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Seller increased price by $15 and sent $5 off to a watcher: ethical?

I marked as "watched" $30 item and received $40 "offer" from a seller. He changed the price to $45 and "offered" me $5 off from the new price. I knew I wasn`t losing my mind and went to the revision history-indeed price was revised.

Do you think it is ethical? Obviously, I declined that "offer" and blocked him. Does the seller think buyers are stupid? I can see increasing by a buck or two, but $15 on $30 is just rude.

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115 REPLIES 115

Seller increased price by $15 and sent $5 off to a watcher: ethical?

Yes it's slimy and in many countries that have better consumer protection laws it would be illegal.

Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
Message 16 of 116
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Seller increased price by $15 and sent $5 off to a watcher: ethical?

@beautifulbeauty2012 wrote:

I am talking about increasing the price because someone is watching it and sending "discounted offer" with a higher than original price, not just increasing the price and selling it to random buyer.

That sounds like a bit of an assumption. Maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong. I don't believe I've ever raised my price BECAUSE someone is watching it. But I've definitely raised my price and followed up with offers. (See story below). I've also raised my price because I was priced with 0 flexibility, so I'll raise my price to add room for negotiation. 


Prime example of a time I raised price and immediately sent offers. I had an item listed $129.95. There weren't too many available at the time. While mine was listed, one auctioned for like  MORE than I was asking ($131-ish). I jacked my price up to $134.95, but simultaneously sent an offer to the original watchers (i assumed the 2 were the other bidders in that auction that lost and guess what, i was right.). I did not jack up my price because watchers, i jacked up my price because a bidder paid more than i was asking. I sent my offer to those 2 watchers ($127.95) so that they could pay the original price (actually $2 off). 


Do you think that is unethical? I did have 1 buyer TRY to make a stink about it. I explained that I raised my price BECAUSE the auction he was involved in proved my price was too low, and I was allowing him to pay a lower price than the jacked up price, and lower than original ask.. It wasnt intended as a marketing ploy, it was a "first come first served" principle of they were here first and let them have a crack at the lower price and those late to the party (new buyers) can pay a new higher price. 


One watcher bought, other came racing in looking to see if I had a 2nd one. They both wanted it badly.

Message 17 of 116
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Seller increased price by $15 and sent $5 off to a watcher: ethical?

May be the item was under priced, and the Seller decided to do some adjustments. Sometimes the Sellers increase the price when they're going to offer Free Shipping. About sending an offer, the Sellers do not know to who the offers will be send to. I don't think the Seller did this price change to you on purpose, it just happened you were looking at a lower price. If you would counter-offer it, maybe the Seller would accept it.

Message 18 of 116
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Seller increased price by $15 and sent $5 off to a watcher: ethical?

Most retailers cannot legally just raise the price and then put it on sale. They usually bring the merchandise in at a price with the sale price baked in to what they hope to make.  Legally stores must have merchandise at a given regular price for a certain amount of time before they can offer it on sale. Usually the disclaimer reads some like the regular price may not have resulted in actual sales. I would if the seller raised the price significantly and immediately gave you an offer it is sleazy. 

Message 19 of 116
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Seller increased price by $15 and sent $5 off to a watcher: ethical?

There are lots of consumer protection laws here but individual sellers like here sort of fly under the radar

Message 20 of 116
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Seller increased price by $15 and sent $5 off to a watcher: ethical?

I've done it. When an item comes up on my account showing someone is watching it, I can review the listing. Sometimes, it's an old listing, postage has gone up, inventory amounts have gone down, items been selling quickly (so in demand) or a number of things that make me adjust my price. 

The buyer could have just bought it as originally listed, but if he didn't . . . 

Message 21 of 116
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Seller increased price by $15 and sent $5 off to a watcher: ethical?

Reminds of peeling back THE EVENT SALE tag and seeing the original price was the same..

It's like clearance sales of test run products..


50% off that 1000% markup..

Starting the going out of business store back up..

Message 22 of 116
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Seller increased price by $15 and sent $5 off to a watcher: ethical?

Wonder if the S&H went up to?...hmmm


Maybe just for the watcher's..

Message 23 of 116
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Seller increased price by $15 and sent $5 off to a watcher: ethical?

You could have but didn't purchase it  at $30

Expect that some sellers will be increasing price due to inflation.

Message 24 of 116
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Seller increased price by $15 and sent $5 off to a watcher: ethical?

If it is something that has been listed for a bit, sometimes the values change. I have seen it happen, the values move from higher to lower depending on the item. Yes, we all change prices especially if it has been listed awhile. Suppose it is something that is popular like Barbie movie items or collectable like Fenton glass. The values change so prices must too. Stores do it all the time. I hope this is helpful. Have a great day.

Message 25 of 116
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Seller increased price by $15 and sent $5 off to a watcher: ethical?

How does one block a seller? 

Message 26 of 116
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Seller increased price by $15 and sent $5 off to a watcher: ethical?

@beautifulbeauty2012 wrote:

I marked as "watched" $30 item and received $40 "offer" from a seller. He changed the price to $45 and "offered" me $5 off from the new price. I knew I wasn`t losing my mind and went to the revision history-indeed price was revised.

Do you think it is ethical? Obviously, I declined that "offer" and blocked him. Does the seller think buyers are stupid? I can see increasing by a buck or two, but $15 on $30 is just rude.

You are assuming bad intent.


It could be that he raised his prices, but wanted to give watchers a bit of a break. 


It could also be that he is like me and just periodically sends offers to all watchers, without regard to price changes. 


I also disagree that it is "obvious" that you should block him. 


Message 27 of 116
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Seller increased price by $15 and sent $5 off to a watcher: ethical?

Can you name one of those countries?  

Message 28 of 116
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Seller increased price by $15 and sent $5 off to a watcher: ethical?

@slippinjimmy wrote:

Yes it's slimy and in many countries that have better consumer protection laws it would be illegal.

Really? In which countries is it illegal for an eBay seller to raise his price and then send an offer? 

Message 29 of 116
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Seller increased price by $15 and sent $5 off to a watcher: ethical?

I didn`t want it for $30 in the first place; there are $20-25 same things and plenty (bath soaps). If the seller sent me an offer, not the hike in price, I`d might consider it, but definitely not buying anything from him after assumption that buyers are stupid.


Message 30 of 116
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