be a long one too.
Message 77 of 80
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Re: Seriously!? All of my selling ids have HIGH RETURNS according to eBay...


From what you are saying or how I interpret it - only that specific item may lose some visibility in search ranking if the req was for SNAD. That would mean that only sellers with variations listings may see reduced visibility on the one listing if there are too many SNADs for that particular listing. Am I right or not? The gist the sellers are getting is if they primarily sell clothing - that all their clothing items may drop in search rank. 

I asked a similar question, post 62. I think it applies only to variation or multi-quantity listings.

Message 78 of 80
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Re: Seriously!? All of my selling ids have HIGH RETURNS according to eBay...



Thank you for your feedback.  The email was meant to inform sellers of the types of “items not as described” returns they have received. It’s meant to help sellers better understand their returns history and manage various reasons for “item not as described returns.”

I thought that's why there's a dashboard for sellers to refer to? Isn't sending an email a little redundant? And isn't it the seller's responsibility to keep aprised of the activity on their dashboard?


Cheers, C.

You'll have more visibility than your dashboard at some point this year. Read this post that I found.

Message 79 of 80
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Re: Seriously!? All of my selling ids have HIGH RETURNS according to eBay...

I think ebay is in trouble growth wise offering site was discounts out of their pocket to boost sales seems to be an indication of that. Lowing returns of fees they collect for items that are returned could help boost their bottom line if they can't get sales to increse.      

Message 80 of 80
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