12-22-2018 04:29 PM
When you go to relist an item that was returned to you is it a good idea to mention in your listing that the item is being relisted because someone returned it? Is this the way to go in order to keep them from wondering why you're selling it again when it appears in completed listings that it already sold a couple of weeks ago?
12-22-2018 04:31 PM
I wouldn’t mention it at all. It’s unlikely that anyone is going to notice and if they do, they can ask you why it was relisted.
12-22-2018 06:02 PM
I relist sold items all the time- non-payers, got a second item to sell, etc.
When you return something to a B&M store they just throw it back on the shelf. They don't add a sticker to tell shoppers it was returned. I see no reason to indicate it's a return unless the item is altered in some way.
12-22-2018 09:36 PM