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Seller restricted because I have sold Too Much

Amazingly my Selling account has been restricted to a limited amount of listing because I SOLD TOO MUCH, in the last month! I have been in business 42 years with a great nationwide reputation! I have been an Ebay member for 20 plus years & have sold $1.48 million dollars on Ebay. That's 30,000 transactions with a 100 % feedback rating. I don't take kindly to some Arbitrary Algorythem telling me how to ruin my business. I am HONEST, & I AM TRYING TO PURSUE MY RIGHT TO LIFE, LIBERITY & THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS! I  can only do this thru running my business the correct way! They want to put me out of business with meaningless, careless, unthinking laws that are arbitrary. I am now looking at other ways to conduct Nationwide business! I hope you are stockholders in Ebay, they are running off sellers in droves, & hide behind Robots instead of talking to me on a phone! Sincerely, Jim @ KANTOKEN


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Seller restricted because I have sold Too Much

I was wondering.  I wonder if their reasoning is due to their risk management and perhaps some changes in their status.  It may be that they are in the process of re-assessing their position(s).


Whatever the reason, I hope you weather the tempest well.

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 31 of 40
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Seller restricted because I have sold Too Much

who said I am making millions. I said I have sold $1.48 million in 20 years. That is $70,000 per year, profit about $10,000 a year. Not rich, hardly! They don't want wisdom or common sense, they want to CONTROL OUR LIVES! Sick of it! Jim

Message 32 of 40
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Seller restricted because I have sold Too Much

my fees this month will be over $2,000, you would think they would like that, but you can't reason with a machine! Jim


Message 33 of 40
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Seller restricted because I have sold Too Much

I believe what they trying to do to me! Jim

Message 34 of 40
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Seller restricted because I have sold Too Much

CORPORATIONS SIR, are made up of people! They are NOT a living entity, they need to answer only to their Stockholders, who would want me selling the heck out of items, as I do so fairly! Jim

Message 35 of 40
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Seller restricted because I have sold Too Much

I guess I DO NOT understand your point. I have 25,000 plus witnesses in the form of 100% positive Feedbacks. Yes as all should be aware Gold & Silver prices have sky rocketed recently, therefore my sales have spiked! Jim

Message 36 of 40
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Seller restricted because I have sold Too Much

No person will talk to you now, you have to type every thing you say to a computer who has EBAYS STOCK ANSWER, Give it a try! Jim

Message 37 of 40
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Seller restricted because I have sold Too Much

Thanks but that has been tried several times in the last 24 hours! There STOCK ANSWER IS WAIT A MONTH. Thanks but I MAY TAKE my business elsewhere! Jim

Message 38 of 40
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Seller restricted because I have sold Too Much

I wasn't really trying to be obtuse, just thinking that perhaps ebay is having reasons to re-assess their position(s), what with recent enhancements/modifications to the platform and such.

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 39 of 40
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Seller restricted because I have sold Too Much

General reply...might be the instability of the world and the gold markets right now.

Message 40 of 40
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