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Sales down to nothing from January 1 2019

Just wondering if it is just me, or if other long-time sellers have noticed a complete drop through the floor of sales that started in the beginning of this month?

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153 REPLIES 153

Re: Sales down to nothing from January 1 2019

Okay - I just googled "ebay sales down?" to see if it was just me or not and it brought me here!   Wow, now I know.

Message 121 of 154
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Re: Sales down to nothing from January 1 2019

seems like if I have 20 sales going on , I have one that has a bid

and I have nice items , very sellable , very legit obtained in person .. Seems like most of my sales are to repeat customers which is a good sign.... just wish there were more repeat customers 

but my items are in a huge collection of mine so if they don't sell, they remain in my collection. I just try to thin it down a bit and try to pay for my expenses in obtaining all of them.  


Message 122 of 154
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Re: Sales down to nothing from January 1 2019

If you own a store and i dont know if the feature is in accounts without stores (didnot look yet) check out the "Advertising Preferences" in your store and you will see whom ebay sells your buying selling basically every move you make on their platform information to... very eye opening,, and scary, because all those who pay know exactly how to beat you in the ebay game except you - meaning all of us smalls me you all people on this board whose sales have tanked, they tanked because someone knows stuff about us we dont even realize matters.

Message 123 of 154
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Re: Sales down to nothing from January 1 2019

If the Chinese government buys this info that ebay sells, just think about the laughter in the Beijing warehouses on us... you dont hear a Chinese person complaining here about slow sales.

Message 124 of 154
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Re: Sales down to nothing from January 1 2019

Can we say TAXES!
I went from spending $2000-$3000 per month, to $0. I am not going to pay taxes on used items already taxed, and have them go to the Big Black Hole of the Government, & Politicians “pet/friends” or their pockets, and/or just wasted. TAXES, and increasing SELLER FRAUD, CHINESE products, & Shifty, Misleading, women sellers, made me slam on the breaks, & stop buying.
Message 125 of 154
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Re: Sales down to nothing from January 1 2019

Can we say TAXES!
I went from spending $2000-$3000 per month, to $0. I am not going to pay taxes on used items already taxed, and have them go to the Big Black Hole of the Government, & Politicians “pet/friends” or their pockets, and/or just wasted. TAXES, and increasing SELLER FRAUD, CHINESE products, & Shifty, Misleading, women sellers, made me slam on the breaks, & stop buying.

Message 126 of 154
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Re: Sales down to nothing from January 1 2019

Ebay is standing in the humongous shadow of the A-zone, and they STILL feel they can adequately compete with them...  They can't, and never could.  Sadly, they never learned that, and this ignorance has continued on to destroy ebay sellers.  Ebay's delusion, and complacency  has deteriorated the excellent on-line marketing system, it once was. Almost all of it's [smaller] sellers are going down the drain, because of corporate greed, and lack of ethics.

Message 127 of 154
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Re: Sales down to nothing from January 1 2019

It is not just sales are WAY down and I think it is for several reasons.  First, I believe the economy is good and people are not necessarily looking for bargains like they have in the past.  People have more $$ now and can afford to buy new.  The second problem is EBAY policy.  It's not worth the hassle anymore. EBAY will ALWAYS support the buyer, no matter what.  I had negative feedback recently and contacted the customer who said she was sorry, she should not have been so unkind.  I gave her a full refund, yet she did not take the negative feedback down.  EBAY policy used to give you a place to respond to the feedback, but now they don't.  I have closed that ebay account and am weaning my second account down.  There is much fraud on EBAY and their expenses are very high so the quality of EBAY has really gone down.  So.....those are my explanations for EBAY problems and slow sales.  I have actually bought and listed several things on Poshmark with much less drama 🙂  I think the general public has caught on and are looking for items at other sites.  Happy selling everyone!

Message 128 of 154
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Re: Sales down to nothing from January 1 2019

Since ebay changed the option from 30 day listing to until cancelled my sales have dropped off to nearly nothing.  I have complained to ebay - like that matters.  Very frustrating!

Message 129 of 154
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Re: Sales down to nothing from January 1 2019

Sales have been down. Changes by eBay never help sellers. Buyers need to see all merchandise not what eBay lets them see. This manipulation is wrong. In addition increased postal rates and taxes really seem to be having a negative impact also.

