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SCREWED AGAIN! Listing tool just reverted back to version w/ NO "Delete All" button for pics

        This is beyond ridiculous!! yesterday the listing tool change right before my eyes to a previous version that rolled out months ago that sucked so bad!... after a month of us all complaining, it reverted back.....until yesterday. Its back with a vengeance of inefficiency and poor design.

       It is now the version with one box for both pics and vids and NO delete all button for the pictures so when you sell similar from the previous listing and your pics carry over- instead on 1 simple click to delete them and insert new pics, you must hover over all 24 pics- one at a time and click the trashcan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Complete and utter stupidity at this point...again

We sellers are PAYING customers of ebay- why must we be subjected to all these tests and "not up to industry standard designs and programming"

    Why does ebay continue to make it more difficult to list here?

Message 1 of 19
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Re: SCREWED AGAIN! Listing tool just reverted back to version w/ NO "Delete All" button fo

Not mention waking up to 2 different ebay/fedex overcharges(backcharges) of $30 each stating "irregular packaging"------ so since when di a 3 lbs 12x14x6 box become irregular????????????   

      PS- just listed another item and discovered that the version i have is the 2nd version with the delete pics button HIDDEN behind a "select" more button that you must click first - then move your mouse from the right side of screen to the left side to hit another "select all" button, only to have to hit yet another delete button!!!!!!!

     This is verging on criminal at this point- the ineptitude of those designing this tool is just unimaginable- you literally could not make this stuff up.

   Guess i will be listing only half what i could today .....again. This company just continues to shoot itself in the foot by shooting the sellers in the proverbial mouse(with extra clicks and workload to accomplish less work)

Message 2 of 19
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Re: SCREWED AGAIN! Listing tool just reverted back to version w/ NO "Delete All" button fo

Click on “select” in the top right just over the upload box. “Delete All” is under that. 

CONSERVITVS  •  Volunteer Community Mentor
eBay member since: 1996

Message 3 of 19
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Re: SCREWED AGAIN! Listing tool just reverted back to version w/ NO "Delete All" button fo

It's partly because ebay has never, ever put any value on a seller's time wasted with their inept coding.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 4 of 19
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Re: SCREWED AGAIN! Listing tool just reverted back to version w/ NO "Delete All" button fo

There is an invisible spot to click on the upper right side of where the photos end and then the delete shows up.


I have not been able to slide photos over - the fields for the photos always appear blank and empty.

I then save to drafts.

Reopen drafts and miraculously the photos are there.



Message 5 of 19
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Re: SCREWED AGAIN! Listing tool just reverted back to version w/ NO "Delete All" button fo

I just finished 3 listings and have not had any problems...yet!

using 'sell similar' all the options are there...for now!

Message 6 of 19
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Re: SCREWED AGAIN! Listing tool just reverted back to version w/ NO "Delete All" button fo

This week I feel like I am part of some Beta testing or something.


Message 7 of 19
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Re: SCREWED AGAIN! Listing tool just reverted back to version w/ NO "Delete All" button fo

If you are...nobody will tell you until it becomes a MAJOR ISSUE!!! (maybe!)😳

Message 8 of 19
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Re: SCREWED AGAIN! Listing tool just reverted back to version w/ NO "Delete All" button fo

@siamjane8 wrote:

Not mention waking up to 2 different ebay/fedex overcharges(backcharges) of $30 each stating "irregular packaging"------ so since when di a 3 lbs 12x14x6 box become irregular????????????   

      PS- just listed another item and discovered that the version i have is the 2nd version with the delete pics button HIDDEN behind a "select" more button that you must click first - then move your mouse from the right side of screen to the left side to hit another "select all" button, only to have to hit yet another delete button!!!!!!!

     This is verging on criminal at this point- the ineptitude of those designing this tool is just unimaginable- you literally could not make this stuff up.

   Guess i will be listing only half what i could today .....again. This company just continues to shoot itself in the foot by shooting the sellers in the proverbial mouse(with extra clicks and workload to accomplish less work)


Even editing a photo has become extremely (more) annoying. It can take multiple attempts of double clicking to open a photo. The photos can have wrong orientation when you move from folder to application. And something I noticed ages ago, when you do want to rotate a photo its counter clockwise vs clockwise. This is the only editor I have seen with 1 option and not the natural one at that. 

If tagged, will anyone be by to address? Most likely not!!!



Seems very unproductive to have to choose each time from a drop down computer or web vs it being right there. New is the  video option is part of files. Versus stand alone. eBay prefers leaving us guessing as to whether stuff is still there or has been removed in the dark of night. If you are a long time user of ebay you may have an idea where to look. For new users I can feel for the learning curve getting accustomed to eBay and it's neverending cosmetic tinkering. 




Message 9 of 19
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Re: SCREWED AGAIN! Listing tool just reverted back to version w/ NO "Delete All" button fo

All day, the main picture dies not's just blank. It does show on the listing, just not in the listing tool so we get to guess what it will be lol...such a disastrous joke. 

Delete all still take 3x the steps.....why why why is it not just a button on the main page like B4?

     eBay is literally like a group of people that we can't see or talk to or reason with, that make our lives harder and less productive for no apparent reason!

   I wonder with the latest round of layoffs, do they fire the most knowledgeable experienced people that are paid more and then we start over again with people who have no idea what is going on? Best bang for eBay's buck?

