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I am just wondering if any sellers out there have encountered rude comments from ebay lookers or buyers? Someone has contacted me about something I am selling and accusing me of trying to falsely advertise a collector piece. I try to do the very best I can in explaining what something is and never try to mislead people. But this person was just obnoxious! Sending me note after note and telling me everything I was selling was fake, etc. etc. It's just really uncalled for. Why can't people just be nice? We already have enough to deal with today without mean people in this world! Thanks for lettimg me blow off some steam!!  Have a good days folks!

Message 1 of 45
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Keep in mind that if they are threatening or contain vulgar language, you can report them, there's a report button right in the message.  Also, I have successfully reported people for harrassment, if they send constant messages.  

If it's just garden variety rudeness, just block & move on.  Definitely been there, I once got told to "go suck on my latte" which was a play on words in my listing & that was b/c she asked for a discount & I told her "sorry, my price is firm", she found MY reply extremely rude LOL.  She became totally unhinged by my saying "sorry, my price is firm" 🙄  It was so weird, but it was the middle of the night, I figure she was drunk or high LOL.   Anyway, I successfully reported her, back when Ebay used to tell these weirdos to 'cease & desist'. 

This one goes to Eleven - Nigel Tufnel

Simply-the-best-for-you Volunteer Community Mentor
eBay Seller since 1996

Message 16 of 45
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I have been lucky. Only one person who cried my shipping cost was to high. Items is a volume of Locomotive Quarterly soft bound books. He believed shipping costs  should have been around $2.50. I was asking around $5.00 since 4 issues (! volume weighed 2.2 lbs.). That means I have to ship it as a 3 lb. package via media mail. 

I even offered a major discount if he bought the remaining 4 volumes at one time. This included combined shipping and 20% off the price.

I guess I have had hundreds of different buyers, so less than 1% complainers is nothing to worry about.

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My theory is that there is a certain subset of these people, and they're distributed so that all of us run into one or another at certain intervals.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 18 of 45
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@redmodelt wrote:

When I have done flea markets, the early sales were to other dealers. Man did I sell cheap, as said, a sell is a sell and I was glad to move the cra%...I mean inventory off my tables. 🙂 lol


I agree with you at flea markets/antique shows.  Sometimes the fast nickel is better than the slow dime.  But there is no need to be rude about it or bother a seller.  People get really brave hiding behind their keyboards--might not say such a thing to someone's face.  


Try not to take it personally OP.  It's business not personal.  Block, report if the message warrants it.

evry1nositswindy  •  seller since 2013
Volunteer Community Mentor

Message 19 of 45
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So sorry you got caught in this guy’s crosshairs. There is a noticeable lack of civility and manners these days.


Then there are the lost souls and the crazies. Best not to engage, as others have suggested. Good luck to you and hope your “pen pal” moves on quickly.

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@chapeau-noir wrote:

My theory is that there is a certain subset of these people, and they're distributed so that all of us run into one or another at certain intervals.

The fun comes when they run into one another.  



Message 21 of 45
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Why would you not just ignore and block?

In retail, as in life, there are just some situations where one has to develop a tough hide.  

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. . . and everybody knows one.  

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@dirk12955 wrote:

It's pretty much hard to draw a breath anymore without crossing paths with 

somebody that's rude.

There are people that are born to spoil somebodies day.  



I suppose that must be true in many parts of the country, but I live in a rural-ish, old-fashioned little old town, and I can't remember the last time I met someone rude or unkind.   I'm elderly and not very mobile, and I am grateful for the good people of Small Town America. 



Message 24 of 45
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I haven’t received rude comments in a while,  but I just received an odd one. 
Someone from India asked if I got my account back. Back from what I wonder.  What a strange question.


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I just had a buyer ask me to combine his purchase with the "Other"  purchases.    I'd do that 

for him if there were any other purchases, and there isn't.   

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@dirk12955 wrote:

I just had a buyer ask me to combine his purchase with the "Other"  purchases.    I'd do that 

for him if there were any other purchases, and there isn't.   

Hey, he didn't say the other purchases were items purchased from you.    😄



Message 27 of 45
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Could be a full moon tonight 🤪

Message 28 of 45
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@maxine*j wrote:

@chapeau-noir wrote:

My theory is that there is a certain subset of these people, and they're distributed so that all of us run into one or another at certain intervals.

The fun comes when they run into one another.  



That's when they form villages.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 29 of 45
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@maxine*j wrote:

@dirk12955 wrote:

It's pretty much hard to draw a breath anymore without crossing paths with 

somebody that's rude.

There are people that are born to spoil somebodies day.  



I suppose that must be true in many parts of the country, but I live in a rural-ish, old-fashioned little old town, and I can't remember the last time I met someone rude or unkind.   I'm elderly and not very mobile, and I am grateful for the good people of Small Town America. 



Yet some of those same people might be horrible online - it's a strange thing what people will do in the  privacy of their own home in contrast to the public eye.


(Though I grew up in Small Town America - the stuff I experienced I wish I hadn't). 

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

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