Message 130 of 154
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Re: Sales down to nothing from January 1 2019

can't accept payment.jpg

Message 131 of 154
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Re: Sales down to nothing from January 1 2019

I finally sold my clock.    For $550.00.    The exact same clock is listing on Amazon right now for $1100.00 (and that's very close to what I originally paid for it).  It was essentially brand new, too.
Its a horiffic loss, I don't know if its the worst seller loss on Ebay ever but I'd be happy to hear it wasn't.   Strangely enough though as incredible a deal the bidder got, I had it listed five straight weeks on auction with no bids at all.
I needed the money though.    Well, Ebay certainly appears to be a great place for buyers, maybe not so hot a spot for sellers 😕    
No use crying over spilled milk, as a relative said.  Though they did add after that, "Hey do you have anything else in the house you want to sell?"

Message 132 of 154
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Re: Sales down to nothing from January 1 2019

I had a house payment and I'd rather have a home than a clock.
Yes, its a bad time for sellers, especially with the current economy. To avoid being victimized I strongly recommend all small sellers be wealthy and not need money or sales right now. Especially if Trump keeps the Presidency in '20, lol.
Message 133 of 154
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Re: Sales down to nothing from January 1 2019

From a closed Community Chat thread --



"Buyers do expect to be able to return items when they shop online. When they aren't able to return items they often shop elsewhere." [italics mine]



They're already shopping elsewhere... and have been for awhile.


We're rummaging and slashing about trying to figure out what the problem is. Before recently, I spent perhaps a half-hour on these boards *total* over many years. I was busy with my little business, now reduced to a nothing-burger. These days I lurk and commiserate vicariously about these boards for insight into this radical and sudden dropoff in sales and traffic... certainly sudden for me, but I've been luckier than most. These days, I've got little else happening on eBay.


I say "radical and sudden" because that's my perception. I've been fortunate to have been able to persist impervious to the effects of eBay decline a little longer than most. I'm lucky like that. My product and approach are unconventional. But I'm starting to get a little angry now.


Whatever has changed -- we can speculate all day, but it's probably a combination of things -- eBay is a frail shadow of its former self, a "financial asset" to be gamed and dressed out toward some profit objective having little to do with the viability of the mechanism itself. eBay, once a bright and representative outlet of that quintessential Mom and Pop Spirit of enterprise that so endeared itself to America -- indeed to the world -- is now dulled, eschewed by hipsters and the Apple Pie crowd alike. What was once organically all things to all people is now the rodent-infested back alley of online retail.


I am deeply saddened, long reluctant to accept this appraisal, longing to be proven wrong -- again and again failing to unsee it.


When eBay assesses culpability upon the earnest and true, and kowtows to the bad -- believing (so it seems) that such homogenization represents the best of both worlds, it deteriorates like any pride-abandoned neighborhood. The classiest residents are either already gone or looking at the door.



Message 134 of 154
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Re: Sales down to nothing from January 1 2019

I've been selling on Ebay forever. Many years ago it did start out as a great online 'garage sale'. Back in the day everyone was selling things from their basements..... it was quite the rage and everyone was talking about Ebay. In fact some people literally just put 99 cents on everything they sold, and sat back and watched everyone fight over your stuff. I got lots of bidders too.
Now I get nothing, or one even when the prices are ridiculously lower than everywhere else- and even if I include online links showing how the 'competition' is charging way more.

What happened? Well possibly there are so many big commercial sellers on it now nobody buys from the little guy. Or it could be Ebays policies, which almost force you to sell "No Returns Accepted" or you get victimized or steamrolled by fickle buyers.
Or it could be the economy, nobody seems to have any money these days, and the few rich people who do don't care about savings, and buy at the big corps with warranties and returns.
Amazingly, my buyer even became crabby because we waffled a couple days on the sale, it was such a huge loss (about $350), and threatened to leave a bad review! I also paid a big chunk of money in fees, both to Ebay AND PayPal.
Sorry to ramble. Believe me I'd love for the site to work. I've got LOTS of things to sell and I need money bad right now. Hope things turn around!

Message 135 of 154
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