Message 10 of 19
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Re: SCREWED AGAIN! Listing tool just reverted back to version w/ NO "Delete All" button fo

eBay removed "delete all" from variation listing photos entirely @siamjane8  - removed from both default photo and variation photo sections. Variations do not even have the ridiculous "select" navigation that single listings have. We still have the trash can icon on each photo, but no delete all option.


Ultimately, for both single and variation listings sellers need:

1. Trash can icon on each individual photo (which we currently have, please don't get rid of it, eBay).
2. A 'Delete All' button not hidden behind any menus or extra steps (which we do not have and want back).


Sellers do not need:

1. A multi-step process: first click select, then check individual images, then click a delete button.


Why do we not need or want that? It is more steps than clicking the trash can on each image we want to delete when not using 'delete all'.


Why hit "select" and "delete" before and after when we can just click the trash can on each image? We have to click individual images anyway, so the point of adding 2 extra clicks is ... ?


No part of the listing process / photos is enhanced by having that "select" link. This is the type of change that makes sellers ask whether or not the developers even use these tools and list large quantities the way we do.


Selling tools should prioritize function and efficiency over design. Selling tools on a website should not have multi-click processes to mimic inefficient apps when actions can be performed with single/fewer clicks.


FYI kyle@ebay devon@ebay 

Walk without rhythm, it won't attract the worm.
Message 11 of 19
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Re: SCREWED AGAIN! Listing tool just reverted back to version w/ NO "Delete All" button fo

@wastingtime101 wrote:

eBay removed "delete all" from variation listing photos entirely @siamjane8  - removed from both default photo and variation photo sections. Variations do not even have the ridiculous "select" navigation that single listings have. We still have the trash can icon on each photo, but no delete all option.


Ultimately, for both single and variation listings sellers need:

1. Trash can icon on each individual photo (which we currently have, please don't get rid of it, eBay).
2. A 'Delete All' button not hidden behind any menus or extra steps (which we do not have and want back).


Sellers do not need:

1. A multi-step process: first click select, then check individual images, then click a delete button.


Why do we not need or want that? It is more steps than clicking the trash can on each image we want to delete when not using 'delete all'.


Why hit "select" and "delete" before and after when we can just click the trash can on each image? We have to click individual images anyway, so the point of adding 2 extra clicks is ... ?


No part of the listing process / photos is enhanced by having that "select" link. This is the type of change that makes sellers ask whether or not the developers even use these tools and list large quantities the way we do.


Selling tools should prioritize function and efficiency over design. Selling tools on a website should not have multi-click processes to mimic inefficient apps when actions can be performed with single/fewer clicks.


FYI kyle@ebay devon@ebay 

Hey @wastingtime101 thanks for bringing this up!  We will pass this feedback along to the appropriate teams for review!

Message 12 of 19
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Re: SCREWED AGAIN! Listing tool just reverted back to version w/ NO "Delete All" button fo

@wastingtime101 kyle@ebay   Agree with everything Wastingtime101 has said above- keep it simple- we DO NOT want a 3 step process for a simple one step task.   Why has this not been understood by ebay design yet??  We go through this every update as if ebay thinks we will forget that we want to be productive.  This push pull battle has been going on with ebay for the last few years as they try to force a mobile phone interface on a computer base website.   It does not work- we have had to fight over and over again to make these design workable on desktops- why dont these teams understand how the customers use the website yet???

   Speaking of not working- another glitch with the new version is - if you try to add too many pictures- more than the 24- the whole listing tool freezes and you have to control/alt/delete to bring up the task manager to close the web browser and start over.   It will allow you to add more and they show up but then a delete picture button shows up at the bottom of page but does nothing...just freezes the page.   This has been going on for weeks

Message 13 of 19
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Re: SCREWED AGAIN! Listing tool just reverted back to version w/ NO "Delete All" button fo

I couldn't agree more!! I hate this new tool it is awful! Ebay keeps changing everything to make it more difficult!! I hate it!!

Message 14 of 19
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Re: SCREWED AGAIN! Listing tool just reverted back to version w/ NO "Delete All" button fo

@wastingtime101  well looks like the trashcan elete feature on each picture is back.... it just does not show up unless you hover over it.  I'm fine with that- just confusing to millions of ebay users to be constantly changing everything.

   But we still NEED to eliminate the extra clicks to  "delete all"- Still have to hit "select" first for absolutely no reason at all.  I think they are trying to work with us though- now after hitting select- you  do not have to cross the screen to hit- "select all" because the delete button went from "delete" to delete all" and works without selecting everything first. An improvement for sure but now the select all button is useless because the only option you have when using it is delete all??  I guess the only advantage would be if you wanted to select all pics and then unselect a few to avoid deleting them......    This is still just so convoluted.  Talk about complicating the most simple task possible!  There have been industry web design standards for 20 years for a reason - tried and true and improved to the point of maximum effectiveness- why is ebay trying to re-invent the delete button?

    Still would be amazing to have a delete button in the image editing like years ago in the classic tool.... sometimes when you look at the picture during editing screen you realize it is blurry or even just the wrong pic for the listing and want to  get rid of it but cant. you must go back out to he main listing tool screen to find the trashcan.... sigh

   Please guys - this is not rocket science- this is grade school design here.   But thank you for continuing to listen- from the most recent change it shows you are hearing us....... but why does it have to come to this every time?

Message 15 of 19
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