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     Good morning, and happy new month to all you scroungers and sloungers.

     The scrounge lounge originated in 2003, catering to all of us who obtain our merchandise for selling at various places such as thrift stores, yard sales, rummage sales, even dumpster diving and picking up items someone has set out along the street for garbage pickup. 

     Does this sound like you?  Come on in, put your feet up and set a spell.


My broom brakes for all thrift stores.
Message 1 of 273
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272 REPLIES 272


Hi ((((Jilly)))) So glad you have had one surgery done and love the "Piece of Cake" comment.

I've gotten a few "Page expired" time outs here, must be busy.

Thinking that other sellers don't do as much buying/selling research that YOU do, hence not caring if they buy to re sell on the same ID.

TTYL, see if this goes thru!
Message 211 of 273
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There is no way I could sit down on that job, jbees. Good thoughts though! I'm picturing that and LMAO. I still haven't resigned..on paper.
I've been doing my standing leg exercises twice a day since I saw the PT and feeling much less leg pain after lying down, am's were torture before.
The day before yesterday I weeded and trimmed some bushes out front of house, dead branches/sections of tree roots rotten.
I felt good, took that load to compost yesterday morning, then WHAMMO early last night I could barely move my shoulders, pain inside the wing (shoulder blade) bones., neck, etc....Took a few arthritis tylenol, did some stretching, prayed it would be better this morning, it is. OMG I don't know why I do not remember not to overdo it. Probably because I do it so seldom, yup, weeding I can put off for months and the vertigo really set me back, all I could comfortably get done is mow the lawn and that's a lot.
So glad you got a GOOD doctor that helped you resolve that vertigo so young. That's one of my biggest PEEVES about this whole thing, that I asked for years many times and got no help. It's SO simple. Your procedure was the cannolith procedure which dislodges crystals in part of the inner ear they're not supposed to be in.
Hope your eyes catch up with each other, but you are having the other done too, soon, I suppose that adjusting may take awhile.

Message 212 of 273
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Laurie. I have no idea regarding comparisons of putting a few things in a shop that is only open 3 of 30 days.  I could write a novella as to "Why" I don't want to do biz with them.  

Bad experiences consigning in the past resulting in distrust is a major one.



Message 213 of 273
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I've not had good luck, either, M*M, in any booth or consignment shop.   Sounds as if the location is a good one for Sun to have one, though.  I did much better at fleamarkets! 


My broom brakes for all thrift stores.
Message 214 of 273
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Dad has been a stamp dealer for about 52 years. He knows his stuff, especially early U.S. and British Commonwealth.
Message 215 of 273
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And it's a joyous evening in the kyal household. Daughter passed her PT board exam!
Message 216 of 273
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Kyal, congrats to your DD, but you didn't have any doubts, did you?  The test is difficult - have a couple of PhD PT friends,

Know about the Ohio River - lived in Louisviille in the early '60s.  It was so cold one winter that the river froze and they couldb't bring in heating Oil (widely used then.)  All public buildings and stores except hospitals were closed.  The car doors and windows froze in their last position - including the tires.  They would go round the flop on the flat sides - fun trying to drive!  The next spring, we had significant flooding!


Glad your trip went well - folks ok, food delicious and company the best.

Ok, time to call it quits,  Patd

Message 217 of 273
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M*M, Already had other (left) eye done the end of March - that was the difficult one that was not a piece of cake 'cause I had 3 surgeries - cataract and 2 retina procedures.  The gas bubble (sort of an internal bandage that they placed in the eye) prevented me from having the cataracts removed in the right eye until after it went completely away (absorbed). 


I don't think I mentioned back then how the discharge nurse (later found out she was from a temp agency) didn't follow protocol when I was leaving to get in the car.  She was supposed to walk me arm in arm to the car and didn't.  So, I had to walk, practically blind, with the surgery eye bandaged and the other eye severely clouded with the cataracts to the car by myself. Short distance, but I had to walk real slowly since I couldn't see if there was a curb cut, or not.  The nurse was at the door watching and she knew I couldn't hardly see because I'd had to ask for assistance to the bathroom just minutes before that.  I did call a few days afterwards and, after asking about the proper procedures and finding out that they weren't followed, I told the administrator what happened.  I opted to have the 2nd eye surgery at a different, closer facility even though they had reassured me that what had happened would not be repeated.  


