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Send offer to buyers

Hi All.

I have an Item permanently showing in my "send offer to buyers" list. It has been showing for around 6 months. Ebay wont allow me to send an offer and I cant see a way of deleteing the sugestion eather. 

It dosnt seem to be causing a problem, but just always show as having an offer available to send. 

Any advice. Thanks. 

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Send offer to buyers

End the listing and relist it?

Message 2 of 5
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Send offer to buyers

Send Offer appears if you have watchers that have the option set on their end to receive 'marketing' items such as this. (I don't know the exact name).

Just because it shows Send Offer available, doesn't mean you have to use it. It's just a marketing tool available to you. I, in my opinion, do not use it, and never will.

Ending your listing and re-listing it as suggested below would clear any watches on the time, and sure, would resolve the 'issue', until you got more watchers. I don't know why you would intentionally want to clear watchers of your items.
Message 3 of 5
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Send offer to buyers

Someone has put your item in their watch list.  I have used this many times to make offers and sold the items. Not every watcher will buy but many already like the item and are just waiting for a sale.

Message 4 of 5
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Send offer to buyers

Same here. And I have had some accept where I was thinking I would have accepted an even lower offer 🙂
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