04-21-2021 05:39 AM
I've enjoyed being a small Seller on Ebay for 12 years. It's procedures were simple to understand and use and things have gone smoothly for me most of the time. But, since the recent changes, I've had more issues with sales in the last 4 weeks or so than I've had in 12 years. This aggravation and difficulty may be what causes me to stop selling completely! It's something I enjoy in my retirement, earns me a bit of "pocket change" to supplement my income, and I enjoy the interaction with mostly good people during the transaction process. My rating is 100% for all these years, but because of these confusing new processes I may end up getting hits that affect my rating, and if so, I'm gonna be "outta here"! My philosophy has always been "If it ain't broke, don't fix it......"
04-21-2021 10:04 AM
04-21-2021 10:05 AM
dont need to be on MP to know its BAD, can look here at the MANY MANY MANY posts to tell that, and good idea, keep taking info from those with "real life experience" And you've been enrolled since last August and you still have questions??? Hum, it must be even worse that I thought!!!!
04-21-2021 10:08 AM
So you're saying I believe that "the ones that dont" have less insight than the redundant and repeating posters that are the good guys here??? Hum, I'd like that gig as well, how much do they pay???
04-21-2021 10:10 AM
@fern*wood wrote:Has anyone heard of any seller not being paid through MP for an item ebay claims was paid for and told to ship?
I've been shipping as I always have (actually got a sale notice this morning just before the mail ran and I got it out in about 10 minutes). I'm sincerely curious to hear from anyone having a problem, so I can decide if I need to worry about this.
I've only been on MP here since January, but using the same program, same processor for a few years on another site.
I ship same or next day and never had a payment not go through.
04-21-2021 10:13 AM - edited 04-21-2021 10:14 AM
@byndcell wrote:dont need to be on MP to know its BAD, can look here at the MANY MANY MANY posts to tell that, and good idea, keep taking info from those with "real life experience" And you've been enrolled since last August and you still have questions??? Hum, it must be even worse that I thought!!!!
That's my point, though, for all the badness people keep posting about, I have yet read where a seller didn't get paid for an item they were told to ship. I've only read sellers being afraid of that happening. That's why I asked that question. I haven't had it happen to me, so has anyone?
04-21-2021 10:16 AM
Apparently you're not reading ALL THE POSTS HERE that say this is a NIGHTMARE - I guess all those robots only read the posts they like, AND then jump in to be "helpful" RA RA RA!! SIS BOOM BA!!
04-21-2021 10:17 AM
AND if you want to read more HONEST posts, check out the financial boards at YAHOO - they've started there as well!!
04-21-2021 10:21 AM
AND just to be honest here, from what I see on your listings, (except of course if you have multiple accounts that I'm not seeing like I think most veteran posters here may have) you've had 2 sales since Jan 1, not sure it that qualifies for "real life experience" know what I'm sayin??
04-21-2021 10:21 AM
@byndcell wrote:AND if you want to read more HONEST posts, check out the financial boards at YAHOO - they've started there as well!!
So you have read a post where a seller never got paid for a shipped item? Please offer a link.
There are things I despise about MP (reports for my taxes), but getting paid certainly hasn't been one of them.
04-21-2021 10:22 AM
I AM VERY INTERESTED TO KNOW, what are those things that you despise, PLEASE share that with us all
04-21-2021 10:26 AM
Well I have a 100% rating since 2008 and never had any real issues in all these years with Sellers till the last 4 months and so far I have had to file complaints on 10 Sellers for non shipping of products and at least 4 who submitted fake shipping notices...It has forced me to screen Sellers before I buy to verify the number of negative reviews, more than 5 a month they do not get my business. Something has happened on Ebay and its not a good trend.
04-21-2021 10:30 AM - edited 04-21-2021 10:31 AM
04-21-2021 10:35 AM
@byndcell wrote:Apparently you're not reading ALL THE POSTS HERE that say this is a NIGHTMARE - I guess all those robots only read the posts they like, AND then jump in to be "helpful" RA RA RA!! SIS BOOM BA!!
Yes and most of those posts are from people who have screwed up and blame MP, or are too darned dumb to figure out things on their own
04-21-2021 10:36 AM
This is no doubt true, its true of life in general, of course there are some bad sellers here, no doubt, BUT you can check feedbacks to be sure, WISH we could do that with buyers but as everyone knows, 100% of buyers have 100% feedback. AS TO DELAYED SHIPPING - now I can think of at least 2 reasons for it.
1.) MANGLED PAYMENTS take A LONG TIME TO CLEAR - and as a seller I will not ship until I have CLEARED PAYMENT in MY FINANCIAL INSTITUTION - I see it as 10 days, MY OPINION is you should call ebay and complain about the delayed times in shipping your seeing as a buyer.
2.) USPS IS BROKEN DOWN - Covid has changed the world for sure
BUT this is not an excuse for a bad seller, and I have no doubt there are plenty of them here, just as I have no doubt there are plenty of bad buyers here, BUT feedback would not tell us that. 100% of buyers with 100% positive feedback, please tell me, what world is that in???
YES, ebay has changed, the biggest changes is they make more money as a result of poor management decisions and the distrust they have generated as a result of all these policies
04-21-2021 10:38 AM
Sorry but 10 days is absolute rubbish, Never had an issue getting paid daily / weekly, understand the system !