09-22-2024 09:24 AM
Just noticed recent Offers sent showing 2+ and 3+ days remaining.
Had a Chat with a Representative. At first he referenced that Seller initiated Offers
are for 48hrs.
I showed him that must have changed. Then he stated it has been updated to 4 days.
?? I have yet to find where this information is.
As this is news to me me, I wanted to let you know.
I received no notice of this. It certainly isn't progress.
09-22-2024 09:27 AM
Yes we been talking about it on the forums for past few days.
I don't think eBay really announced it yet.
09-22-2024 09:27 AM
I just noticed this as well. No notice.
09-22-2024 09:28 AM
Yeppers. It came as a surprise to all. Dang.
09-22-2024 11:39 AM
I noticed that too and feel that as sellers, we should have the option of time that the offer will expire. I sell on Poshmark too and find that it can really handicap opportunities if you sell on more than one platform. eBay PLEASE allow sellers to determine the length of an offer.
The seller platform still shows only 48 hours. What gives?!
09-23-2024 03:16 PM
4 days? NO, 12 Hours
09-24-2024 12:04 AM - edited 09-24-2024 12:35 AM
@cypher004 wrote:
I received no notice of this. It certainly isn't progress.
No notice is becoming a more frequent ebay practice