04-27-2021 06:24 AM
I absolutely HATE the new Selling" page! It is like a child went out and threw everything on the page, up in the air---literally---and then picked up random pieces and laid them back down to make a page--with no "flow" to it.All we want is to be able to see how many "views" and "watchers" we have,and "time ending" up front first!!!--not a stupid "format" icon (,that takes up to much room in the front) and we have to avert our eyes ALL THE WAY OVER TO THE RIGHT TO SEE WHAT WE NEED TO SEE!!! It doesn't make sense, why you would make that change to put a stupid "format"icon there?? Also we had our "sold items listed right below our items being sold---it was "convenient",---and had "GOOD FLOW__GOOD RHYME" You could see everything "at a glance"You could get your work done,it was fun,and easy----key word--EASY--it worked---everyone LOVED it---if you were going to change it---we should have had a CHOICE---not everyone or nothing!! They always want feedback---but when tons of people have said they HATE it---they say too bad,it is here to stay.Ebay we are simply talking about one page----are you that invested---that you can't hear our request to CHANGE IT BACK TO "CLASSIC VIEW" ??? And YES,I feel this strongly about this issue.
04-27-2021 05:25 PM
I agree. I can't even get it to load. Terrible and cheap looking. I hope sellers keep complaining until they wise up and give us back the classic.
04-27-2021 05:58 PM
@lovely_elk wrote:I agree. I can't even get it to load. Terrible and cheap looking. I hope sellers keep complaining until they wise up and give us back the classic.
Or at least explain why they will not change it back. I don't believe it is because of Managed Payment Interfacing. I can navigate the choices down the left side but the horizontal scrolling and only 5 items per page .... seems to me it is a HUGE waste of space.
04-27-2021 06:00 PM
@purple*lillie wrote:It is like a child went out and threw everything on the page, up in the air---literally---
Agreed. I use the same analogy at Christmas ..... my neighbors' outdoor decorations look like they were thrown in the air and left where they land. Just plug in the lights and call it a day!
04-27-2021 06:01 PM
@Anonymous wrote:
@lovely_elk wrote:I agree. I can't even get it to load. Terrible and cheap looking. I hope sellers keep complaining until they wise up and give us back the classic.
Or at least explain why they will not change it back. I don't believe it is because of Managed Payment Interfacing. I can navigate the choices down the left side but the horizontal scrolling and only 5 items per page .... seems to me it is a HUGE waste of space.
04-27-2021 09:43 PM
New page is horrible , a nightmare , used to love to check my listings several times a day , now its a chore instead of enjoyable , my E Bay days are numbered after 22 years ! Page designers on crack ..
04-27-2021 10:08 PM
All I can say is the NEW and NOT improved seller's page is a mind numbing INSUFFERABLE mess!
04-27-2021 10:10 PM
All of these classic view links should work. They need to be bookmarked & accessed through your browser's bookmarks (for however long they will work), I have been using these all 3 separate tabs or I WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO LIST ON EBAY, IT IS TO CONFUSING for me and you can still go to the seller hub if you click on the side
Classic View Active Selling
Classic View Unsold
Classic View Sold
04-27-2021 11:26 PM
I feel exactly the same and very few people feel otherwise about the horrible new sellers tool summary page. I am very sad and frustrated about it being gone - I can no longer view all my information easily and some of the info I need simply does NOT exist, so I'm now having to total up hundreds of figures to get the current monthly total that was always clearly posted at the top of the classic seller summary. I haven't listed anything new since the forced change, I have no desire to deal with this.