08-09-2020 11:35 AM
Amazingly my Selling account has been restricted to a limited amount of listing because I SOLD TOO MUCH, in the last month! I have been in business 42 years with a great nationwide reputation! I have been an Ebay member for 20 plus years & have sold $1.48 million dollars on Ebay. That's 30,000 transactions with a 100 % feedback rating. I don't take kindly to some Arbitrary Algorythem telling me how to ruin my business. I am HONEST, & I AM TRYING TO PURSUE MY RIGHT TO LIFE, LIBERITY & THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS! I can only do this thru running my business the correct way! They want to put me out of business with meaningless, careless, unthinking laws that are arbitrary. I am now looking at other ways to conduct Nationwide business! I hope you are stockholders in Ebay, they are running off sellers in droves, & hide behind Robots instead of talking to me on a phone! Sincerely, Jim @ KANTOKEN
08-09-2020 09:46 PM
I was wondering. I wonder if their reasoning is due to their risk management and perhaps some changes in their status. It may be that they are in the process of re-assessing their position(s).
Whatever the reason, I hope you weather the tempest well.
08-09-2020 09:51 PM
who said I am making millions. I said I have sold $1.48 million in 20 years. That is $70,000 per year, profit about $10,000 a year. Not rich, hardly! They don't want wisdom or common sense, they want to CONTROL OUR LIVES! Sick of it! Jim
08-09-2020 09:53 PM
my fees this month will be over $2,000, you would think they would like that, but you can't reason with a machine! Jim
08-09-2020 09:54 PM
I believe what they trying to do to me! Jim
08-09-2020 09:57 PM
CORPORATIONS SIR, are made up of people! They are NOT a living entity, they need to answer only to their Stockholders, who would want me selling the heck out of items, as I do so fairly! Jim
08-09-2020 10:03 PM
I guess I DO NOT understand your point. I have 25,000 plus witnesses in the form of 100% positive Feedbacks. Yes as all should be aware Gold & Silver prices have sky rocketed recently, therefore my sales have spiked! Jim
08-09-2020 10:05 PM
No person will talk to you now, you have to type every thing you say to a computer who has EBAYS STOCK ANSWER, Give it a try! Jim
08-09-2020 10:08 PM
Thanks but that has been tried several times in the last 24 hours! There STOCK ANSWER IS WAIT A MONTH. Thanks but I MAY TAKE my business elsewhere! Jim
08-09-2020 10:19 PM
I wasn't really trying to be obtuse, just thinking that perhaps ebay is having reasons to re-assess their position(s), what with recent enhancements/modifications to the platform and such.
08-10-2020 02:47 AM
General reply...might be the instability of the world and the gold markets right now.