Sell my stuff for me
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‎05-28-2024 11:53 AM
I have tons off stuff to be sold. My grandpa passed away and I got the left over stuff from his business.. Lawn and snow removal.. I would split 50 50 it's all brand new he had a repair shop too.. well let me know
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‎05-28-2024 12:05 PM
You should stated 'where' you are at.
You should also know what 50/50 means AFTER you find someone 'local' to you (unless you plan on paying to ship everything to a seller in Georgia or New York (for example).
Seller will have to 'file and pay' Federal Income Tax (10-25%) State Income Tax (3-10%), Self-Employment/SSI Tax (15.3%), Fees to ebay (15%)....
So figure an item worth $100, $10 shipping, will get charged about $15 fee, $10 shipping leaving $85, with 25% (minimum Income Tax) would leave about $62.
So, on a $100 sale, you get $31.
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‎05-28-2024 12:50 PM
Are there items that can be sold locally rather than online where shipping can eat into the costs? I'd look into that first, especially if it's a business where there are competing companies (or individuals) who want the items themselves.
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‎05-28-2024 12:54 PM
You'll not likely find a taker here. I'd suggest that you advertise locally. Good luck to you.
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‎05-28-2024 12:59 PM
Call his competition, they'll be happy to buy the stuff.
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‎05-28-2024 01:04 PM
If you have big, heavy stuff to sell, the postage will likely eat up any profits. Agree with best to try to sell locally. You might also find someone local there to sell it for you. But, sellers would want the items in their own hands to try to sell it, and would you trust a stranger to take away your stuff?
What city do you live?
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‎05-28-2024 01:10 PM
Items like that would be better sold on sites like FB or Craigslist. Shipping could be costly. I would advertise locally.
Unless you are willing to take responsibility for taxes, seller fees, returns, shipping, supplies & possible fraudulent transactions, not to mention paying out a hefty fee to that seller, I doubt you 'll get any bites here on this forum.
Good luck to you!
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‎05-28-2024 01:21 PM - edited ‎05-28-2024 01:23 PM
$31 is still good money, depending on how fast the helper could move these items.
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‎05-28-2024 01:30 PM - edited ‎05-28-2024 01:32 PM
About the only chance of anybody that wants someone to sell for them is if they find out they have an eBay savvy friend or relative.
Even then it will probably be a hard "sell" to convince them to help.
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‎05-28-2024 01:40 PM
Heavy equipment like that is better sold on FB Marketplace, CL or venues like that.
Why? Shipping will be costly. Then, if the buyer opens an item not as described case, guess who pays that costly return shipping? There are also companies that specialize in liquidation sales, perhaps you could find one locally.
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‎05-28-2024 01:40 PM
Sounds like the best way to handle this would be an Estate Sale or Auction.
Call any Estate Sale companies and Auction Houses in your area and talk to them to see which might be the better way to go. They will sell everything for a commission and you will be done with it.
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‎05-28-2024 01:57 PM
You would be better off finding an estate sale company or an online auction house to handle the liquidation of the items. Depending on the company and what they charge you may come out better profit wise as well as moving the equipment a LOT faster.
It looks like you are not that far out of Milwaukee, WI so there should be several companies available.
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‎05-28-2024 02:04 PM
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‎05-28-2024 02:16 PM
FaceBook Marketplace or Craigslist would be more useful.
The lawn stuff immediately, but be aware that most sales of lawn equipment happen before Father's Day.
That does mean that these tools tend to disappear from the big box stores soon after.
You might also run off a few dozen flyers, and do a door to door drop in any new housing developments nearby. A short explanation of granpa's closed business and a list of the items you have for sale, new and used.
Then do it again just after Hallowe'en before winter.
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‎05-28-2024 03:02 PM
The lawn stuff, might be able to sell that locally to an enterprising highschooler with the summer holidays, though might be a little late.
Snow removal stuff? Tough sell. Who would want to store that until they need it unless you priced it agressively.
And that's a point. Seeing as you would net such a small percentage of what it is worth on eBay, if you put it on FB or CL for 50-60 percent of what everyone else is selling it for, you'd get the sale and still do better than eBay.