Anyway, I'm all done (crossing fingers) except for follow-up visits and getting glasses. 


Found out yesterday from the retina drs office that they have been battling with my ins (BC/Blue S.) with appeals to denials for getting approval for another follow-up visit and they had to re-schedule me for that since the ins hasn't made their decision yet.  'toopid ins people don't know how important it is to have multiple follow-up visits after a major retina surgery 'cause there's a greater risk in having another retina tear occur during the first year after the surgery.


My severe vertigo might have been caused by a work injury to my head, something that I didn't realize until years later, making it too late to file for workers comp.  While working at a really busy fast food joint, I bent down to get something out of a low to the ground freezer. As I came up real fast, my head connected real hard into a top freezer door that had popped opened when someone opened a freezer door on the other side (main freezer area).  Caused me to have a splitting headache, but I thought that was it as the vertigo didn't show up for few weeks.  It was a few years before I found the ear doctor who did all that testing.  Before that, another ear doctor thought the vertigo had something to do with a congenital defect seen in an xray of my sinuses.  He wanted to do sinus surgery, but I ended up nixing that idea as there were too many possible serious complications.


Reason I mentioned the folding chair is because I've seen some crossing guards around here use them as there must be a lot of time in between having people wanting to cross (sometimes).


Edited to add Blue S. as Lithium was bleeping out part of the name of my insurance company (LMBO).


Women are angels. And when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick. We are flexible like that.
Message 218 of 273
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Hi Everybody, just wanted to introduce myself. I've been selling fabric and craft supplies I found at thrift shops etc. on another site for several years only selling a few things here on Ebay when I either couldn't sell them over there or just needed to get rid of a few things. 


Without going into the whole long sad story, I now find myself in a position of having to make a living online while desparetly looking for a "real job". I'm now checking for a lot more than just fabric and craft supplies. 

Message 219 of 273
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Good Mornin' All.

Welcome Debupcycles.  Stop in anytime.

Congrats to your DD, Kyal and ditto on the parents doing well, etc.

Oh Bees, I knew you had that other surgery, didn't remember if it was for the cataracts, too. WHOOPEEE, so glad you are DONE excepting recovery time.   That first part was complicated fer sure.

I guess not all crossing guard jobs are the same, this one required staying in the intersection kids or not, directing all traffic on four corners and ten lanes (our main street is a state highway)..  I'd have to have a chair on wheels that SPINS. LOL






Message 220 of 273
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     Welcome to the scrounge lounge,  debupcycles.  I hope you can find enough unusual and unique things to add to what you are currently selling so that you won't have to resort to a "real job".grimacing



My broom brakes for all thrift stores.
Message 221 of 273
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Bees, I think a lot of things can trigger vertigo (Water in the ears for one, swimming a lot), the neurologist asked me if I used to like roller coasters). I've also had a couple concussions, maybe a few, who knows.
Too bad you didn't get your walk out with the temp hire. That's terrible follow through.
Your description of it is how I felt walking slowly down school hallways feeling like I needed to hang onto the wall. Thank Goodness for meclazine or I wouldn't have lasted. My ears have always been super sensitive. I also worked in very loud environment for five years, had to wear earplugs, not so much a positional thing but ear related, always sensitive to wind, too, I'd get ear aches real easily. I still put cotton in my ears if cold and windy.
Message 222 of 273
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Nope you guys would not like it here either. Many months I don't make the rent even in selling. Not a good deal. Just some months I sell enough to make some money. Probably a loosing deal in the end. Thats why people are always selling out and giving up.
Message 223 of 273
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Congradulations Kyal and younger Kyal.
Message 224 of 273
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All health insurance companies are stupid and cheap. You pay your premiums for years and years without using the insurance. Then when you need them they say denied over and over again. Have fought them for years. Just not right. Hope you can get it fixed Mrs Beez. Get to see those Doctors as often as you need to.
Message 225 of 273
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