12-22-2018 08:12 PM
First time ever! I sell books. Before I list, I search what's already been listed for price, condition and how many copies are available. Imagine my surprise today when I received a regular e-mail from eBay that one of the books I viewed, listed by a megaseller, had been reduced by x amount and to hurry and buy it now. Other offerings by this same megaseller of books were also shown in the e-mail. I do not have this seller saved nor do I have any of their listings on my watch list. All I did was view a listing of theirs. Now, my question...is this a new feature eBay is offering to all of it's sellers or is this a special dispensation just for megasellers? Is it something any seller can pay for (can any or all small-timers get such special advertising) or is it an eBay perk only allowed megasellers? All I did was view a listing!
12-22-2018 08:33 PM
It's normal. Let's say some one views your listing. Then you reduce price or have a sale. Whoever viewed your listing will get same email....this listing has just been reduced....and bla bla.
12-22-2018 08:53 PM
I am aware that potential buyers with items sitting in carts or on watch lists get the e-mail for a price reduction, but a special e-mail for a "viewed only" item? I view countless items daily. Never before have I received an e-mail for a price reduction for an item that I have only viewed.
12-22-2018 08:56 PM
Not new at all, I've been getting them for more than a year.
I even get them for my own items after I've viewed them with this posting id.
12-22-2018 09:04 PM
I've been receiving them for things I have only viewed for quite some time.
12-22-2018 09:26 PM
Good to know, even though I wonder why I am just now getting such e-mails...but it does give me hope that I may have reciprosity when I do a price reduction.
12-22-2018 09:33 PM
12-22-2018 10:36 PM
@judydu2 wrote:Good to know, even though I wonder why I am just now getting such e-mails...but it does give me hope that I may have reciprosity when I do a price reduction.
I don't know what the rhyme or reason to those messages is. I don't get them for every item I have viewed. Some messages just ask if I am still interested in whatever (if I was, I would have placed it in my Watch List). Some say I viewed at such and such a price, save x amount of dollars, it is now x. That's the price reduction ones.